GenItCorrections.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
module Main where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System
import System.Cmd
import Control.Monad
usage :: IO ()
usage = putStrLn
"Usage: it-corrections \"gen_it_characters\" \"gen_it_words\""
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> usage
[_] -> usage
[fp1_base,fp2_base] -> do
let fp1 = fp1_base ++ ".txt"
fp2 = fp2_base ++ ".txt"
fp1_tex = fp1_base ++ ".tex"
fp2_tex = fp2_base ++ ".tex"
fp1_pdf = fp1_base ++ ".pdf"
fp2_pdf = fp2_base ++ ".pdf"
generate_tex_files fp2_tex fp1_tex
convert_to_txt fp1_tex fp1_pdf
convert_to_txt fp2_tex fp2_pdf
str1 <- readFile fp1 -- file with table for every character
p1 <- parseItTable str1
str2 <- readFile fp2 -- file with table for combinated characters
p2 <- parseItTable str2
itc <- corrections (Map.fromList (zip allCharacters p1))
(zip combinations p2) []
str <- output itc "" --print itc
putStrLn ("\nitaliccorrection_map :: Map String Int\n"++
"italiccorrection_map = fromList $ read " ++ post_proc str )
_ -> usage
convert_to_txt :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
convert_to_txt tex_name pdf_name = do
system ("pdflatex -interaction=batchmode "++tex_name++" >/dev/null") >>=
\ ec -> when (isFail ec) (fail "pdflatex went wrong")
rawSystem "pdftotext" ["-raw","-q",pdf_name] >>=
\ ec -> when (isFail ec) (fail "pdftotext went wrong")
return ()
where isFail ec = case ec of
ExitFailure _ -> True
_ -> False
generate_tex_files :: String -> String -> IO ()
generate_tex_files filename1 filename2 = do
writeFile filename1 (tex_file $ writeTexTable combinations)
writeFile filename2 (tex_file $ writeTexTable [[c] | c <- allCharacters])
output :: [(String,Int)] -> String -> IO String
output [] str = return (init str)
output ((s,i):xs) str =
output xs $ str ++ "(\"" ++ s ++ "\"," ++ (show i) ++ "),"
post_proc :: String -> String
post_proc str = '\"': '[': concatMap conv str ++ "]\""
where conv c = case c of
'\"' -> "\\\""
-- converting umlauts to numbers
-- substitute ������� with \196\214\220\223\228\246\252
'\196' -> "\\196"
'\214' -> "\\214"
'\220' -> "\\220"
'\223' -> "\\223"
'\228' -> "\\228"
'\246' -> "\\246"
'\252' -> "\\252"
_ -> [c]
---------- Parser for Table generated with "width-it-table.tex" ---------
parseItTable :: String -> IO [Double]
parseItTable str = case (parse itParser "" str) of
Left err -> do
putStr "parse error at"
print err;error ""
Right x -> return x
itParser :: Parser [Double]
itParser = do manyTill anyChar (try (string "wl: "))
many1 tableEntry
<|> do anyChar
tableEntry :: Parser Double
tableEntry = do
str <- parseDouble
string "pt"
try (manyTill anyChar $ try $ string "wl: ") <|> manyTill anyChar eof
return (read str)
parseDouble :: Parser String
parseDouble = many1 double
double :: Parser Char
double = digit <|> char '.'
stringHead :: Parser String
stringHead = do c1 <- tableChar
c2 <- option "" tableChar
return (c1 ++ c2)
tableChar :: Parser String
tableChar = do str <- try letter <|> digit
return [str]
corrections :: (Map.Map Char Double) -> [(String,Double)] -> [(String,Int)]
-> IO [(String,Int)]
corrections fm [] l = return l
corrections fm (x:xs) l = corrections fm xs (l ++ [corrections' fm x])
corrections' :: (Map.Map Char Double) -> (String,Double) -> (String,Int)
corrections' fm ((c1:c2:[]),d) =
let d1 = Map.findWithDefault (0.0) c1 fm
d2 = Map.findWithDefault (0.0) c2 fm
dif = round (((d1 + d2) - d) * 0.351 * 1000.0)
in ((c1:[c2]),dif)
combinations :: [String]
combinations = let z = zipIt allCharacters allCharacters
in [ c1:[c2] | (c1,c2) <- z ]
zipIt :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [(Char,Char)]
zipIt [] _ = []
zipIt (a:as) bs = (zip [a,a..] bs) ++ (zipIt as bs)
allCharacters :: [Char]
allCharacters = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9']
++ "\228\252\246\196\220\214\223"
writeTexTable :: [String] -> String
writeTexTable [] = []
writeTexTable strl = concat
[ "\\wordline{\\textit{" ++ str ++ "}}\n\\hline\n" | str <- (fst szip) ]
++ "\\end{tabular}\n\\newpage\n\\begin{tabular}{l|l}\n\\hline\n"
++ writeTexTable (snd szip)
where szip = splitAt 30 strl
tex_file :: String -> String
tex_file str = "\\documentclass[a4paper]{article}\n\\usepackage{bookman}\n\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\n\\usepackage{german}\n\\usepackage{calc}\n\\usepackage{longtable}\n\\newlength{\\widthofword}\n\\setlength{\\parindent}{0cm}\n\\newcommand{\\wordline}[1]%\n{#1 & wl: \\setlength{\\widthofword}{\\widthof{#1}}\\the\\widthofword\\\\}\n\\title{Useful Widths for Typesetting-CASL}\n\\author{Klaus L\252ttich}\n\\begin{document}\n\\maketitle\n\\begin{tabular}{l|l}\n\\hline\n"
++ str ++ "\n\\end{tabular}\n\\end{document}"