mod_headers.xml revision d17045cb6dded01f32fce428e95afa40fdd184ab
cac0964f155bdb6daba7ecf5628ed2fec3763275orlikowski<?xml version="1.0"?>
9a28fdd4b3e9d196cccecc6e1f3e05e23c4c4566orlikowski<!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "/style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
05b7ad99e5d197b06c761fef0e06a44e353cbc54rbb<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/style/manual.en.xsl"?>
cee52fb06eb61191ce5d495abda58a75a9bb1c4fcoar<!-- $Revision: 1.16 $ -->
05b7ad99e5d197b06c761fef0e06a44e353cbc54rbb Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
042d478e3af4b8adcb61da41dd009f47eca5ed66rbb Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
042d478e3af4b8adcb61da41dd009f47eca5ed66rbb you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
05b7ad99e5d197b06c761fef0e06a44e353cbc54rbb You may obtain a copy of the License at
7aae0c3ef8e7f18f57e2712815c7b48358e5ff68rbb Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
117b3d339f22c270392692f1a4fe03047219204eaaron distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
ef0665105781ee79245fd5014fbc8569730c47a9rbb WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
bcf78e5a1193beb9a93b9e0199d6a10e8937b244rbb See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
d66260b801a953237f71d6a4b26d8fd9ea419e3brbb limitations under the License.
d66260b801a953237f71d6a4b26d8fd9ea419e3brbb<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_headers.xml.meta">
05b7ad99e5d197b06c761fef0e06a44e353cbc54rbb<description>Customization of HTTP request and response
05b7ad99e5d197b06c761fef0e06a44e353cbc54rbb<compatibility><directive module="mod_headers">RequestHeader</directive>
8a3a703eae0e35f674b189181609545c6fc77a09rbbis available only in Apache 2.0</compatibility>
05b7ad99e5d197b06c761fef0e06a44e353cbc54rbb <p>This module provides directives to control and modify HTTP
8a3a703eae0e35f674b189181609545c6fc77a09rbb request and response headers. Headers can be merged, replaced
05b7ad99e5d197b06c761fef0e06a44e353cbc54rbb or removed.</p>
8a3a703eae0e35f674b189181609545c6fc77a09rbb<section id="order"><title>Order of Processing</title>
05b7ad99e5d197b06c761fef0e06a44e353cbc54rbb <p>The directives provided by <module>mod_headers</module> can
05b7ad99e5d197b06c761fef0e06a44e353cbc54rbb occur almost anywhere within the server configuration, and can be
8a3a703eae0e35f674b189181609545c6fc77a09rbb limited in scope by enclosing them in <a
05b7ad99e5d197b06c761fef0e06a44e353cbc54rbb href="/sections.html">configuration sections</a>.</p>
cee52fb06eb61191ce5d495abda58a75a9bb1c4fcoar <p>Order of processing is important and is affected both by the
cee52fb06eb61191ce5d495abda58a75a9bb1c4fcoar order in the configuration file and by placement in <a
cee52fb06eb61191ce5d495abda58a75a9bb1c4fcoar href="/sections.html#mergin">configuration sections</a>. These
bb7f455a6c49400b3dfcb3dfb84f9c3a32947a08rbb two headers have a different effect if reversed:</p>
bb7f455a6c49400b3dfcb3dfb84f9c3a32947a08rbb <example>
bb7f455a6c49400b3dfcb3dfb84f9c3a32947a08rbb RequestHeader append MirrorID "mirror 12"<br />
RequestHeader unset MirrorID
<p>This way round, the <code>MirrorID</code> header is not set. If
reversed, the MirrorID header is set to "mirror 12".</p>
<section id="examples"><title>Examples</title>
Copy all request headers that begin with "TS" to the
response headers:
Header echo ^TS
Add a header, <code>MyHeader</code>, to the response including a
timestamp for when the request was received and how long it
took to begin serving the request. This header can be used by
the client to intuit load on the server or in isolating
bottlenecks between the client and the server.
Header add MyHeader "%D %t"
<p>results in this header being added to the response:</p>
MyHeader: D=3775428 t=991424704447256
Say hello to Joe
Header add MyHeader "Hello Joe. It took %D microseconds \<br />
for Apache to serve this request."
<p>results in this header being added to the response:</p>
MyHeader: Hello Joe. It took D=3775428 microseconds for Apache
to serve this request.
Conditionally send <code>MyHeader</code> on the response if and
only if header "MyRequestHeader" is present on the request. This
is useful for constructing headers in response to some client
stimulus. Note that this example requires the services of the
<module>mod_setenvif</module> module.
SetEnvIf MyRequestHeader value HAVE_MyRequestHeader<br />
Header add MyHeader "%D %t mytext" env=HAVE_MyRequestHeader<br />
<p>If the header <code>MyRequestHeader: value</code> is present on
the HTTP request, the response will contain the following header:</p>
MyHeader: D=3775428 t=991424704447256 mytext
<description>Configure HTTP request headers</description>
<syntax>RequestHeader set|append|add|unset <var>header</var>
[<var>value</var>] [env=[!]<var>variable</var>]</syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>This directive can replace, merge or remove HTTP request
headers. The header is modified just before the content handler
is run, allowing incoming headers to be modified. The action it
performs is determined by the first argument. This can be one
of the following values:</p>
<dd>The request header is set, replacing any previous header
with this name</dd>
<dd>The request header is appended to any existing header of the
same name. When a new value is merged onto an existing header
it is separated from the existing header with a comma. This
is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple
<dd>The request header is added to the existing set of headers,
even if this header already exists. This can result in two
(or more) headers having the same name. This can lead to
unforeseen consequences, and in general <code>append</code> should be
used instead.</dd>
<dd>The request header of this name is removed, if it exists. If
there are multiple headers of the same name, all will be removed.
<var>value</var> must be omitted.</dd>
<p>This argument is followed by a header name, which can
include the final colon, but it is not required. Case is
ignored. For <code>add</code>, <code>append</code> and
<code>set</code> a <var>value</var> is given as the third argument. If
<var>value</var> contains spaces, it should be surrounded by double
quotes. For unset, no <var>value</var> should be given.
<var>value</var> may be a character string, a string containing format
specifiers or a combination of both. The supported format specifiers
are the same as for the <directive module="mod_headers">Header</directive>,
please have a look there for details.</p>
<p>The <directive>RequestHeader</directive> directive may be followed by
an additional argument, which may be used to specify conditions under
which the action will be taken. If the <a href="/env.html">environment
variable</a> specified in the <code>env=<var>...</var></code> argument
exists (or if the environment variable does not exist and
<code>env=!<var>...</var></code> is specified) then the action specified
by the <directive>RequestHeader</directive> directive will take effect.
Otherwise, the directive will have no effect on the request.</p>
<p>The <directive>RequestHeader</directive> directive is processed
just before the request is run by its handler in the fixup phase.
This should allow headers generated by the browser, or by Apache
input filters to be overridden or modified.</p>
<description>Configure HTTP response headers</description>
<syntax>Header [<var>condition</var>] set|append|add|unset|echo
<var>header</var> [<var>value</var>] [env=[!]<var>variable</var>]</syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>This directive can replace, merge or remove HTTP response
headers. The header is modified just after the content handler
and output filters are run, allowing outgoing headers to be
<p>The optional <var>condition</var> can be either <code>onsuccess</code>
or <code>always</code>. It determines, when the specified action should be
taken. <code>onsuccess</code> stands for <code>2<var>xx</var></code> status
codes and <code>always</code> for all status codes (including
<p>The action it performs is determined by the second
argument. This can be one of the following values:</p>
<dd>The response header is set, replacing any previous header
with this name. The <var>value</var> may be a format string.</dd>
<dd>The response header is appended to any existing header of
the same name. When a new value is merged onto an existing
header it is separated from the existing header with a comma.
This is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple values.</dd>
<dd>The response header is added to the existing set of headers,
even if this header already exists. This can result in two
(or more) headers having the same name. This can lead to
unforeseen consequences, and in general "append" should be
used instead.</dd>
<dd>The response header of this name is removed, if it exists.
If there are multiple headers of the same name, all will be
removed. <var>value</var> must be omitted.</dd>
<dd>Request headers with this name are echoed back in the
response headers. <var>header</var> may be a regular expression.
<var>value</var> must be omitted.</dd>
<p>This argument is followed by a <var>header</var> name, which
can include the final colon, but it is not required. Case is
ignored for <code>set</code>, <code>append</code>, <code>add</code>
and <code>unset</code>. The <var>header</var> name for <code>echo</code>
is case sensitive and may be a regular expression.</p>
<p>For <code>add</code>, <code>append</code> and <code>set</code> a
<var>value</var> is specified as the third argument. If <var>value</var>
contains spaces, it should be surrounded by doublequotes.
<var>value</var> may be a character string, a string containing format
specifiers or a combination of both. The following format specifiers
are supported in <var>value</var>:</p>
<table border="1" style="zebra">
<columnspec><column width=".25"/><column width=".75"/></columnspec>
<td>The percent sign</td></tr>
<td>The time the request was received in Universal Coordinated Time
since the epoch (Jan. 1, 1970) measured in microseconds. The value
is preceded by <code>t=</code>.</td></tr>
<td>The time from when the request was received to the time the
headers are sent on the wire. This is a measure of the duration
of the request. The value is preceded by <code>D=</code>.</td></tr>
<td>The contents of the <a href="/env.html">environment
variable</a> <code>FOOBAR</code>.</td></tr>
<td>The contents of the <a href="mod_ssl.html#envvars">SSL environment
variable</a> <code>FOOBAR</code>, if <module>mod_ssl</module> is enabled.</td></tr>
<p>The <code>%s</code> format specifier is only available in
Apache 2.1 and later; it can be used instead of <code>%e</code>
to avoid the overhead of enabling <code>SSLOptions
+StdEnvVars</code>. If <code>SSLOptions +StdEnvVars</code> must
be enabled anyway for some other reason, <code>%e</code> will be
more efficient than <code>%s</code>.</p>
<p>The <directive>Header</directive> directive may be followed by an
additional argument, which may be used to specify conditions
under which the action will be taken. If the <a
href="/env.html">environment variable</a> specified in the
<code>env=<var>...</var></code> argument exists (or if the environment
variable does not exist and <code>env=!<var>...</var></code> is specified)
then the action specified by the <directive>Header</directive> directive
will take effect. Otherwise, the directive will have no effect
on the request.</p>
<p>The <directive>Header</directive> directives are processed just
before the response is sent to the network. These means that it is
possible to set and/or override most headers, except for those headers
added by the header filter.</p>