mod_dav.xml revision d1e705efc6b288edbe466fd1af69d228f508361e
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<description>Distributed Authoring and Versioning
(<a href="">WebDAV</a>) functionality</description>
<p>This module provides class 1 and class 2 <a
href="">WebDAV</a> ('Web-based Distributed
Authoring and Versioning') functionality for Apache. This
extension to the HTTP protocol allows creating, moving,
copying, and deleting resources and collections on a remote web
<seealso><directive module="mod_dav_fs">DavLockDB</directive></seealso>
<seealso><directive module="core">LimitXMLRequestBody</directive></seealso>
<seealso><a href="">WebDAV Resources</a></seealso>
<section id="example"><title>Enabling WebDAV</title>
<p>To enable <module>mod_dav</module>, add the following to a
container in your <code>httpd.conf</code> file:</p>
<example>Dav On</example>
<p>This enables the DAV file system provider, which is implemented by
the <module>mod_dav_fs</module> module. Therefore that module has to
be compiled into the server or has to be loaded at runtime using the
<directive module="mod_so">LoadModule</directive> directive.</p>
<p>In order to make it work you have to specify a web-server writable
filename for the DAV lock database by adding the following to the
global section in your <code>httpd.conf</code> file:</p>
DavLockDB /tmp/DavLock
<p>You may wish to add a <directive module="core" type="section"
>Limit</directive> clause inside the <directive module="core"
type="section">Location</directive> directive to limit access to
DAV-enabled locations. If you want to set the maximum amount of
bytes that a DAV client can send at one request, you have to use
the <directive module="core">LimitXMLRequestBody</directive>
directive. The "normal" <directive module="core"
>LimitRequestBody</directive> directive has no effect on DAV
<example><title>Full Example</title>
DavLockDB /tmp/DavLock<br />
<br />
&lt;Location /foo&gt;<br />
Dav On<br />
<br />
AuthType Basic<br />
AuthName DAV<br />
AuthUserFile user.passwd<br />
<br />
&lt;LimitExcept GET HEAD OPTIONS&gt;<br />
require user admin<br />
&lt;/LimitExcept&gt;<br />
&lt;/Location&gt;<br />
<note type="warning"><title>Security</title>
<p>The use of HTTP Basic Authentication is not recommended. You
should use at least HTTP Digest Authentication, which is provided by
the <module>mod_auth_digest</module> module. Nearly all WebDAV clients
support this authentication method. Of course, Basic Authentication
over an <a href="/ssl/">SSL</a> enabled connection is secure,
<description>Enable WebDAV HTTP methods</description>
<syntax>Dav On|Off|<var>provider-name</var></syntax>
<default>Dav Off</default>
<p>Use the <directive>Dav</directive> directive to enable the
WebDAV HTTP methods for the given container:</p>
&lt;Location /foo&gt;<br />
Dav On<br />
<p>The value <code>On</code> is actually an alias for the default
provider <code>filesystem</code> which is served by the <module
>mod_dav_fs</module> module. Note, that once you have DAV enabled
for some location, it <em>cannot</em> be disabled for sublocations.
For a complete configuration example have a look at the <a
href="#example">section above</a>.</p>
<note type="warning">
Do not enable WebDAV until you have secured your server. Otherwise
everyone will be able to distribute files on your system.
<description>Minimum amount of time the server holds a lock on
a DAV resource</description>
<syntax>DavMinTimeout <var>seconds</var></syntax>
<default>DavMinTimeout 0</default>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>When a client requests a DAV resource lock, it can also
specify a time when the lock will be automatically removed by
the server. This value is only a request, and the server can
ignore it or inform the client of an arbitrary value.</p>
<p>Use the <directive>DavMinTimeout</directive> directive to specify, in
seconds, the minimum lock timeout to return to a client.
Microsoft Web Folders defaults to a timeout of 120 seconds; the
<directive>DavMinTimeout</directive> can override this to a higher value
(like 600 seconds) to reduce the chance of the client losing
the lock due to network latency.</p>
&lt;Location /MSWord&gt;<br />
DavMinTimeout 600<br />
<description>Allow PROPFIND, Depth: Infinity requests</description>
<syntax>DavDepthInfinity on|off</syntax>
<default>DavDepthInfinity off</default>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>Use the <directive>DavDepthInfinity</directive> directive to
allow the processing of <code>PROPFIND</code> requests containing the
header 'Depth: Infinity'. Because this type of request could constitute
a denial-of-service attack, by default it is not allowed.</p>