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<manualpage metafile="expr.xml.meta">
<title>Expressions in Apache HTTP Server</title>
<p>Historically, there are several syntax variants for expressions used to express
a condition in the different modules of the Apache HTTP Server.
There is some ongoing effort to only use a single variant, called <em>ap_expr</em>,
for all configuration directives.
This document describes the <em>ap_expr</em> expression parser.
<section id="grammar">
<title>Grammar in BNF notation</title>
expr ::= "<strong>true</strong>" | "<strong>false</strong>"
| "<strong>!</strong>" expr
| expr "<strong>&amp;&amp;</strong>" expr
| expr "<strong>||</strong>" expr
| "<strong>(</strong>" expr "<strong>)</strong>"
| comp
comp ::= stringcomp
| integercomp
| unaryop word
| word binaryop word
| word "<strong>in</strong>" "<strong>{</strong>" wordlist "<strong>}</strong>"
| word "<strong>in</strong>" listfunction
| word "<strong>=~</strong>" regex
| word "<strong>!~</strong>" regex
stringcomp ::= word "<strong>==</strong>" word | word "<strong>eq</strong>" word
| word "<strong>!=</strong>" word | word "<strong>ne</strong>" word
| word "<strong>&lt;</strong>" word | word "<strong>lt</strong>" word
| word "<strong>&lt;=</strong>" word | word "<strong>le</strong>" word
| word "<strong>&gt;</strong>" word | word "<strong>gt</strong>" word
| word "<strong>&gt;=</strong>" word | word "<strong>ge</strong>" word
integercomp ::= word "<strong>-eq</strong>" word | word "<strong>eq</strong>" word
| word "<strong>-ne</strong>" word | word "<strong>ne</strong>" word
| word "<strong>-lt</strong>" word | word "<strong>lt</strong>" word
| word "<strong>-le</strong>" word | word "<strong>le</strong>" word
| word "<strong>-gt</strong>" word | word "<strong>gt</strong>" word
| word "<strong>-ge</strong>" word | word "<strong>ge</strong>" word
wordlist ::= word
| wordlist "<strong>,</strong>" word
word ::= word "<strong>.</strong>" word
| digit
| "<strong>'</strong>" string "<strong>'</strong>"
| "<strong>"</strong>" string "<strong>"</strong>"
| variable
| function
string ::= stringpart
| string stringpart
stringpart ::= cstring
| variable
cstring ::= ...
digit ::= [0-9]+
variable ::= "<strong>%{</strong>" varname "<strong>}</strong>"
| "<strong>%{</strong>" funcname "<strong>:</strong>" funcargs "<strong>}</strong>"
function ::= funcname "<strong>(</strong>" word "<strong>)</strong>"
listfunction ::= listfuncname "<strong>(</strong>" word "<strong>)</strong>"
<section id="vars">
<p>XXX: not all vars are available in all request phases</p>
<p>Request headers (XXX:see req function)</p>
<table border="1" style="zebra">
<columnspec><column width="1"/></columnspec>
<p>Other request related variables</p>
<table border="1" style="zebra">
<columnspec><column width=".4"/><column width=".6"/></columnspec>
<p>Misc variables</p>
<table border="1" style="zebra">
<columnspec><column width=".4"/><column width=".6"/></columnspec>
<section id="binop">
<title>Binary operators</title>
<p>With the exception of some built-in comparison operators, binary
operators have the form "<code>-[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+</code>", i.e. a
minus and at least two characters. The name is not case sensitive.
Modules may register additional binary operators.</p>
<table border="1" style="zebra">
<columnspec><column width=".2"/><column width=".2"/><column width=".6"/></columnspec>
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Alternative</th> <th>Description</th></tr>
<td>String equality</td></tr>
<td>String inequality</td></tr>
<td>String less than</td></tr>
<td>String less than or equal</td></tr>
<td>String greater than</td></tr>
<td>String greater than or equal</td></tr>
<td>Integer equality</td></tr>
<td>Integer inequality</td></tr>
<td>Integer less than</td></tr>
<td>Integer less than or equal</td></tr>
<td>Integer greater than</td></tr>
<td>Integer greater than or equal</td></tr>
<section id="unnop">
<title>Unary operators</title>
<p>Unary operators have the form "<code>-[a-zA-Z]</code>", i.e. a
minus and one character. The name <em>is</em> case sensitive.
Modules may register additional unary operators.</p>
<table border="1" style="zebra">
<columnspec><column width=".2"/><column width=".2"/><column width=".6"/></columnspec>
<td>String is not empty</td></tr>
<td>String is empty</td></tr>
<section id="functions">
<p>Normal string-valued functions take one string as argument and return
a string. Functions names are not case sensitive.
Modules may register additional functions.</p>
<table border="1" style="zebra">
<columnspec><column width=".2"/><column width=".8"/></columnspec>
<tr><td><code>req</code>, <code>http</code></td>
<td>Get HTTP request header</td></tr>
<td>Get HTTP response header</td></tr>
<td>Lookup request environment variable</td></tr>
<td>Lookup operating system environment variable</td></tr>
<td>Lookup request environment variable</td></tr>
<td>Return first match of <code>note</code>, <code>reqenv</code>,
<td>Convert string to lower case</td></tr>
<td>Convert string to uppser case</td></tr>
<td>Escape special characters in %hex encoding</td></tr>
<td>Unescape %hex encoded string, leaving URL-special characters encoded (XXX: describe better)</td></tr>
<td>Read contents from a file</td></tr>
<p>In addition to string-valued functions, there are also list-valued functions which
take one string as argument and return a wordlist, i.e. a list of strings. The wordlist
can be used with the special <code>-in</code> operator.
Functions names are not case sensitive.
Modules may register additional functions.</p>
<p>There are no built-in list-valued functions. mod_ssl provides
<code>PeerExtList</code> (XXX: link)</p>