mod_heartmonitor.xml revision 9e5acc39290b3341429131dfb126394871e9837d
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<!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "/style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_heartmonitor.xml.meta">
<description>Centralized monitor for mod_heartbeat origin servers</description>
<compatibility>Available in Apache 2.3 and later</compatibility>
<module>mod_heartmonitor</module> listens for server status messages generated
by <module>mod_heartbeat</module> enabled origin servers and makes their status
available to <module>mod_lbmethod_heartbeat</module>. This allows
<directive module="mod_proxy">ProxyPass</directive> to use the "heartbeat"
<em>lbmethod</em> inside of <directive module="mod_proxy">ProxyPass</directive>.
<p>This module uses the services of <module>mod_slotmem_shm</module> when
available instead of flat-file storage. No configuration is required to
use <module>mod_slotmem_shm</module>.</p>
<note type="warning">
To use <module>mod_heartmonitor</module>,
<module>mod_status</module> and <module>mod_watchdog</module>
must be either a static modules or, if a dynamic module, it must
be loaded before <module>mod_heartmonitor</module>.
<description>multicast address to listen for incoming heartbeat requests </description>
<contextlist><context>server config</context></contextlist>
<p>The <directive>HeartbeatListen</directive> directive specifies the
multicast address on which the server will listen for status information from
<module>mod_heartbeat</module>-enabled servers. This
address will usually correspond to a configured <directive
module="mod_heartbeat">HeartbeatAddress</directive> on an origin server.
<highlight language="config">
<p> This module is inactive until this directive is used.</p>
<description>Path to store heartbeat data</description>
<syntax>HeartbeatStorage <var>file-path</var></syntax>
<default>HeartbeatStorage logs/hb.dat</default>
<contextlist><context>server config</context></contextlist>
<p>The <directive>HeartbeatStorage</directive> directive specifies the
path to store heartbeat data. This flat-file is used only when
<module>mod_slotmem_shm</module> is not loaded.</p>
<description>Specifies the maximum number of servers that will be sending
heartbeat requests to this server</description>
<syntax>HeartbeatMaxServers <var>number-of-servers</var></syntax>
<default>HeartbeatMaxServers 10</default>
<contextlist><context>server config</context></contextlist>
<p>The <directive>HeartbeatMaxServers</directive> directive specifies the
maximum number of servers that will be sending requests to this monitor
server. It is used to control the size of the shared memory allocated
to store the heartbeat info when <module>mod_slotmem_shm</module> is in use.</p>