mod_authz_dbm.xml revision 35ffb30f57f777dbf3f17c5a5ddf706559942c16
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<description>Group authorization using DBM files</description>
<compatibility>Available in Apache 2.1 and later</compatibility>
<p>This module provides authorization capabilities so that
authenticated users can be allowed or denied access to portions
of the web site by group membership. Similar functionality is
provided by <module>mod_authz_groupfile</module>.</p>
<seealso><directive module="core">Require</directive></seealso>
<seealso><directive module="core">Satisfy</directive></seealso>
<description>Sets the name of the database file containing the list
of user groups for authentication</description>
<syntax>AuthDBMGroupFile <var>file-path</var></syntax>
<p>The <directive>AuthDBMGroupFile</directive> directive sets the
name of a DBM file containing the list of user groups for user
authentication. <var>File-path</var> is the absolute path to the
group file.</p>
<p>The group file is keyed on the username. The value for a
user is a comma-separated list of the groups to which the users
belongs. There must be no whitespace within the value, and it
must never contain any colons.</p>
<note type="warning"><title>Security</title>
<p>Make sure that the <directive>AuthDBMGroupFile</directive> is
stored outside the document tree of the web-server. Do
<strong>not</strong> put it in the directory that it protects.
Otherwise, clients will be able to download the
<directive>AuthDBMGroupFile</directive> unless otherwise
<p>Combining Group and Password DBM files: In some cases it is
easier to manage a single database which contains both the
password and group details for each user. This simplifies any
support programs that need to be written: they now only have to
deal with writing to and locking a single DBM file. This can be
accomplished by first setting the group and password files to
point to the same DBM:</p>
AuthDBMGroupFile /www/userbase<br />
AuthDBMUserFile /www/userbase
<p>The key for the single DBM is the username. The value consists
Encrypted Password : List of Groups [ : (ignored) ]
<p>The password section contains the encrypted
password as before. This is followed by a colon and the comma
separated list of groups. Other data may optionally be left in the
DBM file after another colon; it is ignored by the authentication
module. This is what uses for its combined
password and group database.</p>
<description>Sets the type of database file that is used to
store passwords</description>
<syntax>AuthzDBMType default|SDBM|GDBM|NDBM|DB</syntax>
<default>AuthzDBMType default</default>
<p>Sets the type of database file that is used to store the passwords.
The default database type is determined at compile time. The
availability of other types of database files also depends on
<a href="/install.html#dbm">compile-time settings</a>.</p>
<p>It is crucial that whatever program you use to create your password
files is configured to use the same type of database.</p>
<description>Sets whether authorization will be passed on to lower level
<syntax>AuthzDBMAuthoritative On|Off</syntax>
<default>AuthzDBMAuthoritative On</default>
<p>Setting the <directive>AuthzDBMAuthoritative</directive>
directive explicitly to <code>Off</code> allows group authorization
to be passed on to lower level modules (as defined in the
<code>modules.c</code> file) if there is no group found
for the the supplied userID. If there are any groups
specified, the usual checks will be applied and a failure will
give an Authentication Required reply.</p>
<p>So if a userID appears in the database of more than one module;
or if a valid <directive module="core">Require</directive>
directive applies to more than one module; then the first module
will verify the credentials; and no access is passed on;
regardless of the <directive>AuthAuthoritative</directive> setting.</p>
<p>A common use for this is in conjunction with one of the
auth providers; such as <module>mod_authn_dbm</module> or
<module>mod_authn_file</module>. Whereas this DBM module supplies
the bulk of the user credential checking; a few (administrator) related
accesses fall through to a lower level with a well protected
<code>.htpasswd</code> file.</p>
<p>By default, control is not passed on and an unknown group
will result in an Authentication Required reply. Not
setting it thus keeps the system secure and forces an NCSA
compliant behaviour.</p>
<note type="warning"><title>Security</title>
<p>Do consider the implications of allowing a user to
allow fall-through in his .htaccess file; and verify that this
is really what you want; Generally it is easier to just secure
a single <code>.htpasswd</code> file, than it is to secure a
database which might have more access interfaces.</p>