quickcheck.lhs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
#!/ usr / bin / env runhaskell
$ Id $
This file defines a command
quickCheck < options > < files >
which invokes quickCheck on all properties defined in the files given as
arguments, by generating an input script for hugs and then invoking it .
quickCheck recognises the options
+ names print the name of each property before checking it
-names do not print property names (the default)
Other options (beginning with + or -) are passed unchanged to hugs .
Change the first line of this file to the location of runhugs on your
system .
Make the file executable .
someone on #haskell asked about supporting QC tests inside LaTeX, ex . \ {begin} \ {end}, how ?
add a verbosity switch that uses verboseCheck instead of quickCheck
\ begin {code}
import System.Environment
import System.Cmd
import Data.List
main :: IO ()
main = do as <- getArgs
sequence_ (map (process (filter isOption as))
(filter (not . isOption) as))
process opts file =
let (namesOpt, opts') = getOption "names" "-names" opts in
do xs <- readFile file
let names = nub $ filter (\ x -> "prop_" `isPrefixOf` x)
(map (\ s -> case lex s of
(r, _) : _ -> r
_ -> error s) (lines xs))
if null names then
putStr (file ++ ": no properties to check\n")
else do writeFile "ghciin" $
unlines ((":l " ++ file) :
[(if namesOpt == "+names" then
"putStr \"" ++ p ++ ": \" >> "
else "") ++
"Test.QuickCheck.quickCheck " ++ p | p <- names])
system ("ghci -w " ++ options opts' ++ " <ghciin")
return ()
isOption xs = head xs `elem` "-+"
options opts = unwords ["\"" ++ opt ++ "\"" | opt <- opts]
getOption name def opts =
let opt = head [opt | opt <- opts ++ [def], isPrefixOf name (drop 1 opt)] in
(opt, filter (/= opt) opts)
\ end {code}