mod_charset_lite.xml revision 1f1b6bf13313fdd14a45e52e553d3ff28689b717
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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_charset_lite.xml.meta">
<description>Specify character set translation or recoding</description>
<p><module>mod_charset_lite</module> allows the server to change
the character set of responses before sending them to the client.
In an EBCDIC environment, Apache always translates HTTP protocol
content (e.g. response headers) from the code page of the Apache
process locale to ISO-8859-1, but not the body of responses. In
any environment, <module>mod_charset_lite</module> can be used to
specify that response bodies should be translated. For example,
if files are stored in EBCDIC, then
<module>mod_charset_lite</module> can translate them to
ISO-8859-1 before sending them to the client.</p>
<p>This module provides a small subset of configuration
mechanisms implemented by Russian Apache and its associated
<section id="problems"><title>Common Problems</title>
<section><title>Invalid character set names</title>
<p>The character set name parameters of <directive
module="mod_charset_lite">CharsetSourceEnc</directive> and
<directive module="mod_charset_lite">CharsetDefault</directive>
must be acceptable to the translation mechanism used by
<glossary>APR</glossary> on the system where
<module>mod_charset_lite</module> is deployed. These character
set names are not standardized and are usually not the same as
the corresponding values used in http headers. Currently, APR
can only use iconv(3), so you can easily test your character set
names using the iconv(1) program, as follows:</p>
iconv -f charsetsourceenc-value -t charsetdefault-value
<section><title>Mismatch between character set of content and translation
<p>If the translation rules don't make sense for the content,
translation can fail in various ways, including:</p>
<li>The translation mechanism may return a bad return code,
and the connection will be aborted.</li>
<li>The translation mechanism may silently place special
characters (e.g., question marks) in the output buffer when
it cannot translate the input buffer.</li>
<description>Source charset of files</description>
<syntax>CharsetSourceEnc <var>charset</var></syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context>
<context>virtual host</context><context>directory</context>
<p>The <directive>CharsetSourceEnc</directive> directive specifies the
source charset of files in the associated container.</p>
<p>The value of the <var>charset</var> argument must be accepted
as a valid character set name by the character set support in
<glossary>APR</glossary>. Generally, this means that it must be
supported by iconv.</p>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Directory "/export/home/trawick/apacheinst/htdocs/convert"&gt;
CharsetSourceEnc UTF-16BE
CharsetDefault ISO-8859-1
<p>The character set names in this example work with the iconv
translation support in Solaris 8.</p>
Specifying the same charset for both <directive module="mod_charset_lite">CharsetSourceEnc</directive>
and <directive module="mod_charset_lite">CharsetDefault</directive> disables translation. The charset
need not match the charset of the response, but it must be a valid charset on the system.
<description>Charset to translate into</description>
<syntax>CharsetDefault <var>charset</var></syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context>
<context>virtual host</context><context>directory</context>
<p>The <directive>CharsetDefault</directive> directive specifies the
charset that content in the associated container should be
translated to.</p>
<p>The value of the <var>charset</var> argument must be accepted
as a valid character set name by the character set support in
<glossary>APR</glossary>. Generally, this means that it must be
supported by iconv.</p>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Directory "/export/home/trawick/apacheinst/htdocs/convert"&gt;
CharsetSourceEnc UTF-16BE
CharsetDefault ISO-8859-1
Specifying the same charset for both <directive module="mod_charset_lite">CharsetSourceEnc</directive>
and <directive module="mod_charset_lite">CharsetDefault</directive> disables translation. The charset
need not match the charset of the response, but it must be a valid charset on the system.
<description>Configures charset translation behavior</description>
<syntax>CharsetOptions <var>option</var> [<var>option</var>] ...</syntax>
<default>CharsetOptions ImplicitAdd</default>
<contextlist><context>server config</context>
<context>virtual host</context><context>directory</context>
<p>The <directive>CharsetOptions</directive> directive configures certain
behaviors of <module>mod_charset_lite</module>. <var>Option</var> can
be one of</p>
<dt><code>ImplicitAdd | NoImplicitAdd</code></dt>
<dd>The <code>ImplicitAdd</code> keyword specifies that
<module>mod_charset_lite</module> should implicitly insert its
filter when the configuration specifies that the character
set of content should be translated. If the filter chain is
explicitly configured using the <directive module="mod_mime"
>AddOutputFilter</directive> directive, <code>NoImplicitAdd</code>
should be specified so that <module>mod_charset_lite</module>
doesn't add its filter.</dd>
<dt><code>TranslateAllMimeTypes | NoTranslateAllMimeTypes</code></dt>
<dd>Normally, <module>mod_charset_lite</module> will only perform
translation on a small subset of possible mimetypes. When the
<code>TranslateAllMimeTypes</code> keyword is specified for a given
configuration section, translation is performed without regard for