mod_auth_basic.xml revision eb2ec22d29880e9040ae831f49503813613d3c0a
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<description>Basic authentication</description>
<compatibility>Available in Apache 2.0.44 and later</compatibility>
<p>This module allows the use of HTTP Basic Authentication to
restrict access by looking up users in the given providers.
HTTP Digest Authentication is provided by
<seealso><directive module="core">AuthName</directive></seealso>
<seealso><directive module="core">AuthType</directive></seealso>
<description>Sets the authentication provider(s) for this location</description>
<syntax>AuthBasicProvider <em>provider-name</em></syntax>
<p>The <directive>AuthBasicProvider</directive> directive sets
which provider is used to authenticate the users for this location.</p>
<p>See <module>mod_authn_dbm</module>, <module>mod_authn_file</module>
for providers.</p>
<description>Sets whether authorization and authentication are
passed to lower level modules</description>
<syntax>AuthBasicAuthoritative on|off</syntax>
<default>AuthBasicAuthoritative on</default>
<p>Setting the <directive>AuthBasicAuthoritative</directive> directive
explicitly to <strong>'off'</strong> allows for both
authentication and authorization to be passed on to lower level
modules (as defined in the <code>Configuration</code> and
<code>modules.c</code> files) if there is <strong>no
userID</strong> or <strong>rule</strong> matching the supplied
userID. If there is a userID and/or rule specified; the usual
password and access checks will be applied and a failure will give
an Authorization Required reply.</p>
<p>So if a userID appears in the database of more than one module;
or if a valid <directive module="core">Require</directive>
directive applies to more than one module; then the first module
will verify the credentials; and no access is passed on;
regardless of the AuthAuthoritative setting.</p>
<p>By default; control is not passed on; and an unknown userID or
rule will result in an Authorization Required reply. Not setting
it thus keeps the system secure; and forces an NCSA compliant