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Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<manualpage metafile="install.xml.meta">
<title>Compiling and Installing</title>
<p>This document covers compilation and installation of Apache
on Unix and Unix-like systems only. For compiling and
installation on Windows, see <a
href="platform/windows.html">Using Apache with Microsoft
Windows</a>. For other platforms, see the <a
href="platform/">platform</a> documentation.</p>
<p>Apache 2.0's configuration and installation environment has
changed completely from Apache 1.3. Apache 1.3 used a custom
set of scripts to achieve easy installation. Apache 2.0 now
uses <code>libtool</code> and <code>autoconf</code>
to create an environment that looks like many other Open Source
<p>If you are upgrading from one minor version to the next (for
example, 2.0.50 to 2.0.51), please skip down to the <a
href="#upgrading">upgrading</a> section.</p>
<seealso><a href="programs/configure.html">Configure the source tree</a></seealso>
<seealso><a href="invoking.html">Starting Apache</a></seealso>
<seealso><a href="stopping.html">Stopping and Restarting</a></seealso>
<section id="overview"><title>Overview for the
<columnspec><column width=".13"/><column width=".80"/></columnspec>
<td><a href="#download">Download</a></td>
<td><code>$ lynx</code>
<td><a href="#extract">Extract</a></td>
<td><code>$ gzip -d httpd-2_1_<em>NN</em>.tar.gz<br />
$ tar xvf httpd-2_1_<em>NN</em>.tar</code> </td>
<td><a href="#configure">Configure</a></td>
<td><code>$ /configure --prefix=<em>PREFIX</em></code>
<td><a href="#compile">Compile</a></td>
<td><code>$ make</code> </td>
<td><a href="#install">Install</a></td>
<td><code>$ make install</code> </td>
<td><a href="#customize">Customize</a></td>
<td><code>$ vi <em>PREFIX</em>/conf/httpd.conf</code> </td>
<td><a href="#test">Test</a></td>
<td><code>$ <em>PREFIX</em>/bin/apachectl start</code>
<p><em>NN</em> must be replaced with the current minor version
number, and <em>PREFIX</em> must be replaced with the
filesystem path under which the server should be installed. If
<em>PREFIX</em> is not specified, it defaults to
<p>Each section of the compilation and installation process is
described in more detail below, beginning with the requirements
for compiling and installing Apache HTTPD.</p>
<section id="requirements"><title>Requirements</title>
<p>The following requirements exist for building Apache:</p>
<dt>Disk Space</dt>
<dd>Make sure you have at least 50 MB of temporary free disk
space available. After installation Apache occupies
approximately 10 MB of disk space. The actual disk space
requirements will vary considerably based on your chosen
configuration options and any third-party modules.</dd>
<dt>ANSI-C Compiler and Build System</dt>
<dd>Make sure you have an ANSI-C compiler installed. The <a
href="">GNU C
compiler (GCC)</a> from the <a
href="">Free Software Foundation (FSF)</a>
is recommended (version 2.7.2 is fine). If you don't have GCC
then at least make sure your vendor's compiler is ANSI
compliant. In addition, your <code>PATH</code> must contain
basic build tools such as <code>make</code>.</dd>
<dt>Accurate time keeping</dt>
<dd>Elements of the HTTP protocol are expressed as the time of
day. So, it's time to investigate setting some time
synchronization facility on your system. Usually the
<code>ntpdate</code> or <code>xntpd</code> programs are used for
this purpose which are based on the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
See the Usenet newsgroup <a
and the <a href="">NTP
homepage</a> for more details about NTP software and public
time servers.</dd>
<dt><a href="">Perl 5</a>
<dd>For some of the support scripts like <a
href="programs/apxs.html">apxs</a> or <a
href="programs/dbmmanage.html">dbmmanage</a> (which are
written in Perl) the Perl 5 interpreter is required (versions
5.003 or newer are sufficient). If no such interpreter is found by
the `<code>configure</code>' script there is no harm. Of course, you
still can build and install Apache 2.0. Only those support scripts
cannot be used. If you have multiple Perl interpreters
installed (perhaps a Perl 4 from the vendor and a Perl 5 from
your own), then it is recommended to use the <code>--with-perl</code>
option (see below) to make sure the correct one is selected
by <code>/configure</code>.</dd>
<section id="download"><title>Download</title>
<p>Apache can be downloaded from the <a
href="">Apache HTTP Server
download site</a> which lists several mirrors. Most users of
Apache on unix-like systems will be better off downloading and
compiling a source version. The build process (described below) is
easy, and it allows you to customize your server to suit your needs.
In addition, binary releases are often not up to date with the latest
source releases. If you do download a binary, follow the instructions
in the <code>INSTALL.bindist</code> file inside the distribution.</p>
<p>After downloading, it is important to verify that you have a
complete and unmodified version of the Apache HTTP Server. This
can be accomplished by testing the downloaded tarball against the
PGP signature. Details on how to do this are available on the <a
page</a> and an extended example is available describing the <a
href="">use of
<section id="extract"><title>Extract</title>
<p>Extracting the source from the Apache HTTPD tarball is a
simple matter of uncompressing, and then untarring:</p>
$ gzip -d httpd-2_1_<em>NN</em>.tar.gz<br />
$ tar xvf httpd-2_1_<em>NN</em>.tar
<p>This will create a new directory under the current directory
containing the source code for the distribution. You should
<code>cd</code> into that directory before proceeding with
compiling the server.</p>
<section id="configure"><title>Configuring the source tree</title>
<p>The next step is to configure the Apache source tree for your
particular platform and personal requirements. This is done using
the script <code><a
href="programs/configure.html">configure</a></code> included in
the root directory of the distribution. (Developers downloading
the CVS version of the Apache source tree will need to have
<code>autoconf</code> and <code>libtool</code> installed and will
need to run <code>buildconf</code> before proceeding with the next
steps. This is not necessary for official releases.)</p>
<p>To configure the source tree using all the default options,
simply type <code>/configure</code>. To change the default
options, <code>configure</code> accepts a variety of variables
and command line options.</p>
<p>The most important option is the location <code>--prefix</code>
where Apache is to be installed later, because Apache has to be
configured for this location to work correctly. More fine-tuned
control of the location of files is possible with additional <a
<p>Also at this point, you can specify which <a
href="programs/configure.html#optionalfeatures">features</a> you
want included in Apache by enabling and disabling <a
href="mod/">modules</a>. Apache comes with a <a
href="module-dict.html#Status">Base</a> set of modules included by
default. Other modules are enabled using the
<code>enable-<var>module</var></code> option, where
<var>module</var> is the name of the module with the
<code>mod_</code> string removed and with any underscore converted
to a dash. You can also choose to compile modules as <a
href="dso.html">shared objects (DSOs)</a> -- which can be loaded
or unloaded at runtime -- by using the option
<code>enable-<var>module</var>=shared</code>. Similarly, you can
disable Base modules with the
<code>--disable-<var>module</var></code> option. Be careful when
using these options, since <code>configure</code> cannot warn you
if the module you specify does not exit; it will simply ignore the
<p>In addition, it is sometimes necessary to provide the
<code>configure</code> script with extra information about the
location of your compiler, libraries, or header files. This is
done by passing either environment variables or command line
options to <code>configure</code>. For more information, see the
<a href="programs/configure.html">configure manual page</a>.</p>
<p>For a short impression of what possibilities you have, here
is a typical example which compiles Apache for the installation
tree <code>/sw/pkg/apache</code> with a particular compiler and flags
plus the two additional modules <module>mod_rewrite</module> and
<module>mod_speling</module> for
later loading through the DSO mechanism:</p>
$ CC="pgcc" CFLAGS="-O2" \<br />
/configure --prefix=/sw/pkg/apache \<br />
--enable-rewrite=shared \<br />
<p>When <code>configure</code> is run it will take several minutes to
test for the availability of features on your system and build
Makefiles which will later be used to compile the server.</p>
<p>Details on all the different <code>configure</code> options are
available on the <a href="programs/configure.html">configure
manual page</a>.</p>
<section id="compile"><title>Build</title>
<p>Now you can build the various parts which form the Apache
package by simply running the command:</p>
<example>$ make</example>
<p>Please be patient here, since a base configuration takes
approximately 3 minutes to compile under a Pentium III/Linux
2.2 system, but this will vary widely depending on your
hardware and the number of modules which you have enabled.</p>
<section id="install"><title>Install</title>
<p>Now it's time to install the package under the configured
installation <em>PREFIX</em> (see <code>--prefix</code> option
above) by running:</p>
<example>$ make install</example>
<p>If you are upgrading, the installation will not overwrite
your configuration files or documents.</p>
<section id="customize"><title>Customize</title>
<p>Next, you can customize your Apache HTTP server by editing
the <a href="configuring.html">configuration files</a> under
<example>$ vi <em>PREFIX</em>/conf/httpd.conf</example>
<p>Have a look at the Apache manual under <a
href="./">docs/manual/</a> or consult <a
></a> for the most recent version of
this manual and a complete reference of available <a
href="mod/directives.html">configuration directives</a>.</p>
<section id="test"><title>Test</title>
<p>Now you can <a href="invoking.html">start</a> your Apache
HTTP server by immediately running:</p>
<example>$ <em>PREFIX</em>/bin/apachectl start</example>
<p>and then you should be able to request your first document
via URL <code>http://localhost/</code>. The web page you see is located
under the <directive module="core">DocumentRoot</directive>
which will usually be <code><em>PREFIX</em>/htdocs/</code>.
Then <a href="stopping.html">stop</a> the server again by
<example>$ <em>PREFIX</em>/bin/apachectl stop</example>
<section id="upgrading"><title>Upgrading</title>
<p>The first step in upgrading is to read the release announcement
and the file <code>CHANGES</code> in the source distribution to
find any changes that may affect your site. When changing between
major releases (for example, from 1.3 to 2.0 or from 2.0 to 2.2),
there will likely be major differences in the compile-time and
run-time configuration that will require manual adjustments. All
modules will also need to be upgraded to accomodate changes in the
module API.</p>
<p>Upgrading from one minor version to the next (for example, from
2.0.55 to 2.0.57) is easier. The <code>make install</code>
process will not overwrite any of your existing documents, log
files, or configuration files. In addition, the developers make
every effort to avoid incompatible changes in the
<code>configure</code> options, run-time configuration, or the
module API between minor versions. In most cases you should be able to
use an identical <code>configure</code> command line, an identical
configuration file, and all of your modules should continue to
work. (This is only valid for versions after 2.0.41; earlier
versions have incompatible changes.)</p>
<p>If you kept the source tree from your last installation,
upgrading is even easier. The file <code>config.nice</code> in
the root of the old source tree contains the exact
<code>configure</code> command line that you used to configure the
source tree. Then to upgrade from one version to the next, you
need only copy the <code>config.nice</code> file to the source
tree of the new version, edit it to make any desired changes, and
then run:</p>
$ /config.nice<br />
$ make<br />
$ make install<br />
$ <em>PREFIX</em>/bin/apachectl stop<br />
$ <em>PREFIX</em>/bin/apachectl start<br />
<note type="warning">You should always test any new version in your
environment before putting it into production. For example, you
can install and run the new version along side the old one by
using a different <code>--prefix</code> and a
different port (by adjusting the <directive
module="mpm_common">Listen</directive> directive) to test for any
incompatibilities before doing the final upgrade.</note>