INSTALL revision 8744b27bf2f08d2acb55f3e77231ab9b59d5d333
1N/A Quick Start - Unix
1N/A ------------------
1N/A For complete installation documentation, see [ht]docs/manual/install.html or
1N/A $ ./configure --prefix=PREFIX
1N/A $ make
1N/A $ make install
1N/A $ PREFIX/bin/apachectl start
1N/A NOTES: * Replace PREFIX with the filesystem path under which
1N/A Apache should be installed. A typical installation
1N/A might use "/usr/local/apache2" for PREFIX (without the
1N/A quotes).
1N/A * If you are a developer who will be linking your code with
1N/A Apache or using a debugger to step through server code,
1N/A ./configure's --with-included-apr option may be advantageous,
1N/A as it removes the possibility of version or compile-option
1N/A mismatches with APR and APR-util code. (Many OSes now
1N/A include their own version of APR and APR-util.)
1N/A * If you are a developer building Apache directly from
1N/A Subversion, you will need to run ./buildconf before running
1N/A configure. This script bootstraps the build environment and
1N/A requires Python as well as GNU autoconf and libtool. If you
1N/A build Apache from a release tarball, you don't have to run
1N/A buildconf.
1N/A * If you want to build a threaded MPM (for instance worker)
1N/A on FreeBSD, be aware that threads do not work well with
1N/A Apache on FreeBSD versions before 5.4-RELEASE. If you wish
1N/A to try a threaded Apache on an earlier version of FreeBSD,
1N/A use the --enable-threads parameter to ./configure in
1N/A addition to the --with-mpm parameter.
1N/A * If you are building directly from Subversion on Mac OS X
1N/A (Darwin), make sure to use GNU Libtool 1.4.2 or newer. All
1N/A recent versions of the developer tools on this platform
1N/A include a sufficiently recent version of GNU Libtool (named
1N/A glibtool, but buildconf knows where to find it).
1N/A For a short impression of what possibilities you have, here is a
1N/A typical example which configures Apache for the installation tree
1N/A /sw/pkg/apache with a particular compiler and flags plus the two
1N/A additional modules mod_rewrite and mod_speling for later loading
1N/A through the DSO mechanism:
1N/A $ CC="pgcc" CFLAGS="-O2" \
1N/A ./configure --prefix=/sw/pkg/apache \
1N/A --enable-rewrite=shared \
1N/A --enable-speling=shared
1N/A The easiest way to find all of the configuration flags for Apache 2.3
1N/A is to run ./configure --help.
1N/A Quick Start - Windows
1N/A ---------------------
1N/A For complete documentation, see [ht]docs/manual/platform/windows.html or
1N/A The Apache/Win32 binaries are primarily distributed as a Windows Installer
1N/A package (.msi), and may be available as a .zip file as well. These packages
1N/A are named apache-2.3.xx-win32-x86.msi and
1N/A Please choose the .msi package if at all possible. Note that Apache version
2.3 is a development version and binaries may not be available. Use a
released version from the stable 2.2 branch instead.
If you have unpacked a source distribution (named, without
any -win32-x86 notation) you must compile the package yourself, see the links
mentioned above. Unless you intended to do this, please look again for the
binary package from and
install that .msi (or .zip package, if you must.)
If you have unpacked this binary distribution from the .zip package, you
_must_ edit the conf/httpd.conf file (with notepad or another text editor)
to reflect the correct ServerName, Domain, and directory paths. Search for
the text "@@" to discover what you must edit. To install and start the
service after you have corrected the httpd.conf file, use the command
bin\httpd.exe -k install
bin\httpd.exe -k start
The .msi package configures the httpd.conf file, and installs and starts
the Apache2 service for you. It also installs plenty of useful shortcuts
and the taskbar ApacheMonitor. We strongly encourage you to use it.
The Apache HTTP Server group cannot field user's installation questions.
There are many valuable forums to help you get started. Please refer your
questions to the appropriate forum, such as the Users Mailing List at or the usenet newsgroups
comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix or
Thanks for using the Apache HTTP Server, version 2.3.
The Apache Software Foundation