mod_proxy_scgi.xml revision 158222078a98fb13cddf2793b42f7eb8eafe51ae
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<!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "/style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_proxy_scgi.xml.meta">
<description>SCGI gateway module for <module>mod_proxy</module></description>
<p>This module <em>requires</em> the service of <module
>mod_proxy</module>. It provides support for the
<a href="">SCGI protocol, version
<p>Thus, in order to get the ability of handling the SCGI protocol,
<module>mod_proxy</module> and <module>mod_proxy_scgi</module> have to
be present in the server.</p>
<note type="warning"><title>Warning</title>
<p>Do not enable proxying until you have <a
href="mod_proxy.html#access">secured your server</a>. Open proxy
servers are dangerous both to your network and to the Internet at
<section id="examples"><title>Examples</title>
<p>Remember, in order to make the following examples work, you have to
enable <module>mod_proxy</module> and <module>mod_proxy_scgi</module>.</p>
<example><title>Simple gateway</title>
<highlight language="config">
ProxyPass /scgi-bin/ scgi://localhost:4000/
<p>The balanced gateway needs <module>mod_proxy_balancer</module> and
at least one load balancer algorithm module, such as
<module>mod_lbmethod_byrequests</module>, in addition to the proxy
modules listed above. <module>mod_lbmethod_byrequests</module> is the
default, and will be used for this example configuration.</p>
<example><title>Balanced gateway</title>
<highlight language="config">
ProxyPass /scgi-bin/ balancer://somecluster/
&lt;Proxy balancer://somecluster/&gt;
BalancerMember scgi://localhost:4000/
BalancerMember scgi://localhost:4001/
<section id="env"><title>Environment Variables</title>
<p>In addition to the configuration directives that control the
behaviour of <module>mod_proxy</module>, there are a number of
<dfn>environment variables</dfn> that control the SCGI protocol
<dd>By default <module>mod_proxy_scgi</module> will neither create
nor export the <var>PATH_INFO</var> environment variable. This allows
the backend SCGI server to correctly determine <var>SCRIPT_NAME</var>
and <var>Script-URI</var> and be compliant with RFC 3875 section 3.3.
If instead you need <module>mod_proxy_scgi</module> to generate
a "best guess" for <var>PATH_INFO</var>, set this env-var.</dd>
<description>Enable evaluation of <var>X-Sendfile</var> pseudo response
<syntax>ProxySCGISendfile On|Off|<var>Headername</var></syntax>
<default>ProxySCGISendfile Off</default>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>The <directive>ProxySCGISendfile</directive> directive enables the
SCGI backend to let files serve directly by the gateway. This is useful
performance purposes -- the httpd can use <code>sendfile</code> or other
optimizations, which are not possible if the file comes over the backend
<p>The <directive>ProxySCGISendfile</directive> argument determines the
gateway behaviour:</p>
<dd>No special handling takes place.</dd>
<dd>The gateway looks for a backend response header called
<code>X-Sendfile</code> and interprets the value as filename to serve. The
header is removed from the final response headers. This is equivalent to
<code>ProxySCGISendfile X-Sendfile</code>.</dd>
<dt>anything else</dt>
<dd>Similar to <code>On</code>, but instead of the hardcoded header name
the argument is applied as header name.</dd>
<highlight language="config">
# Use the default header (X-Sendfile)
ProxySCGISendfile On
# Use a different header
ProxySCGISendfile X-Send-Static
<description>Enable or disable internal redirect responses from the
<syntax>ProxySCGIInternalRedirect On|Off</syntax>
<default>ProxySCGIInternalRedirect On</default>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>The <directive>ProxySCGIInternalRedirect</directive> enables the backend
to internally redirect the gateway to a different URL. This feature
origins in <module>mod_cgi</module>, which internally redirects the
response, if the response status is <code>OK</code> (<code>200</code>) and
the response contains a <code>Location</code> header and its value starts
with a slash (<code>/</code>). This value is interpreted as a new local
URL the apache internally redirects to.</p>
<p><module>mod_proxy_scgi</module> does the same as
<module>mod_cgi</module> in this regard, except that you can turn off the
<highlight language="config">
ProxySCGIInternalRedirect Off