mod_macro.xml revision 9546947d8f7082fb4b70e1659feb5460502b73e4
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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_macro.xml.meta">
<description>This module provides usage of macros within apache runtime configuration files</description>
<p>This modules provides macros within apache runtime configuration files.
These macros have parameters. They are expanded when used (parameters are
substituted by their values given as an argument), and the result is
processed normally.</p>
<section id="features"><title>Features</title>
<p>Definition of a macro:</p>
<li> macro definition within a &lt;Macro&gt; section, following
the apache style.</li>
<li> user defined names for the macro and its parameters.</li>
<li> macro names are case-insensitive, like apache directives.</li>
<li> macro parameter names are case sensitive.</li>
<li> macro parameters must have distinct names.</li>
<li> error on empty parameter names.</li>
<li> redefining a macro generates a warning.</li>
<li> macro definitions can be nested... (but what for?)</li>
<li> warn about unused macro parameters.</li>
<li> warn about macro parameter names which prefix one another.</li>
<li> warn if a parameter is not prefixed by any of '<code>$%@</code>'
(good practice).</li>
<li> the available prefixes help deal with interactions with other
directives such as <directive module="core">Define</directive>.</li>
<li> tip: it may be useful to define a macro parameter with surrounding
braces, say <code>${foo}</code> so that the name can appear with
surrounding characters such as <code>bla${foo}bla</code>.</li>
<li> warn about empty macro contents.</li>
<li> warns if sections are not properly nested within a macro.
(if it is detected so).</li>
<li> the lexical scope of macro parameters is restricted to the macro text,
it is not forwarded to includes for instance.</li>
<li> arbitrary contents in macros.
<p>It means you can put perl sections or whatever you like in a macro.
No assumption is made about the lexical structure (quotes, spaces or
whatever) within the macro contents but to expect a set of
backslash-continued independent lines.</p></li>
<p>Use of a macro:</p>
<li> number of arguments must match the definition.</li>
<li> all occurences of macro parameters are substituted by their values.</li>
<li> in case of conflicts, the longest parameter name is chosen.</li>
<li> macro expansion recursion is detected and stopped (error).</li>
<li> warn about empty arguments when used.</li>
<li> on errors, try to describe precisely where the error occured.</li>
<li> <code>$</code> and <code>%</code>-prefixed parameters are not
<li> <code>@</code>-prefixed parameters are escaped in quotes.</li>
<p>Removal of a macro definition:</p>
<li> the macro must be already defined.</li>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Macro DirGroup $dir $group&gt;
&lt;Directory $dir&gt;
require group $group
Use DirGroup /www/apache/private private
Use DirGroup /www/apache/server admin
UndefMacro DirGroup
<!-- Macro -->
<directivesynopsis type="section">
<description>Define a configuration file macro</description>
&lt;Macro <var>name</var> [<var>par1</var> .. <var>parN</var>]&gt;
... &lt;/Macro&gt;</syntax>
<context>server config</context>
<context>virtual host</context>
<p>The <directive>Macro</directive> directive controls the definition of
a macro within the server runtime configuration files.
The first argument is the name of the macro.
Other arguments are parameters to the macro. It is good practice to prefix
parameter names with any of '<code>$%@</code>', and not macro names
with such characters.
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Macro LocalAccessPolicy&gt;
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
&lt;Macro RestrictedAccessPolicy $ipnumbers&gt;
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from $ipnumbers
<!-- Use -->
<description>Use a macro</description>
<syntax>Use <var>name</var> [<var>value1</var> ... <var>valueN</var>]
<context>server config</context>
<context>virtual host</context>
<p>The <directive>Use</directive> directive controls the use of a macro.
The specified macro is expanded. It must be given the same number of
arguments than in the macro definition. The provided values are
associated to their corresponding initial parameters and are substituted
before processing.</p>
<highlight language="config">
Use LocalAccessPolicy
Use RestrictedAccessPolicy ""
<p>is equivalent, with the macros defined above, to:</p>
<highlight language="config">
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
<!-- UndefMacro -->
<description>Undefine a macro</description>
<syntax>UndefMacro <var>name</var></syntax>
<context>server config</context>
<context>virtual host</context>
<p>The <directive>UndefMacro</directive> directive undefines a macro
which has been defined before hand.</p>
<highlight language="config">
UndefMacro LocalAccessPolicy
UndefMacro RestrictedAccessPolicy