README revision 79a7f2de0a7e933d26b64d35b2801618ff015954
This README belongs to the casl-mode for GNU emacs,
which consists of three emacs lisp files (casl.el, casl-mode.el and
casl-indent.el) and it may be redistributed under the terms of the
LICENCE.txt also found in this distribution.
The Copyright of this emacs mode is held by the University of Bremen,
Germany, Klaus L�ttich and Heng Jiang. Please contact for bug reports,
comments and any other requests <>.
This emacs mode provides syntax highlighting, indentation and analysis
via hets for CASL and HetCASL specifications.
The emacs mode is loaded by adding the following to your .emacs file,
provided all three casl*.el files are kept in one directory (casl_el
in the example):
(load-file "<path-to-here>/casl_el/casl.el")
Afterwards the casl-mode is loaded for files ending with ".het" and
".casl" automatically.
Running hets from the emacs mode:
If you do not have the hets binary in your PATH environment variable
and not in one of the recognized paths, you may set (after loading
casl.el) the path to your hets binary with the following line in your
.emacs file or interactively for the current session via M-x
(setq hets-program "/Users/luettich/bin/hets")
If you don't set the variable explicitly the directories
are searched for an executable called hets.
The following keycodes are available for checking CASL files from
within GNU emacs:
C-c C-r runs hets with static analysis
C-c C-g runs hets with static analysis and graphical user interface (GUI)
C-c C-n steps through the errors if any
Furthermore, you can set (also interactively with M-x set-variable)
the variable "casl-hets-options" to a string of hets command-line
arguments like this:
(setq casl-hets-options "-v2 -o prf")
The string of additional options is initially empty and it is
recognized by both functions starting hets, with and without GUI.