mod_access.html revision e3d0ad4177632a17c3f1fa733a9623abf54cd289
<TITLE>Apache module mod_access</TITLE>
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<H1>Module mod_access</h1>
This module is contained in the <code>mod_access.c</code> file, and
is compiled in by default. It provides access control based on client
hostname or IP address.
<li><A HREF="#allow">allow</A>
<li><A HREF="#deny">deny</A>
<li><A HREF="#order">order</A>
<A name="allow"><h2>allow</h2></A>
<!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt allow} directive&gt; -->
<strong>Syntax:</strong> allow from <em>host host ...</em><br>
<Strong>Context:</strong> directory, .htaccess<br>
<Strong>Override:</strong> Limit<br>
<strong>Status:</strong> Base<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_access<p>
The allow directive affects which hosts can access a given directory; it is
typically used within a <A HREF="core.html#limit">&lt;Limit&gt;</A> section.
<em>Host</em> is one of the following:
<dd>all hosts are allowed access
<dt>A (partial) domain-name
<dd>host whose name is, or ends in, this string are allowed access.
<dt>A full IP address
<dd>An IP address of a host allowed access
<dt>A partial IP address
<dd>The first 1 to 3 bytes of an IP address, for subnet restriction.
Example:<blockquote><code>allow from</code></blockquote>
All hosts in the specified domain are allowed access.<p>
Note that this compares whole components; <code></code>
would not match <code></code>.<p>
See also <A HREF="#deny">deny</A> and <A HREF="#order">order</A>.<p><hr>
<A name="deny"><h2>deny</h2></A>
<!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt deny} directive&gt; -->
<strong>Syntax:</strong> deny from <em>host host ...</em><br>
<Strong>Context:</strong> directory, .htaccess<br>
<Strong>Override:</strong> Limit<br>
<strong>Status:</strong> Base<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_access<p>
The deny directive affects which hosts can access a given directory; it is
typically used within a <A HREF="core.html#limit">&lt;Limit&gt;</A> section.
<em>Host</em> is one of the following:
<dd>all hosts are denied access
<dt>A (partial) domain-name
<dd>host whose name is, or ends in, this string are denied access.
<dt>A full IP address
<dd>An IP address of a host denied access
<dt>A partial IP address
<dd>The first 1 to 3 bytes of an IP address, for subnet restriction.
Example:<blockquote><code>deny from 16</code></blockquote>
All hosts in the specified network are denied access.<p>
Note that this compares whole components; <code></code>
would not match <code></code>.<p>
See also <A HREF="#allow">allow</A> and <A HREF="#order">order</A>.<p><hr>
<A name="order"><h2>order</h2></A>
<!--%plaintext &lt;?INDEX {\tt order} directive&gt; -->
<strong>Syntax:</strong> order <em>ordering</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> <code>order deny,allow</code><br>
<strong>Context:</strong> directory, .htaccess<br>
<strong>Override:</strong> Limit<br>
<strong>Status:</strong> Base<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_access<p>
The order directive controls the order in which <A HREF="#allow">allow</A> and
<A HREF="#deny">deny</A> directives are evaluated. <em>Ordering</em> is one
<dd>the deny directives are evaluated before the allow directives.
<dd>the allow directives are evaluated before the deny directives.
<dd>Only those hosts which appear on the allow list and do not appear
on the deny list are granted access.
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
Hosts in the domain are allowed access; all other hosts are
denied access.
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