mod_authz_core.xml revision ac1a656380fb9c5636a1f41b7e284f8eb2d60011
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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_authz_core.xml.meta">
<description>Core Authorization</description>
<compatibility>Available in Apache 2.3 and later</compatibility>
<p>This module provides core authorization capabilities so that
authenticated users can be allowed or denied access to portions
of the web site. <module>mod_authz_core</module> provides the
functionality to register various authorization providers. It is
usually used in conjunction with an authentication
provider module such as <module>mod_authn_file</module> and an
authorization module such as <module>mod_authz_user</module>. It
also allows for advanced logic to be applied to the
authorization processing.</p>
<section id="authzalias"><title>Creating Authorization Provider Aliases</title>
<p>Extended authorization providers can be created within the configuration
file and assigned an alias name. The alias providers can then be referenced
through the <directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive> and
<directive module="mod_authz_core">Match</directive> directives
in the same way as a base authorization provider. Besides the ability to
create and alias an extended provider, it also allows the same extended
authorization provider to be reference by multiple locations.
<section id="example"><title>Example</title>
<p>The example below creates two different ldap authorization provider
aliases based on the ldap-group authorization provider. This example
allows a single authorization location to check group membership within
multiple ldap hosts:
&lt;AuthzProviderAlias ldap-group ldap-group-alias1 cn=my-group,o=ctx&gt;<br />
AuthLDAPBindDN cn=youruser,o=ctx<br />
AuthLDAPBindPassword yourpassword<br />
AuthLDAPURL ldap://<br />
&lt;/AuthzProviderAlias&gt;<br /><br />
&lt;AuthnProviderAlias ldap-group ldap-group-alias2
cn=my-other-group,o=dev&gt;<br />
AuthLDAPBindDN cn=yourotheruser,o=dev<br />
AuthLDAPBindPassword yourotherpassword<br />
AuthLDAPURL ldap://<br />
&lt;/AuthzProviderAlias&gt;<br /><br />
Alias /secure /webpages/secure<br />
&lt;Directory /webpages/secure&gt;<br />
Order deny,allow<br />
Allow from all<br /><br />
AuthBasicProvider file<br /><br />
AuthType Basic<br />
AuthName LDAP_Protected_Place<br /><br />
#implied OR operation<br />
Require alias1-ldap-group<br />
Require alias2-ldap-group<br />
</indent> &lt;/Directory&gt;<br />
<section id="logic"><title>Authorization Containers</title>
<p>The authorization container directives
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">MatchAll</directive>,
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">MatchAny</directive>,
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">MatchNotAll</directive>
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">MatchNotAny</directive>
may be combined with each other and with the
<directive module="mod_authz_core">Match</directive>
directive to express complex authorization logic.</p>
<p>The example below expresses the following authorization logic.
In order to access the resource, the user must either be the
<code>superadmin</code> user, or belong to both the
<code>admins</code> group and the <code>Administrators</code> LDAP
group and either belong to the <code>sales</code> group or
have the LDAP <code>dept</code> attribute <code>sales</code>.
Furthermore, in order to access the resource, the user must
not belong to either the <code>temps</code> group or the
LDAP group <code>Temporary Employees</code>.</p>
&lt;Directory /www/mydocs&gt;
Match user superadmin<br />
Match group admins<br />
Match ldap-group cn=Administrators,o=Airius<br />
Match group sales<br />
Match ldap-attribute dept="sales"
&lt;/MatchAny&gt;<br />
Match group temps<br />
Match ldap-group cn=Temporary Employees,o=Airius
<description>Tests whether an authenticated user is authorized by
an authorization provider.</description>
<syntax>Require <var>entity-name</var> [<var>entity-name</var>] ...</syntax>
<p>This directive tests whether an authenticated user is authorized
according to a particular authorization provider and the specified
restrictions. Some of the allowed syntaxes provided by
<module>mod_authz_user</module> and
<module>mod_authz_groupfile</module> are:</p>
<dt><code>Require user <var>userid</var> [<var>userid</var>]
<dd>Only the named users can access the resource.</dd>
<dt><code>Require group <var>group-name</var> [<var>group-name</var>]
<dd>Only users in the named groups can access the resource.</dd>
<dt><code>Require valid-user</code></dt>
<dd>All valid users can access the resource.</dd>
<p>Other authorization modules that implement require options
include <module>mod_authnz_ldap</module>,
<module>mod_authz_dbm</module>, <module>mod_authz_dbd</module>,
<module>mod_authz_host</module>, and
<p>For a complete authentication and authorization configuration,
<directive>Require</directive> must be accompanied by
<directive module="mod_authn_core">AuthName</directive>, <directive
module="mod_authn_core">AuthType</directive> and
<directive module="mod_auth_basic">AuthBasicProvider</directive>
directives, and directives such as
<directive module="mod_authn_file">AuthUserFile</directive>
and <directive module="mod_authz_groupfile">AuthGroupFile</directive> (to
define users and groups) in order to work correctly. Example:</p>
AuthType Basic<br />
AuthName "Restricted Resource"<br />
AuthBasicProvider file<br />
AuthUserFile /web/users<br />
AuthGroupFile /web/groups<br />
Require group admin
<p>Access controls which are applied in this way are effective for
<strong>all</strong> methods. <strong>This is what is normally
desired.</strong> If you wish to apply access controls only to
specific methods, while leaving other methods unprotected, then
place the <directive>Require</directive> statement into a
<directive module="core" type="section">Limit</directive>
<p>When multiple <directive>Require</directive> directives are
used in a single
<a href="/sections.html#mergin">configuration section</a>,
the first one to authorize a user authorizes the entire request,
and subsequent <directive>Require</directive> directives are
ignored. In other words, all <directive>Require</directive> directives
are enclosed in an implied <directive module="mod_authz_core"
type="section">MatchAny</directive> directive.</p>
<note><directive>Require</directive> directives may not be combined
with the <directive module="mod_authz_core">Match</directive> directive
or any authorization container directives, such as
<directive module="mod_authz_core"
<seealso><a href="/howto/auth.html">Authentication, Authorization,
and Access Control</a></seealso>
<description>Tests whether an authenticated user is authorized by
an authorization provider.</description>
<syntax>Match [not] <var>entity-name</var>
[<var>entity-name</var>] ...</syntax>
<p>This directive is similar to the
<directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive> directive;
it tests whether an authenticated user is authorized according to
a particular authorization provider and the specified restrictions.</p>
<p>Unlike the <directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive>
directive, it may be used with and inside authorization container
directives such as
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">MatchAll</directive>.</p>
<p>Furthermore, its result may be negated through the use of the
<code>not</code> option. As with other negated authorization directives,
in this case the <directive>Match</directive> directive may only
either fail or return a neutral result, and can therefore never
independently authorize a request.</p>
<p>In the following example, all users in the <code>alpha</code>
and <code>beta</code> groups are authorized, except for those who
are also in the <code>reject</code> group.</p>
&lt;Directory /www/docs&gt;
Match group alpha beta<br />
Match not group reject
<p>When multiple <directive>Match</directive> directives are
used in a single
<a href="/sections.html#mergin">configuration section</a>
and are not contained in another authorization directive like
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">MatchAny</directive>,
they are implicitly contained within a
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">MatchAll</directive>
directive. Thus for the user to be authorized, all such
<directive>Match</directive> directives must not fail, and
at least one must be successful.</p>
<note><directive>Match</directive> directives may not be combined
with the <directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive>
<seealso><directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive></seealso>
<seealso><a href="#logic">Authorization Containers</a></seealso>
<seealso><a href="/howto/auth.html">Authentication, Authorization,
and Access Control</a></seealso>
<directivesynopsis type="section">
<description>Enclose a group of authorization directives of which none
must fail and at least one must succeed for the enclosing directive to
... &lt;/MatchAll&gt;</syntax>
<p><directive type="section">MatchAll</directive> and
<code>&lt;/MatchAll&gt;</code> are used to enclose a group of
authorization directives of which none must fail and at least one
must succeed in order for
the <directive type="section">MatchAll</directive> directive to
<p>If none of the directives contained within the
<directive type="section">MatchAll</directive> directive fails,
and at least one succeeds, then the
<directive type="section">MatchAll</directive> directive
succeeds. If none succeed and none fail, then it returns a
neutral result. In all other cases, it fails.</p>
<seealso><a href="#logic">Authorization Containers</a></seealso>
<seealso><a href="/howto/auth.html">Authentication, Authorization,
and Access Control</a></seealso>
<directivesynopsis type="section">
<description>Enclose a group of authorization directives of which one
must succeed for the enclosing directive to succeed.</description>
... &lt;/MatchAny&gt;</syntax>
<p><directive type="section">MatchAny</directive> and
<code>&lt;/MatchAny&gt;</code> are used to enclose a group of
authorization directives of which one must succeed in order for
the <directive type="section">MatchAny</directive> directive to
<p>If one or more of the directives contained within the
<directive type="section">MatchAny</directive> directive succeed,
then the <directive type="section">MatchAny</directive> directive
succeeds. If none succeed and none fail, then it returns a
neutral result. In all other cases, it fails.</p>
<note>Because negated authorization directives are unable to
return a successful result, they can not significantly influence
the result of a <directive type="section">MatchAny</directive>
directive. (At most they could cause the directive to fail in
the case where they failed and all other directives returned a
neutral value.) Therefore negated authorization directives
are not permitted within a <directive type="section">MatchAny</directive>
<seealso><a href="#logic">Authorization Containers</a></seealso>
<seealso><a href="/howto/auth.html">Authentication, Authorization,
and Access Control</a></seealso>
<directivesynopsis type="section">
<description>Enclose a group of authorization directives of which some
must fail or none must succeed for the enclosing directive to
not fail.</description>
... &lt;/MatchNotAll&gt;</syntax>
<p><directive type="section">MatchNotAll</directive> and
<code>&lt;/MatchNotAll&gt;</code> are used to enclose a group of
authorization directives of which some must fail or none must succeed
in order for the
<directive type="section">MatchNotAll</directive> directive to
not fail.</p>
<p>If none of the directives contained within the
<directive type="section">MatchNotAll</directive> directive
fail, and one or more succeed, then the
<directive type="section">MatchNotAll</directive> directive fails.
In all other cases, it returns a neutral result. Thus as with
the other negated authorization directives, it can never independently
authorize a request because it can never return a successful result.
It can be used, however, to restrict the set of users who are
authorized to access a resource.</p>
<seealso><a href="#logic">Authorization Containers</a></seealso>
<seealso><a href="/howto/auth.html">Authentication, Authorization,
and Access Control</a></seealso>
<directivesynopsis type="section">
<description>Enclose a group of authorization directives of which none
none must succeed for the enclosing directive to not fail.</description>
... &lt;/MatchNotAny&gt;</syntax>
<p><directive type="section">MatchNotAny</directive> and
<code>&lt;/MatchNotAny&gt;</code> are used to enclose a group of
authorization directives of which none must succeed
in order for the
<directive type="section">MatchNotAny</directive> directive to
not fail.</p>
<p>If one or more of the directives contained within the
<directive type="section">MatchNotAny</directive> directive succeed,
then the <directive type="section">MatchNotAny</directive> directive
fails. In all other cases, it returns a neutral result. Thus as with
the other negated authorization directives, it can never independently
authorize a request because it can never return a successful result.
It can be used, however, to restrict the set of users who are
authorized to access a resource.</p>
<note>Because negated authorization directives are unable to
return a successful result, they can not significantly influence
the result of a <directive type="section">MatchNotAny</directive>
directive. Therefore negated authorization directives
are not permitted within a
<directive type="section">MatchNotAny</directive> directive.</note>
<seealso><a href="#logic">Authorization Containers</a></seealso>
<seealso><a href="/howto/auth.html">Authentication, Authorization,
and Access Control</a></seealso>
<description>Controls the manner in which each configuration section's
authorization logic is combined with that of preceding configuration
<syntax>MergeAuthz Off | MatchAll | MatchAny</syntax>
<default>MergeAuthz Off</default>
<p>When authorization is enabled, it is normally inherited by each
subsequent <a href="/sections.html#mergin">configuration section</a>,
unless a different set of authorization directives are specified.
This is the default action, which corresponds to an explicit setting
of <code>MergeAuthz Off</code>.</p>
<p>However, there may be circumstances in which is it desirable
for a configuration section's authorization to be combined with
that of its predecessor while configuration sections are being
merged. Two options are available for this case, <code>MatchAll</code>
and <code>MatchAny</code>.</p>
<p>When a configuration section contains <code>AuthzMerge MatchAll</code>
or <code>AuthzMerge MatchAny</code>,
its authorization logic is combined with that of the nearest
predecessor (according to the overall order of configuration sections)
which also contains authorization logic as if the two sections
were jointly contained within a
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">MatchAll</directive> or
<directive module="mod_authz_core" type="section">MatchAny</directive>
directive, respectively.</p>
<note>The setting of <directive>AuthzMerge</directive> is not
inherited outside of the configuration section in which it appears.
In the following example, only users belonging to group <code>alpha</code>
may access <code>/www/docs</code>. Users belonging to either
groups <code>alpha</code> or <code>beta</code> may access
<code>/www/docs/ab</code>. However, the default <code>Off</code>
setting of <directive>AuthzMerge</directive> applies to the
<directive type="section" module="core">Directory</directive>
configuration section for <code>/www/docs/ab/gamma</code>, so
that section's authorization directives override those of the
preceding sections. Thus only users belong to the group
<code>gamma</code> may access <code>/www/docs/ab/gamma</code>.</note>
&lt;Directory /www/docs&gt;
AuthType Basic<br />
AuthName Documents<br />
AuthBasicProvider file<br />
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords<br />
Match group alpha
&lt;/Directory&gt;<br />
<br />
&lt;Directory /www/docs/ab&gt;
AuthzMerge MatchAny<br />
Match group beta
&lt;/Directory&gt;<br />
<br />
&lt;Directory /www/docs/ab/gamma&gt;
Match group gamma
<directivesynopsis type="section">
<description>Enclose a group of directives that represent an
extension of a base authorization provider and referenced by the specified
<syntax>&lt;AuthzProviderAlias <var>baseProvider Alias Require-Parameters</var>&gt;
... &lt;/AuthzProviderAlias&gt;
<contextlist><context>server config</context>
<p><directive type="section">AuthzProviderAlias</directive> and
<code>&lt;/AuthzProviderAlias&gt;</code> are used to enclose a group of
authorization directives that can be referenced by the alias name using the
directive <directive module="mod_authz_core">Require</directive>.</p>