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5789N/A<h2><a name="howto" id="howto">How-To / Tutorials</a></h2>
5789N/A <dl>
5789N/A <dt>Authentication</dt>
5789N/A <dd>
5789N/A <p>Authentication is any process by which you verify that
5789N/A someone is who they claim they are. Authorization is any
5789N/A process by which someone is allowed to be where they want to
5789N/A go, or to have information that they want to have.</p>
5789N/A <p>See: <a href="auth.html">Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control</a></p>
5789N/A </dd>
5789N/A </dl>
5789N/A <dl>
5789N/A <dt>Dynamic Content with CGI</dt>
5789N/A <dd>
5789N/A <p>The CGI (Common Gateway Interface) defines a way for a web
5789N/A server to interact with external content-generating programs,
5789N/A which are often referred to as CGI programs or CGI scripts. It
5789N/A is the simplest, and most common, way to put dynamic content on
5789N/A your web site. This document will be an introduction to setting
5789N/A up CGI on your Apache web server, and getting started writing
5789N/A CGI programs.</p>
5789N/A <p>See: <a href="cgi.html">CGI: Dynamic Content</a></p>
5789N/A </dd>
5789N/A </dl>
5789N/A <dl>
5789N/A <dt><code>.htaccess</code> files</dt>
5789N/A <dd>
5789N/A <p><code>.htaccess</code> files provide a way to make configuration
5789N/A changes on a per-directory basis. A file, containing one or more
5789N/A configuration directives, is placed in a particular document directory,
5789N/A and the directives apply to that directory, and all subdirectories thereof.</p>
5789N/A <p>See: <a href="htaccess.html"><code>.htaccess</code> files</a></p>
5789N/A </dd>
5789N/A </dl>
5789N/A <dl>
5789N/A <dt>Introduction to Server Side Includes</dt>
5789N/A <dd>
5789N/A <p>SSI (Server Side Includes) are directives that are placed in
5789N/A HTML pages, and evaluated on the server while the pages are
5789N/A being served. They let you add dynamically generated content to
5789N/A an existing HTML page, without having to serve the entire page
5789N/A via a CGI program, or other dynamic technology.</p>
5789N/A <p>See: <a href="ssi.html">Server Side Includes (SSI)</a></p>
5789N/A </dd>
5789N/A </dl>
5789N/A <dl>
5789N/A <dt>Per-user web directories</dt>
5789N/A <dd>
5789N/A <p>On systems with multiple users, each user can be permitted to have a
5789N/A web site in their home directory using the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_userdir.html#userdir">UserDir</a></code> directive. Visitors
5882N/A to a URL <code></code> will get content
5882N/A out of the home directory of the user "<code>username</code>", out of
5789N/A the subdirectory specified by the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_userdir.html#userdir">UserDir</a></code> directive.</p>
5789N/A <p>See: <a href="public_html.html">User web directories (<code>public_html</code>)</a></p>
5789N/A </dd>
5789N/A </dl>
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5789N/A<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/howto/" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
5789N/A<a href="/ja/howto/" hreflang="ja" rel="alternate" title="Japanese">&nbsp;ja&nbsp;</a> |
5789N/A<a href="/ko/howto/" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean">&nbsp;ko&nbsp;</a></p>
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5789N/A<p class="apache">Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.<br />Licensed under the <a href="">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>.</p>
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