mod_dir.html revision f9b3be308809978f797e0c57b296147532a4313c
<TITLE>Apache module mod_dir</TITLE>
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<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Module mod_dir</H1>
This module is contained in the <CODE>mod_dir.c</CODE> file, and
is compiled in by default. It provides for "trailing slash" redirects and
serving directory index files.
The index of a directory can come from one of two sources:
<LI>A file written by the user, typically called <CODE>index.html</CODE>.
The <A HREF="#directoryindex">DirectoryIndex</A> directive sets
the name of this file.
This is controlled by <CODE>mod_dir</CODE>.
<LI>Otherwise, a listing generated by the server. This is provided by
<A HREF="mod_autoindex.html"><CODE>mod_autoindex</CODE></A>.
The two functions are separated so that you can completely remove
(or replace) automatic index generation should you want to.
<P>A "trailing slash" redirect is issued when the server receives a
request for a URL <SAMP>http://servername/foo/dirname</SAMP> where
<SAMP>dirname</SAMP> is a directory. Directories require a trailing
slash, so <CODE>mod_dir</CODE> issues a redirect to
<LI><A HREF="#directoryindex">DirectoryIndex</A>
<A name="directoryindex"><h2>DirectoryIndex</h2></A>
<!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt DirectoryIndex} directive&gt; -->
<STRONG>Syntax:</STRONG> DirectoryIndex <EM>local-url local-url ...</EM><BR>
<STRONG>Default:</STRONG> <CODE>DirectoryIndex index.html</CODE><BR>
<Strong>Context:</STRONG> server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess<BR>
<Strong>Override:</STRONG> Indexes<BR>
<STRONG>Status:</STRONG> Base<BR>
<STRONG>Module:</STRONG> mod_dir<P>
The DirectoryIndex directive sets the list of resources to look for,
when the client requests an index of the directory by specifying a /
at the end of the a directory name. <EM>Local-url</EM> is the
(%-encoded) URL of a document on the server relative to the requested
directory; it is usually the name of a file in the directory. Several
URLs may be given, in which case the server will return the first one
that it finds. If none of the resources exist and the
<CODE>Indexes</CODE> option is set, the server will generate its own
listing of the directory.
DirectoryIndex index.html
then a request for <CODE>http://myserver/docs/</CODE> would return
<CODE>http://myserver/docs/index.html</CODE> if it exists, or would list
the directory if it did not. <P>
Note that the documents do not need to be relative to the directory;
DirectoryIndex index.html index.txt /cgi-bin/</CODE></BLOCKQUOTE>
would cause the CGI script <CODE>/cgi-bin/</CODE> to be executed
if neither <CODE>index.html</CODE> or <CODE>index.txt</CODE> existed in
a directory.<P><HR>
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