mod_cgi.html revision ead9af34e38b625bb50f47ddd1789668b8d7dce9
<title>Apache module mod_cgi</title>
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<h1>Module mod_cgi</h1>
This module is contained in the <code>mod_cgi.c</code> file, and
is compiled in by default. It provides for execution of CGI scripts.
Any file with mime type <code>application/x-httpd-cgi</code> will be
processed by this module.
<!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt application/x-httpd-cgi} mime type&gt; -->
<!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX CGI scripts&gt; -->
Any file that has the mime type <code>application/x-httpd-cgi</code>
or handler <code>cgi-script</code> (Apache 1.1 or later)
will be treated as a CGI script, and run by the server, with its output
being returned to the client. Files acquire this type either by
having a name ending in an extension defined by the
<A HREF="mod_mime.html#addtype">AddType</A> directive, or by being in
a <A HREF="mod_alias.html#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</A> directory. <p>
When the server invokes a CGI script, it will add a variable called
<code>DOCUMENT_ROOT</code> to the environment. This variable will contain the
value of the <A HREF="core.html#documentroot">DocumentRoot</A>
configuration variable.
<h2>CGI Environment variables</h2>
The server will set the CGI environment variables as described in the CGI
specification, with the following provisons:
<dd>This will only be set if the server has not been compiled with
<dd>This will only be set if
<A HREF="core.html#identitycheck">IdentityCheck</A> is set to <code>on</code>.
<dd>This will only be set if the CGI script is subject to authentication.
<a name="cgi_debug"><h2>CGI Debugging</h2></a>
Debugging CGI scripts has traditionally been difficult, mainly because
it has
been possible to study the output (standard output and error) for
which are failing to run properly. These directives, included in
Apache 1.2 and later, provide
more detailed logging of errors when they occur.
<h2>CGI Logfile Format</h2>
When configured, the CGI error log logs any CGI which does not execute
properly. Each CGI script which fails to operate causes several lines
of information to be logged. The first two lines are always of the
%% [<i>time</i>] <i>request-line</i>
%% <i>HTTP-status</i> <i>CGI-script-filename</i>
If the error is that CGI script cannot be run, the log file will
an extra two lines:
Alternatively, if the error is the result of the script returning
incorrect header information (often due to a bug in the script), the
following information is logged:
<i>All HTTP request headers received</i>
<i>POST or PUT entity (if any)</i>
<i>All headers output by the CGI script</i>
<i>CGI standard output</i>
<i>CGI standard error</i>
(The %stdout and %stderr parts may be missing if the script did not
anything on standard output or standard error).
<a name="scriptlog"><h3>ScriptLog</h3></a>
<b>Syntax:</b> ScriptLog <i>filename</i><br>
<b>Default:</b> none<br>
<b>Context:</b> resource config<br>
<b>Status:</b> mod_cgi
The <tt>ScriptLog</tt> directive sets the CGI script error logfile. If
ScriptLog is given, no error log is created. If given, any CGI errors
into the filename given as argument. If this is a relative file or
path it is
taken relative to the server root.
<a name="scriptloglength"><h3>ScriptLogLength</h3></a>
<b>Syntax:</b> ScriptLogLength <i>size</i><br>
<b>Default:</b> 10385760<br>
<b>Context:</b> resource config<br>
<b>Status:</b> mod_cgi
<tt>ScriptLogLength</tt> can be used to limit the size of the CGI
script logfile. Since the logfile logs a lot of information per CGI
error (all request headers, all script output) it can grow to be a big
file. To prevent problems due to unbounded growth, this directive can
be used to set an maximum file-size for the CGI logfile. If the file
exceeds this size, no more information will be written to it.
<a name="scriptlogbuffer"><h3>ScriptLogBuffer</h3></a>
<b>Syntax:</b> ScriptLogBuffer <i>size</i><br>
<b>Default:</b> 1024<br>
<b>Context:</b> resource config<br>
<b>Status:</b> mod_cgi
The size of any PUT or POST entity body that is logged to the file is
limited, to prevent the log file growing too big too quickly if large
bodies are being received. By default, up to 1024 bytes are logged,
but this can be changed with this directive.
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