HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.html.var revision 1b3225113bb6fcf326cf16af9023e381ae0ac083
Content-language: cs
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="cs"
--><!--#set var="CHARACTER_ENCODING" value="ISO-8859-2"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Slu�ba nen� dostupn�!"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
Server do�asn� nem�e zpracovat V� po�adavek
kv�li �dr�b� nebo kapacitn�m probl�m�m.
Zkuste to, pros�m, pozd�ji.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: de
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="de"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Zugriff nicht m&ouml;glich!"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
Der Server ist derzeit nicht in der Lage die Anfrage
zu bearbeiten. Entweder ist der Server derzeit &uuml;berlastet
oder wegen Wartungsarbeiten nicht verf&uuml;gbar.
Bitte versuchen Sie es sp&auml;ter wieder.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: en
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
<!--#set var="TITLE" value="Service unavailable!"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
The server is temporarily unable to service your
request due to maintenance downtime or capacity
problems. Please try again later.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: es
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="es"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="&iexcl;Servicio no disponible&excl;"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
El servidor no puede atender su solicitud por
el momento debido a problemas de mantenimiento
o de capacidad.
Le solicitamos que por favor repita la operaci&oacute;n
m&aacute;s tarde.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: fr
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="fr"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Service inaccessible!"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
En raison de travaux de maintenance ou de probl&egrave;mes
de capacit&eacute; le serveur n'est pas en mesure de r&eacute;pondre
&agrave; votre requ&ecirc;te pour l'instant. Veuillez r&eacute;essayer
plus tard.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: nl
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="nl"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Dienst niet beschikbaar!"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
De server kan tijdelijk uw vraag niet verwerken
door onderhoud of problemen met de capaciteit van de server.
Gelieve later nog eens opnieuw te proberen.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: pl
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="pl"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Serwis niedost�pny!"
--><!--#set var="CHARACTER_ENCODING" value="ISO-8859-2"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
Serwer nie mo�e zrealizowa� twojego ��dania
ze wzgl�du na konserwacj� lub zbyt du�e obci��enie.
Prosimy spr�bowa� p�niej.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: sv
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="sv"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Tj&auml;nsten ej tillg&auml;nglig!"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
Servern &auml;r f&ouml;r tillf&auml;llet of&ouml;rm&ouml;gen att
utf&ouml;ra din f&ouml;rfr&aring;gan p&aring; grund av underh&aring;ll
eller kapacitetsbegr&auml;nsningar. V&auml;nligen f&ouml;rs&ouml;k
igen senare.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: it
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="it"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Servizio non disponibile!"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
Il server in questo momento non &egrave; in grado di
soddisfare la richiesta per motivi di manutenzione
o di sovraccarico del sistema.
Per favore, riprova pi&ugrave; tardi.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: pt-br
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="pt-br"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Servi&ccedil;o indispon&iacute;vel!"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
O servidor est&aacute; temporariamente fora de servi&ccedil;o
para manutan&ccedil;&atilde;o ou devido a problemas de capacidade.
Por favor tente acessar mais tarde.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: ro
Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="ro"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Serviciu indisponibil!"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
Serverul nu poate, temporar, sa raspunda cererii
dumneavoastra datorita intretinerii acestuia sau a
unor probleme de capacitate. Va rugam incercati mai tarziu.
<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
Content-language: ko
Content-type: text/html; charset=EUC-KR
<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="ko"
--><!--#set var="TITLE" value="���� �Ͻ�����!"
--><!--#set var="CHARACTER_ENCODING" value="EUC-KR"
--><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
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<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->