mod_dav_fs.xml revision fe9dca85c9e1544931fb420615372c10c0181ea7
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "/style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/style/manual.en.xsl"?>
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Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
as applicable.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_dav_fs.xml.meta">
<description>filesystem provider for <module>mod_dav</module></description>
<p>This module <em>requires</em> the service of <module
>mod_dav</module>. It acts as a support module for <module
>mod_dav</module> and provides access to resources located in the
server's file system. The formal name of this provider is
<code>filesystem</code>. <module>mod_dav</module> backend providers
will be invoked by using the <directive module="mod_dav">Dav</directive>
Dav filesystem
<p>Since <code>filesystem</code> is the default provider for
<module>mod_dav</module>, you may simply use the value
<code>On</code> instead.</p>
<description>Location of the DAV lock database</description>
<syntax>DavLockDB <var>file-path</var></syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>Use the <directive>DavLockDB</directive> directive to specify
the full path to the lock database, excluding an extension. If
the path is not absolute, it will be taken relative to <directive
module="core">ServerRoot</directive>. The implementation of
<module>mod_dav_fs</module> uses a SDBM database to track user
<!-- XXX: someone should add that tool to the support directory...
The utility <code>modules/dav/util/lockview</code> can be used from
the server to display all locks in a lock database.</p> -->
DavLockDB var/DavLock
<p>The directory containing the lock database file must be
writable by the <directive module="mpm_common">User</directive>
and <directive module="mpm_common" >Group</directive> under which
Apache is running. For security reasons, you should create a
directory for this purpose rather than changing the permissions on
an existing directory. In the above example, Apache will create
files in the <code>var/</code> directory under the <directive
module="core">ServerRoot</directive> with the base filename
<code>DavLock</code> and extension name chosen by the server.</p>