Portfile revision 1ff7dceda44796d8bf92cdbdf084a35763e5e39f
# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
name uDrawGraph
version 3.1
categories graphics
maintainers nomaintainer
platforms darwin
description uDraw(Graph) creates graphs for you.
long_description \
uDraw(Graph) creates your flow charts, diagrams, \
hierarchies or structure visualizations using automatic \
layout - much faster than with any standard drawing program.
master_sites ${homepage}/download/
patchfiles patch-bin-uDrawGraph.diff
# MacOS X 10.3
if {${os.platform} == "darwin" && ${os.major} == 7} {
distfiles ${name}-3.1.1-2-macosx.tar.gz
checksums md5 344dd9ed85f3e0eacd8270ce2e75c577 \
sha1 fde8141e9872576078e922474403d086c59ae3c9 \
rnd160 45e14c9b0c9502b93f09d7aaefdd34c085cef016
# MacOS X 10.4
if {${os.platform} == "darwin" && ${os.major} == 8} {
distfiles ${name}-3.1.1-3-macosx.tar.gz
checksums md5 894b862e27b8403b0d92bef811384f54 \
sha1 60c12b3a4fc39be7c11c016edf3d9832dddd8ee9 \
rnd160 a01c9a83c0d31939d884130b1f61047a15e18af6
# MacOS X 10.5 and 10.6 (x86 only)
if {${os.platform} == "darwin" && ${os.major} >= 9} {
distfiles ${name}-3.1.1-4-macosx-i386.tar.gz
checksums md5 5459618bd09ff8c7b642082d0fc31774 \
sha1 7956a715aae3707857511a34d3941b37386285fd \
rnd160 2bc90f3e5b1674bb837b8b1c2b9a8b41bb25aacf
universal_variant no
# this is a binary so don't try compiling it
configure {}
build {}
destroot {
#using move we shouldn't need to create the dir first.
#xinstall -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/${distname}
xinstall -m 755 -W ${workpath}/${distname}/bin/ ${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/
move ${workpath}/${distname} ${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/