Portfile revision 8846f131c665c0c0cf478d7e4c2a22ae89379b58
# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
name Hets-devel
version 0.98b
categories math
maintainers nomaintainer
platforms darwin
description The heterogeneous tool set (HETS)
long_description \
The central idea of the Heterogeneous Tool Set (HETS) \
is to provide a general framework for formal methods \
integration and proof management. \
fetch.type svn
universal_variant no
depends_build bin:ghc:ghc
depends_lib port:hs-platform-fgl \
depends_run port:uDrawGraph
# hets release package comes as a tar containing a "Hets" directory.
# Take me to your sources:
set worksrcdir Hets
# skip phase configure (there is no ./configure)
use_configure no
pre-build {
# we probably shouldn't do this but there's no port for Haskell's xml
ui_msg "Calling cabal"
ui_msg " update"
system "exec ${prefix}/bin/cabal update"
ui_msg " install xml"
system "exec ${prefix}/bin/cabal --global --prefix=${prefix} install xml"
ui_msg "cabal finished"
# run make depend && make
ui_msg "now building ${name}"
destroot {
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}
copy ${worksrcpath}/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}/