mod_alias.xml revision e54ed2ca7730f513417f7ddbb2c85a49a8063cdb
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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_alias.xml.meta">
<description>Provides for mapping different parts of the host
filesystem in the document tree and for URL redirection</description>
<p>The directives contained in this module allow for manipulation
and control of URLs as requests arrive at the server. The
<directive module="mod_alias">Alias</directive> and <directive
module="mod_alias">ScriptAlias</directive> directives are used to
map between URLs and filesystem paths. This allows for content
which is not directly under the <directive
module="core">DocumentRoot</directive> served as part of the web
document tree. The <directive
module="mod_alias">ScriptAlias</directive> directive has the
additional effect of marking the target directory as containing
only CGI scripts.</p>
<p>The <directive module="mod_alias">Redirect</directive>
directives are used to instruct clients to make a new request with
a different URL. They are often used when a resource has moved to
a new location.</p>
<p><module>mod_alias</module> is designed to handle simple URL
manipulation tasks. For more complicated tasks such as
manipulating the query string, use the tools provided by
<seealso><module>mod_rewrite</module></seealso> <seealso><a
href="/urlmapping.html">Mapping URLs to the filesystem</a></seealso>
<section id="order"><title>Order of Processing</title>
<p>Aliases and Redirects occuring in different contexts are processed
like other directives according to standard <a
href="/sections.html#mergin">merging rules</a>. But when multiple
Aliases or Redirects occur in the same context (for example, in the
same <directive type="section" module="core">VirtualHost</directive>
section) they are processed in a particular order.</p>
<p>First, all Redirects are processed before Aliases are processed,
and therefore a request that matches a <directive
module="mod_alias">Redirect</directive> or <directive
module="mod_alias">RedirectMatch</directive> will never have Aliases
applied. Second, the Aliases and Redirects are processed in the order
they appear in the configuration files, with the first match taking
<p>For this reason, when two or more of these directives apply to the
same sub-path, you must list the most specific path first in order for
all the directives to have an effect. For example, the following
configuration will work as expected:</p>
Alias /foo/bar /baz<br />
Alias /foo /gaq
<p>But if the above two directives were reversed in order, the
<code>/foo</code> <directive module="mod_alias">Alias</directive>
would always match before the <code>/foo/bar</code> <directive
module="mod_alias">Alias</directive>, so the latter directive would be
<description>Maps URLs to filesystem locations</description>
<syntax>Alias <var>URL-path</var>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>The <directive>Alias</directive> directive allows documents to
be stored in the local filesystem other than under the
<directive module="core">DocumentRoot</directive>. URLs with a
(%-decoded) path beginning with <var>url-path</var> will be mapped
to local files beginning with <var>directory-path</var>. The
<var>url-path</var> is case-sensitive, even on case-insensitive
file systems.</p>
Alias /image /ftp/pub/image
<p>A request for <code>http://myserver/image/foo.gif</code> would cause
the server to return the file <code>/ftp/pub/image/foo.gif</code>. Only
complete path segments are matched, so the above alias would not match a
request for <code>http://myserver/imagefoo.gif</code>. For more complex
matching using regular expressions, see the <directive module="mod_alias"
>AliasMatch</directive> directive.</p>
<p>Note that if you include a trailing / on the
<var>url-path</var> then the server will require a trailing / in
order to expand the alias. That is, if you use</p>
<dl><dd><code>Alias /icons/ /usr/local/apache/icons/</code></dd></dl>
<p>then the url <code>/icons</code> will not be aliased.</p>
<p>Note that you may need to specify additional <directive
type="section" module="core">Directory</directive> sections which
cover the <em>destination</em> of aliases. Aliasing occurs before
<directive type="section" module="core">Directory</directive> sections
are checked, so only the destination of aliases are affected.
(Note however <directive type="section" module="core">Location</directive>
sections are run through once before aliases are performed, so
they will apply.)</p>
<p>In particular, if you are creating an <code>Alias</code> to a
directory outside of your <directive
module="core">DocumentRoot</directive>, you may need to explicitly
permit access to the target directory.</p>
Alias /image /ftp/pub/image<br />
&lt;Directory /ftp/pub/image&gt;<br />
Order allow,deny<br />
Allow from all<br />
<description>Maps URLs to filesystem locations using regular
<syntax>AliasMatch <var>regex</var>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>This directive is equivalent to <directive
module="mod_alias">Alias</directive>, but makes use of
<glossary ref="regex">regular expressions</glossary>,
instead of simple prefix matching. The
supplied regular expression is matched against the URL-path, and
if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized
matches into the given string and use it as a filename. For
example, to activate the <code>/icons</code> directory, one might
AliasMatch ^/icons(.*) /usr/local/apache/icons$1
<p>It is also possible to construct an alias with case-insensitive
matching of the url-path:</p>
AliasMatch (?i)^/image(.*) /ftp/pub/image$1
<description>Sends an external redirect asking the client to fetch
a different URL</description>
<syntax>Redirect [<var>status</var>] <var>URL-path</var>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>The Redirect directive maps an old URL into a new one by asking
the client to refetch the resource at the new location.</p>
<p>The old <em>URL-path</em> is a case-sensitive (%-decoded) path
beginning with a slash. A relative path is not allowed. The new
<em>URL</em> should be an absolute URL beginning with a scheme and
hostname, but a URL-path beginning with a slash may also be used,
in which case the scheme and hostname of the current server will
be added.</p>
<p>Then any request beginning with <em>URL-Path</em> will return a
redirect request to the client at the location of the target
<em>URL</em>. Additional path information beyond the matched
<em>URL-Path</em> will be appended to the target URL.</p>
Redirect /service
<p>If the client requests <code></code>,
it will be told to access
instead. Only complete path segments are matched, so the above
example would not match a request for
<code></code>. For more complex matching
using regular expressions, see the <directive
module="mod_alias">RedirectMatch</directive> directive.</p>
<p>Redirect directives take precedence over Alias and ScriptAlias
directives, irrespective of their ordering in the configuration
<p>If no <var>status</var> argument is given, the redirect will
be "temporary" (HTTP status 302). This indicates to the client
that the resource has moved temporarily. The <var>status</var>
argument can be used to return other HTTP status codes:</p>
<dd>Returns a permanent redirect status (301) indicating that
the resource has moved permanently.</dd>
<dd>Returns a temporary redirect status (302). This is the
<dd>Returns a "See Other" status (303) indicating that the
resource has been replaced.</dd>
<dd>Returns a "Gone" status (410) indicating that the
resource has been permanently removed. When this status is
used the <var>URL</var> argument should be omitted.</dd>
<p>Other status codes can be returned by giving the numeric
status code as the value of <var>status</var>. If the status is
between 300 and 399, the <var>URL</var> argument must be present,
otherwise it must be omitted. Note that the status must be
known to the Apache code (see the function
<code>send_error_response</code> in http_protocol.c).</p>
Redirect permanent /one<br />
Redirect 303 /three
<description>Sends an external redirect based on a regular expression match
of the current URL</description>
<syntax>RedirectMatch [<var>status</var>] <var>regex</var>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>This directive is equivalent to <directive
module="mod_alias">Redirect</directive>, but makes use of
<glossary ref="regex">regular expressions</glossary>,
instead of simple prefix matching. The
supplied regular expression is matched against the URL-path, and
if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized
matches into the given string and use it as a filename. For
example, to redirect all GIF files to like-named JPEG files on
another server, one might use:</p>
RedirectMatch (.*)\.gif$$1.jpg
<description>Sends an external temporary redirect asking the client to fetch
a different URL</description>
<syntax>RedirectTemp <var>URL-path</var> <var>URL</var></syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>This directive makes the client know that the Redirect is
only temporary (status 302). Exactly equivalent to
<code>Redirect temp</code>.</p>
<description>Sends an external permanent redirect asking the client to fetch
a different URL</description>
<syntax>RedirectPermanent <var>URL-path</var> <var>URL</var></syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>This directive makes the client know that the Redirect is
permanent (status 301). Exactly equivalent to <code>Redirect
<description>Maps a URL to a filesystem location and designates the
target as a CGI script</description>
<syntax>ScriptAlias <var>URL-path</var>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>The <directive>ScriptAlias</directive> directive has the same
behavior as the <directive module="mod_alias">Alias</directive>
directive, except that in addition it marks the target directory
as containing CGI scripts that will be processed by <module
>mod_cgi</module>'s cgi-script handler. URLs with a case-sensitive
(%-decoded) path beginning with <var>URL-path</var> will be mapped
to scripts beginning with the second argument, which is a full
pathname in the local filesystem.</p>
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /web/cgi-bin/
<p>A request for <code>http://myserver/cgi-bin/foo</code> would cause the
server to run the script <code>/web/cgi-bin/foo</code>. This configuration
is essentially equivalent to:</p>
Alias /cgi-bin/ /web/cgi-bin/<br />
&lt;Location /cgi-bin &gt;<br />
SetHandler cgi-script<br />
Options +ExecCGI<br />
<p><directive>ScriptAlias</directive> can also be used in conjunction with
a script or handler you have. For example:</p>
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /web/
<p>In this scenario all files requested in <code>/cgi-bin/</code> will be
handled by the file you have configured, this allows you to use your own custom
handler. You may want to use this as a wrapper for CGI so that you can add
content, or some other bespoke action.</p>
<note type="warning">It is safer to avoid placing CGI scripts under the
<directive module="core">DocumentRoot</directive> in order to
avoid accidentally revealing their source code if the
configuration is ever changed. The
<directive>ScriptAlias</directive> makes this easy by mapping a
URL and designating CGI scripts at the same time. If you do
choose to place your CGI scripts in a directory already
accessible from the web, do not use
<directive>ScriptAlias</directive>. Instead, use <directive
module="core" type="section">Directory</directive>, <directive
module="core">SetHandler</directive>, and <directive
module="core">Options</directive> as in:
&lt;Directory /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/cgi-bin &gt;<br />
SetHandler cgi-script<br />
Options ExecCGI<br />
This is necessary since multiple <var>URL-paths</var> can map
to the same filesystem location, potentially bypassing the
<directive>ScriptAlias</directive> and revealing the source code
of the CGI scripts if they are not restricted by a
<directive module="core">Directory</directive> section.</note>
<seealso><a href="/howto/cgi.html">CGI Tutorial</a></seealso>
<description>Maps a URL to a filesystem location using a regular expression
and designates the target as a CGI script</description>
<syntax>ScriptAliasMatch <var>regex</var>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
<p>This directive is equivalent to <directive module="mod_alias"
>ScriptAlias</directive>, but makes use of
<glossary ref="regex">regular expressions</glossary>,
instead of simple prefix matching. The
supplied regular expression is matched against the URL-path,
and if it matches, the server will substitute any parenthesized
matches into the given string and use it as a filename. For
example, to activate the standard <code>/cgi-bin</code>, one
might use:</p>
ScriptAliasMatch ^/cgi-bin(.*) /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin$1