mod_proxy_fcgi.xml revision d13dc5eaf2353e4a5f308d3f87f1e18c3b03a278
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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_proxy_fcgi.xml.meta">
<description>FastCGI support module for
<compatibility>Available in version 2.3 and later</compatibility>
<p>This module <em>requires</em> the service of <module
>mod_proxy</module>. It provides support for the
<a href="">FastCGI</a> protocol.</p>
<p>Thus, in order to get the ability of handling the <code>FastCGI</code>
protocol, <module>mod_proxy</module> and
<module>mod_proxy_fcgi</module> have to be present in the server.</p>
<p>Unlike <a href="">mod_fcgid</a>
and <a href="">mod_fastcgi</a>,
<module>mod_proxy_fcgi</module> has no provision for starting the
application process; <program>fcgistarter</program> is provided
(on some platforms) for that purpose. Alternatively, external launching
or process management may be available in the FastCGI application
framework in use.</p>
<note type="warning"><title>Warning</title>
<p>Do not enable proxying until you have <a
href="mod_proxy.html#access">secured your server</a>. Open proxy
servers are dangerous both to your network and to the Internet at
<section id="examples"><title>Examples</title>
<p>Remember, in order to make the following examples work, you have to
enable <module>mod_proxy</module> and <module>mod_proxy_fcgi</module>.</p>
<example><title>Single application instance</title>
<highlight language="config">
ProxyPass /myapp/ fcgi://localhost:4000/
<p>This application should be able to handle multiple concurrent
connections. <module>mod_proxy</module> enables connection reuse by
default, so after a request has been completed the connection will be
held open by that httpd child process and won't be reused until that
httpd process routes another request to the application. If the
FastCGI application is unable to handle enough concurrent connections
from httpd, requests can block waiting for the application to close
an existing connection. One way to resolve this is to disable connection
reuse on the <directive>ProxyPass</directive> directive, as shown in
the following example:</p>
<example><title>Single application instance, no connection reuse</title>
<highlight language="config">
ProxyPass /myapp/ fcgi://localhost:4000/ disablereuse=on
<p> The following example passes the request URI as a filesystem
path for the PHP-FPM daemon to run. The request URL is implicitly added
to the 2nd parameter. The hostname and port following fcgi:// are where
PHP-FPM is listening.</p>
<highlight language="config">
ProxyPassMatch ^/myapp/.*\.php(/.*)?$ fcgi://localhost:9000/var/www/
<p> The following example passes the request URI as a filesystem
path for the PHP-FPM daemon to run. In this case, PHP-FPM is listening on
a unix domain socket (UDS). Requires 2.4.9 or later. With this syntax,
the hostname and optional port following fcgi:// are ignored.</p>
<example><title>PHP-FPM with UDS</title>
<highlight language="config">
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ "unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/var/www/"
<p>The balanced gateway needs <module>mod_proxy_balancer</module> and
at least one load balancer algorithm module, such as
<module>mod_lbmethod_byrequests</module>, in addition to the proxy
modules listed above. <module>mod_lbmethod_byrequests</module> is the
default, and will be used for this example configuration.</p>
<example><title>Balanced gateway to multiple application instances</title>
<highlight language="config">
ProxyPass /myapp/ balancer://myappcluster/
&lt;Proxy balancer://myappcluster/&gt;
BalancerMember fcgi://localhost:4000
BalancerMember fcgi://localhost:4001
<p>You can also force a request to be handled as a reverse-proxy
request, by creating a suitable Handler pass-through. The example
configuration below will pass all requests for PHP scripts to the
specified FastCGI server using reverse proxy.
This feature is available in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.10 and later. For performance
reasons, you will want to define a <a href="/mod_proxy.html#worker">worker</a>
representing the same fcgi:// backend. The benefit of this form is that it
allows the normal mapping of URI to filename to occur in the server, and the
local filesystem result is passed to the backend.
<example><title>Proxy via Handler</title>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;FilesMatch \.php$&gt;
SetHandler "proxy:unix:/path/to/app.sock|fcgi://localhost/"
<section id="env"><title>Environment Variables</title>
<p>In addition to the configuration directives that control the
behaviour of <module>mod_proxy</module>, there are a number of
<dfn>environment variables</dfn> that control the FCGI protocol
<dd>By default <module>mod_proxy_fcgi</module> will neither create
nor export the <var>PATH_INFO</var> environment variable. This allows
the backend FCGI server to correctly determine <var>SCRIPT_NAME</var>
and <var>Script-URI</var> and be compliant with RFC 3875 section 3.3.
If instead you need <module>mod_proxy_fcgi</module> to generate
a "best guess" for <var>PATH_INFO</var>, set this env-var.
This is a workaround for a bug in some FCGI implementations.</dd>