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2N/A<title>Frequently Asked Questions - Apache HTTP Server</title>
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2N/A<p class="apache">Apache HTTP Server Version 2.1</p>
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2N/A<a href="">Apache</a> &gt; <a href="">HTTP Server</a> &gt; <a href="">Documentation</a> &gt; <a href="../">Version 2.1</a> &gt; <a href="./">FAQ</a></div><div id="page-content"><div id="preamble"><h1>Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
2N/A <p>The latest version of this FAQ is always available from the main Apache
727N/A web site, at &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;.</p>
2N/A <p>Since Apache 2.0 is quite new, we don't yet know what the <em>Frequently
32N/A Asked Questions</em> will be. While this section fills up, you should also
32N/A consult the <a href="">Apache 1.3
313N/A FAQ</a> to see if your question is answered there.</p>
313N/A<div id="quickview"><ul id="toc"><li><a href="#topics">Topics</a></li>
313N/A<li><a href="#support">Support</a></li>
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313N/A<div class="section">
313N/A<h2><a id="topics" name="topics">Topics</a></h2>
313N/A<dl><dt><a href="#support">Support</a></dt><dd>What do I do when I have problems?</dd>
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313N/A<div class="section">
313N/A<h2><a name="support" id="support">Support</a></h2>
313N/A <ul>
313N/A <li><a href="#support.what2do">"Why can't I ...? Why won't ... work?" What
313N/A to do in case of problems</a></li>
127N/A <li><a href="">Whom do I contact for support?</a></li>
127N/A </ul>
127N/A <h3><a name="support.what2do" id="support.what2do">"Why can't I ...? Why won't ... work?" What to do in case of
538N/A problems</a></h3>
538N/A <p>If you are having trouble with your Apache server software, you should
538N/A take the following steps:</p>
538N/A <dl>
538N/A <dt>Check the errorlog!</dt>
327N/A <dd>Apache tries to be helpful when it encounters a problem. In many
327N/A cases, it will provide some details by writing one or messages to the
327N/A server error log. Sometimes this is enough for you to diagnose &amp; fix
327N/A the problem yourself (such as file permissions or the like). The default
327N/A location of the error log is
327N/A <code>/usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log</code>, but see the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#errorlog">ErrorLog</a></code> directive in your config files for the
327N/A location on your server.</dd>
327N/A <dt>Check the <a href="">FAQ</a>!</dt>
327N/A <dd>The latest version of the Apache Frequently-Asked Questions list can
327N/A always be found at the main Apache web site.</dd>
177N/A <dt>Check the Apache bug database</dt>
177N/A <dd>Most problems that get reported to The Apache Group are recorded in
2N/A the <a href="">bug database</a>.
145N/A <strong>Please</strong> check the existing reports, open
26N/A <strong>and</strong> closed, before adding one. If you find that your
38N/A issue has already been reported, please <em>don't</em> add a "me, too"
38N/A report. If the original report isn't closed yet, we suggest that you
26N/A check it periodically. You might also consider contacting the original
26N/A submitter, because there may be an email exchange going on about the
477N/A issue that isn't getting recorded in the database.</dd>
38N/A <dt><a id="support.what2do.user-support" name="support.what2do.user-support">Ask in a user support forum</a></dt>
2N/A <dd><p>Apache has an active community of users who are willing to share
6N/A their knowledge. Participating in this community is usually the best and
2N/A fastest way to get answers to your questions and problems.</p>
2N/A <p><a href="">Users
34N/A mailing list</a></p>
94N/A <p>USENET newsgroups:</p>
156N/A <ul>
156N/A <li>comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
34N/A [<a href="news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix">news</a>]
59N/A [<a href="">google</a>]
72N/A </li>
72N/A <li>
59N/A [<a href="">news</a>]
2N/A [<a href="">google</a>]
85N/A </li>
61N/A <li>comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi
220N/A [<a href="news:comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi">news</a>]
61N/A [<a href="">google</a>]
61N/A </li>
172N/A </ul></dd>
61N/A <dt>If all else fails, report the problem in the bug database</dt>
220N/A <dd><p>If you've gone through those steps above that are appropriate and
220N/A have obtained no relief, then please <em>do</em> let the httpd developers
61N/A know about the problem by <a href="">logging a bug
172N/A report</a>.</p>
61N/A <p>If your problem involves the server crashing and generating a core
172N/A dump, please include a backtrace (if possible). As an example,</p>
152N/A <div class="example"><p><code>
74N/A # cd <var>ServerRoot</var><br />
61N/A # dbx <var>httpd</var> <var>core</var><br />
220N/A (dbx) where
85N/A </code></p></div>
61N/A <p>(Substitute the appropriate locations for your <var>ServerRoot</var>
172N/A and your <var>httpd</var> and <var>core</var> files. You may have to use
61N/A <code>gdb</code> instead of <code>dbx</code>.)</p>
172N/A </dd>
61N/A </dl>
61N/A <h3><a name="" id="">Whom do I contact for support?</a></h3>
454N/A <p>With several million users and fewer than forty volunteer developers,
61N/A we cannot provide personal support for Apache. For free support, we
172N/A suggest participating in a <a href="#support.what2do.user-support">user forum</a>.</p>
172N/A <p>Professional, commercial support for Apache is available from
61N/A <a href="">a number of
152N/A companies</a>.</p>
61N/A<div id="footer">
61N/A<p class="apache">Maintained by the <a href="">Apache HTTP Server Documentation Project</a></p>
43N/A<p class="menu"><a href="/mod/">Modules</a> | <a href="/mod/directives.html">Directives</a> | <a href="/faq/">FAQ</a> | <a href="/glossary.html">Glossary</a> | <a href="/sitemap.html">Sitemap</a></p></div>