STATUS revision fbfdb4a45ff0e32dbfef0d414c8d75fe8aebcbb9
Apache 2.0 STATUS:
Last modified at [$Date: 1999/08/31 21:46:35 $]
2.0: In pre-alpha development
* Vague goal of an alpha or beta release in 1999. Commit-then-review
is active.
* CGI doesn't work
Status: Ben Laurie is working on this.
* mod_status doesn't work
Status: Manoj Kasichainula <> is working on this. A
patch has been posted that starts to fix this:
(<> and
* suEXEC doesn't work
Ben Laurie's work to fix CGIs will also fix this.
* Windows NT port isn't done
Status: Bill is working on this through his MPM work, and Ryan
is with APR.
* Current 2.0 code is not tested on many Unix platforms. Make 2.0
work on most, if not all the systems 1.3 did
Status: Autoconf and APR will get us most of the way there.
* The module API is a weird combination of the old table and the new
hook system. Switch completely to the new hook system
Status: Ben Laurie is working on this.
* Switch to autoconf, et al. for configuration.
* Use APR to get rid of more platform dependancies.
Status: Ryan Bloom <> is working on this.
Other bugs that need fixing:
* MaxRequestsPerChild measures connections, not requests.
* Regex containers don't work in an intutive way
Status: No one has come up with an efficient way to fix this
behavior. Dean has suggested getting rid of regex containers
* Areas where APRFile is being used need to be cleaned-up
* SIGSEGV on Linux seems to only kill a thread not a whole process;
we need to work around this, probably by bouncing the signal to
the sigwait thread. But this will hurt debugability.
Other features that need writing:
* Finish infrastructure in core for async MPMs
Status: ?
* TODO in source -- just do an egrep on "TODO" and see what's there
* Odd comments in source (egrep for "ZZZ") need to be cleaned-up
* Work on other MPMs. Possible MPMs discussed or in progress include:
- David Reid's <> Beos MPM
Status: in progress
- Dean Gaudet's async MPM
Status: ?
- Zach Brown's <> Linux siginfo MPM
Status: ?
Documentation that needs writing:
* The concept of MPMs, especially if we ship more than one MPM for a
given platform
* New directives in the various MPMs
* API documentation
Status: Ben Laurie has written some hooks documentation
* Changes since 1.3.9 can be more easily seen in the commitlog file
which includes some of Roy's comments when the changes were
committed in rough change-sets by purpose. Note that the commitlog
does not show the contents of new files until later.
Available Patches:
* Mike Abbott's <> patches to improve
Status: These were written for 1.3, and are awaiting a port to
Open issues:
* What do we do about mod_proxy?
* Which MPMs will be included with Apache 2.0?
* Is conf/highperformance.conf-dist obsolete? It looks obsolete.