revision fbf66630978e9a8d85a130211628fe4694ba3664
# usage:
# Modal/ Modal/ModalSystems.hs
# substitute ##<WORD> with Haskell code snippits
use strict;
use File::Basename;
my $disclaimer = '"Remove this trace when Results from map_sign are available\\n"';
# subtitutions with common parts of Modal- and CASL-formulas
my %substs =
("�!modalAx" =>
"inlineAxioms Modal \"modality empty\\n".
"pred p,q:()\\n".
". ",
"�!caslAx" =>
"inlineAxioms CASL \"sort world \\n".
"pred rel : world * world\\n".
"forall w1 : world \\n. ");
my $input = "";
my ($infile,$outfile) = @ARGV;
# Argument processing
###unless ($infile eq "DEBUG") {
die "exactly one in- and one out-file needed!!" unless @ARGV == 2;
my $outfile1 = join "", (fileparse($infile,'\.in'))[1,0];
print STDERR "Generating $outfile1\n";
# open the first two files
open IN, "<$infile" or die "cannot read \"$infile\"";
open OUT, ">$outfile1" or die "cannot write to \"$outfile1\"";
# perform the substitutions
while (<IN>) {
foreach my $key (keys %substs) {
print OUT $_;
close IN;
close OUT;
# call outlineAxioms and get the result imidiately
$input = `utils/outlineAxioms $outfile1`;
if($? >> 8) {
print STDERR "outlineAxioms detected an error\n";
exit 5;
###if ($input eq "") {
### $input = join("",<STDIN>);
# process the output of outlineAxioms (further called input)
$input =~ s,^.*snip\s+><\s+Patterns(.*)snip\s+>/<\s+Patterns,$1,s;
$input =~ s/^\s*\[\(\[\[//s;
$input =~ s/(\})\]\]\)\]\s*$/$1/s;
# print "$input\n";
# split the input into pairs
my @input = split(/\]\]\),\s+?\(\[\[/s, $input);
print STDERR "Generating $outfile\n";
# open the outputfile and print out the header
open OUT, ">$outfile" or die "cannot write to \"$outfile\"";
print OUT '{- look but don\'t touch !!
generated by utils -}
module Modal.ModalSystems (transSchemaMFormula) where
import Debug.Trace
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.AS_Annotation
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
-- ModalCASL
import Modal.AS_Modal
import Modal.Print_AS
import Modal.Utils
transSchemaMFormula :: ([VAR] -> TERM M_FORMULA -> TERM ())
-> AnModFORM -> Maybe (Named CASLFORMULA)
'transSchemaMFormula mapT world rel vars anMF =
let '.
join("\n ",map {'w'.$_.' = vars !! '.($_-1);} (1,2,3,4,5)).
' in
case (getRLabel anMF,item anMF) of
foreach my $pair (@input) {
# print "Pair: $pair\n";
my $moda_i = 0;
# split each pair into raw pattern and raw result
my ($pattern,$result) = split /\]\],\s+?\[\[/s,$pair;
#print STDERR " $pattern => $result\n";
# pattern is the left hand side of the case '->'
# Each field of NamedSen is substituted by a variable
# And then NamedSen is transformend to a tuple
$pattern =~ s/""/_label/os;
# remove line breaks and spaces
$pattern =~ s/\n//gos;
$pattern =~ s/\s+/ /go;
# add variables foreach modality
$pattern =~ s/Simple_mod empty/'moda'.$moda_i++/goe;
# substitute formula variables with underscore
# only 'p','q' and 'r' are recognized
$pattern =~ s/ [pqr] / _ /go;
# remove all stuff that s not needed from the pattern
# closing brace
$pattern =~ s/\}\s*$//o;
# NamedSen Constructor, opening brace and first selector
$pattern =~ s/NamedSen\{senName = //o;
#print STDERR "222: $pattern\n";
# new isAxiom field
$pattern =~ s/isAxiom = \w+,//o;
# sentence selctor
$pattern =~ s/ sentence = //o;
#print STDERR "223: $pattern\n";
# All empty lists in the pattern are substituted by underscores
$pattern =~ s/\[\]/_/go;
# the result is in the right format and only white spaces / line
# breaks are removed
$result =~ s/\n//gos;
$result =~ s/\s+/ /go;
my $list = "";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $moda_i; $list .= 'moda'.$i++.",") {};
$list = "[$list";
$list =~ s/,$/]/o;
unless ($result =~ m/^\s*Nothing\s*$/o) {
$result = "Just \$ ".$result;
print OUT
' ('.$pattern.") -> \n".
' addTerm mapT rel (map modToTerm '.$list.') vars ('.$result.")\n";
print OUT ' (_,f)'." -> \n".
' trace ('.$disclaimer.'++"Modal2CASL: unknown formula \\""++showPretty f "\\"\\n"++show f) Nothing
close OUT;