Portfile revision a6d24f8bc0bb258c7ad745f1da72ccda14bb8f6a
# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
name hets-lib
version 0.98
categories math
maintainers nomaintainer
platforms darwin
description The heterogeneous tool set (HETS) - Libraries
long_description \
The central idea of the Heterogeneous Tool Set (HETS) \
is to provide a general framework for formal methods \
integration and proof management. \
fetch.type svn
universal_variant no
# Doesn't work. But this would be nice. So instead we just don't depend on
# anything.
#depends_run port:Hets | port:Hets-devel
# Take me to your sources:
set worksrcdir trunk
# skip phase configure (there is no ./configure)
use_configure no
# don't try compiling this..
build {}
set hets_path_name hets
destroot {
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${hets_path_name}/hets-lib
copy ${worksrcpath} ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${hets_path_name}/hets-lib