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<title>Compiling and Installing Apache</title>
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<h1 align="CENTER">Compiling and Installing</h1>
<p>This document covers compilation and installation of Apache
on Unix and Unix-like systems only. For compiling and
installation on Windows, see <a
href="platform/windows.html">Using Apache with Microsoft
Windows</a>. For other platforms, see the <a
href="platform/">platform</a> documentation.</p>
<p>Apache 2.0's configuration and installation environment has
changed completely from Apache 1.3. Apache 1.3 used a custom
set of scripts to achieve easy installation. Apache 2.0 now
uses libtool and autoconf to create an environment that looks
like many other Open Source projects.</p>
<li><a href="#overview">Overview for the impatient</a></li>
<li><a href="#requirements">Requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="#download">Download</a></li>
<li><a href="#extract">Extract</a></li>
<a href="#configure">Configuring the source tree</a>
<li><a href="#environment">Environment Variables</a></li>
<li><a href="#output">autoconf Output Options</a></li>
<li><a href="#pathnames">Pathnames</a></li>
<li><a href="#modules">Modules</a></li>
<li><a href="#suexec">Suexec</a></li>
<li><a href="#compile">Build</a></li>
<li><a href="#install">Install</a></li>
<li><a href="#customize">Customize</a></li>
<li><a href="#test">Test</a></li>
<hr />
<h3><a id="overview" name="overview">Overview for the
<td><a href="#download">Download</a></td>
<td><code>$ lynx<em>NN</em>.tar.gz</code>
<td><a href="#extract">Extract</a></td>
<td><code>$ gzip -d httpd-2_0_<em>NN</em>.tar.gz<br />
$ tar xvf httpd-2_0_<em>NN</em>.tar</code> </td>
<td><a href="#configure">Configure</a></td>
<td><code>$ /configure --prefix=<em>PREFIX</em></code>
<td><a href="#compile">Compile</a></td>
<td><code>$ make</code> </td>
<td><a href="#install">Install</a></td>
<td><code>$ make install</code> </td>
<td><a href="#customize">Customize</a></td>
<td><code>$ vi <em>PREFIX</em>/conf/httpd.conf</code> </td>
<td><a href="#test">Test</a></td>
<td><code>$ <em>PREFIX</em>/bin/apachectl start</code>
<p><em>NN</em> must be replaced with the current minor version
number, and <em>PREFIX</em> must be replaced with the
filesystem path under which the server should be installed. If
<em>PREFIX</em> is not specified, it defaults to
<p>Each section of the compilation and installation process is
described in more detail below, beginning with the requirements
for compiling and installing Apache HTTPD.</p>
<h3><a id="requirements"
<p>The following requirements exist for building Apache:</p>
<li>Disk Space<br />
<br />
Make sure you have at least 50 MB of temporary free disk
space available. After installation Apache occupies
approximately 10 MB of disk space. The actual disk space
requirements will vary considerably based on your chosen
configuration options and any third-party modules.<br />
<br />
<li>ANSI-C Compiler and Build System<br />
<br />
Make sure you have an ANSI-C compiler installed. The <a
href="">GNU C
compiler (GCC)</a> from the <a
href="">Free Software Foundation (FSF)</a>
is recommended (version 2.7.2 is fine). If you don't have GCC
then at least make sure your vendor's compiler is ANSI
compliant. In addition, your <code>PATH</code> must contain
basic build tools such as <code>make</code>.<br />
<br />
<li>Accurate time keeping<br />
<br />
Elements of the HTTP protocol are expressed as the time of
day. So, it's time to investigate setting some time
synchronization facility on your system. Usually the ntpdate
or xntpd programs are used for this purpose which are based
on the Network Time Protocol (NTP). See the Usenet newsgroup
and the <a href="">NTP
homepage</a> for more details about NTP software and public
time servers.<br />
<br />
<li><a href="">Perl 5</a>
[OPTIONAL]<br />
<br />
For some of the support scripts like <a
href="programs/apxs.html">apxs</a> or <a
href="programs/dbmmanage.html">dbmmanage</a> (which are
written in Perl) the Perl 5 interpreter is required (versions
5.003 and 5.004 are fine). If no such interpreter is found by
the `configure' script there is no harm. Of course, you still
can build and install Apache 2.0. Only those support scripts
cannot be used. If you have multiple Perl interpreters
installed (perhaps a Perl 4 from the vendor and a Perl 5 from
your own), then it is recommended to use the --with-perl
option (see below) to make sure the correct one is selected
by /configure.<br />
<br />
<h3><a id="download" name="download">Download</a></h3>
<p>Apache can be downloaded from the <a
href="">Apache Software
Foundation download site</a> or from a <a
<p>Version numbers that end in <code>alpha</code> indicate
early pre-test versions which may or may not work. Version
numbers ending in <code>beta</code> indicate more reliable
releases that still require further testing or bug fixing. If
you wish to download the best available production release of
the Apache HTTP Server, you should choose the latest version
with neither <code>alpha</code> nor <code>beta</code> in its
<p>After downloading, especially if a mirror site is used, it
is important to verify that you have a complete and unmodified
version of the Apache HTTP Server. This can be accomplished by
testing the downloaded tarball against the PGP signature. This,
in turn, is a two step procedure. First, you must obtain the
<code>KEYS</code> file from the <a
href="">Apache distribution
site</a>. (To assure that the <code>KEYS</code> file itself has
not been modified, it may be a good idea to use a file from a
previous distribution of Apache or import the keys from a
public key server.) The keys are imported into your personal
key ring using one of the following commands (depending on your
pgp version):</p>
<code>$ pgp &lt; KEYS</code>
<code>$ gpg --import KEYS</code>
<p>The next step is to test the tarball against the PGP
signature, which should always be obtained from the <a
href="">main Apache
website</a>. The signature file has a filename identical to the
source tarball with the addition of <code>.asc</code>. Then you
can check the distribution with one of the following commands
(again, depending on your pgp version):</p>
<code>$ pgp httpd-2_0_<em>NN</em>.tar.gz.asc</code>
<code>$ gpg --verify httpd-2_0_<em>NN</em>.tar.gz.asc</code>
You should receive a message like<br />
<br />
<code>Good signature from user "Martin Kraemer
<p>Depending on the trust relationships contained in your key
ring, you may also receive a message saying that the
relationship between the key and the signer of the key cannot
be verified. This is not a problem if you trust the
authenticity of the <code>KEYS</code> file.</p>
<h3><a id="extract" name="extract">Extract</a></h3>
<p>Extracting the source from the Apache HTTPD tarball is a
simple matter of uncompressing, and then untarring:</p>
<code>$ gzip -d httpd-2_0_<em>NN</em>.tar.gz<br />
$ tar xvf httpd-2_0_<em>NN</em>.tar</code>
<p>This will create a new directory under the current directory
containing the source code for the distribution. You should
<code>cd</code> into that directory before proceeding with
compiling the server.</p>
<h3><a id="configure" name="configure">Configuring the source
<p>The next step is to configure the Apache source tree for
your particular platform and personal requirements. This is
done using the script <code>configure</code> included in the
root directory of the distribution. (Developers downloading the
CVS version of the Apache source tree will need to have
<code>autoconf</code> and <code>libtool</code> installed and
will need to run <code>buildconf</code> before proceeding with
the next steps. This is not necessary for official
<p>To configure the source tree using all the default options,
simply type <code>/configure</code>. To change the default
options, <code>configure</code> accepts a variety of variables
and command line options. Environment variables are generally
placed before the <code>/configure</code> command, while other
options are placed after. The most important option here is the
location prefix where Apache is to be installed later, because
Apache has to be configured for this location to work
correctly. But there are a lot of other options available for
your pleasure.</p>
<p>For a short impression of what possibilities you have, here
is a typical example which compiles Apache for the installation
tree /sw/pkg/apache with a particular compiler and flags plus
the two additional modules mod_rewrite and mod_speling for
later loading through the DSO mechanism:</p>
<code>$ CC="pgcc" CFLAGS="-O2" \<br />
/configure --prefix=/sw/pkg/apache \<br />
--enable-rewrite=shared \<br />
<p>When configure is run it will take several minutes to test
for the availability of features on your system and build
Makefiles which will later be used to compile the server.</p>
<p>The easiest way to find all of the configuration flags for
Apache is to run /configure --help. What follows is a brief
description of most of the arguments and environment
<h4><a id="environment" name="environment">Environment
<p>The autoconf build process uses several environment
variables to configure the build environment. In general, these
variables change the method used to build Apache, but not the
eventual features of the server. These variables can be placed
in the environment before invoking <code>configure</code>, but
it is usually easier to specify them on the
<code>configure</code> command line as demonstrated in the
example above.</p>
<dd>The name of the C compiler command.</dd>
<dd>Miscellaneous C preprocessor and compiler options.</dd>
<dd>Debugging and optimization options for the C
<dd>Miscellaneous options to be passed to the linker.</dd>
<dd>Library location information ("-L" and "-l" options) to
pass to the linker.</dd>
<dd>Header file search directories ("-I<em>dir</em>").</dd>
<dt><code>TARGET=...</code> [Default: apache]</dt>
<dd>Name of the executable which will be built.</dd>
<dd>These variables share the same function as their
non-NOTEST namesakes. However, the variables are applied to
the build process only after autoconf has performed its
feature testing. This allows the inclusion of flags which
will cause problems during feature testing, but must be used
for the final compilation.</dd>
<dd>Options which specify shared library paths for the
compiler and linker.</dd>
<h4><a id="output" name="output">autoconf Output
<dd>Prints the usage message including all available options,
but does not actually configure anything.</dd>
<dd>Prevents the printing of the usual "checking..."
<dd>Prints much more information during the configuration
process, including the names of all the files examined.</dd>
<h4><a id="pathnames" name="pathnames">Pathnames</a></h4>
<p>There are currently two ways to configure the pathnames
under which Apache will install its files. First, you can
specify a directory and have Apache install itself under that
directory in its default locations.</p>
<dt><code>--prefix=<em>PREFIX</em></code> [Default:
<dd>Specifies the directory under which the Apache files will
be installed.</dd>
<p>It is possible to specify that architecture-dependent files
should be placed under a different directory.</p>
<dt><code>--exec-prefix=<em>EPREFIX</em></code> [Default:
<dd>Specifies the directory under which
architecture-dependent files will be placed.</dd>
<p>The second, and more flexible way to configure the install
path locations for Apache is using the
<code>config.layout</code> file. Using this method, it is
possible to separately specify the location for each type of
file within the Apache installation. The
<code>config.layout</code> file contains several example
configurations, and you can also create your own custom
configuration following the examples. The different layouts in
this file are grouped into <code>&lt;Layout
FOO&gt;...&lt;/Layout&gt;</code> sections and referred to by
name as in <code>FOO</code>.</p>
<dd>Use the named layout in the <code>config.layout</code>
file to specify the installation paths.</dd>
<p>Presently it is not possible to mix the
<code>--enable-layout</code> and <code>--prefix</code> options.
Nor is it possible to individually specify detailed pathnames
on the <code>configure</code> command line. If you want just a
basic install, you can simply use the <code>--prefix</code>
option on its own. If you want to customize your install, you
should edit the <code>config.layout</code> file and use the
<code>--enable-layout</code> option.</p>
<h4><a id="modules" name="modules">Modules</a></h4>
<p>Apache is a modular server. Only the most basic
functionality is included in the core server. Extended features
are available in various modules. During the configuration
process, you must select which modules to compile for use with
your server. You can view a <a
href="mod/index.html">list of modules</a> included in
the documentation. Those modules with a <a
href="mod/module-dict.html#Status">status</a> of "Base" are
included by default and must be specifically disabled if you do
not want them. Modules with any other status must be
specifically enabled if you wish to use them.</p>
<p>There are two ways for a module to be compiled and used with
Apache. Modules may be <em>statically compiled</em>, which
means that they are permanently included in the Apache binary.
Alternatively, if your operating system supports Dynamic Shared
Objects (DSOs) and autoconf can detect that support, then
modules may be <em>dynamically compiled</em>. DSO modules are
stored separately from the Apache binary, and may be included
or excluded from the server using the run-time configuration
directives provided by <a href="mod/mod_so.html">mod_so</a>.
The mod_so is automatically included in the server if any
dynamic modules are included in the compilation. If you would
like to make your server capable of loading DSOs without
actually compiling any dynamic modules, you can explicitly
<dd>Compile and include the module <em>MODULE</em>. The
identifier <em>MODULE</em> is the <a
Identifier</a> from the module documentation without the
"_module" string. To compile the module as a DSO, add the
option <code>=shared</code>.</dd>
<dd>Remove the module <em>MODULE</em> which would otherwise
be compiled and included.</dd>
<dd>Compile and include the modules listed in the
space-separated <em>MODULE-LIST</em>.</dd>
<dd>Compile and include the modules in the space-separated
<em>MODULE-LIST</em> as dynamically loadable (DSO)
<p>The <em>MODULE-LIST</em> in the
<code>--enable-modules</code> and
<code>--enable-mods-shared</code> options is usually a
space-separated list of module identifiers. For example, to
enable mod_dav and mod_info, you can either use</p>
<code>/configure --enable-dav --enable-info</code>
<p>or, equivalently,</p>
<code>/configure --enable-modules="dav info"</code>
<p>In addition, the special keywords <code>all</code> or
<code>most</code> can be used to add all or most of the modules
in one step. You can then remove any modules that you do not
want with the <code>--disable-<em>MODULE</em></code> option.
For example, to include all modules as DSOs with the exception
of mod_info, you can use</p>
<code>/configure --enable-mods-shared=all
<p>In addition to the standard set of modules, Apache 2.0 also
includes a choice of <a href="mpm.html">Multi-Processing
Modules</a> (MPMs). One, and only one MPM must be included in
the compilation process. The default MPMs for each platform are
listed on the <a href="mpm.html">MPM documentation page</a>,
but can be overridden on the <code>configure</code> command
<dd>Choose the mpm <em>NAME</em>.</dd>
<h4><a id="suexec" name="suexec">Suexec</a></h4>
<p>Apache includes a support program called <a
href="suexec.html">suexec</a> which can be used to isolate user
CGI programs. However, if suexec is improperly configured, it
can cause serious security problems. Therefore, you should
carefully read and consider the <a href="suexec.html">suexec
documentation</a> before implementing this feature.</p>
<h3><a id="compile" name="compile">Build</a></h3>
<p>Now you can build the various parts which form the Apache
package by simply running the command:</p>
<code>$ make</code>
<p>Please be patient here, since a base configuration takes
approximately 3 minutes to compile under a Pentium III/Linux
2.2 system, but this will vary widely depending on your
hardware and the number of modules which you have enabled.</p>
<h3><a id="install" name="install">Install</a></h3>
<p>Now its time to install the package under the configured
installation <em>PREFIX</em> (see <code>--prefix</code> option
above) by running:</p>
<code>$ make install</code>
<p>If you are upgrading, the installation will not overwrite
your configuration files or documents.</p>
<h3><a id="customize" name="customize">Customize</a></h3>
<p>Next, you can customize your Apache HTTP server by editing
the <a href="configuring.html">configuration files</a> under
<code>$ vi <em>PREFIX</em>/conf/httpd.conf</code>
<p>Have a look at the Apache manual under <a
href="./">docs/manual/</a> or <a
for a complete reference of available <a
href="mod/directives.html">configuration directives</a>.</p>
<h3><a id="test" name="test">Test</a></h3>
<p>Now you can <a href="invoking.html">start</a> your Apache
HTTP server by immediately running:</p>
<code>$ <em>PREFIX</em>/bin/apachectl start</code>
<p>and then you should be able to request your first document
via URL http://localhost/. The web page you see is located
under the <a href="mod/core.html#documentroot">DocumentRoot</a>
which will usually be <code><em>PREFIX</em>/htdocs/</code>.
Then <a href="stopping.html">stop</a> the server again by
<code>$ <em>PREFIX</em>/bin/apachectl stop</code>
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