# Creates a LiveCD for Hets.
# Uses the morphix-tools to create/modify LiveCDs easily. Because morphix-tools
# depends on a Debian-Based distributions this program just works such systems.
# Author: Thiemo Wiedemeyer
# E-Mail: raider@informatik.uni-bremen.de
import sys, os, re
from colorprint import printStart, printInfo, printExit
rootpath = r"./"
execpath = rootpath+r"exec/"
mainpath = rootpath+r"main/"
minipath = rootpath+r"mini/"
copypath = rootpath+r"copy/"
temppath = rootpath+r"temp/"
tmpfile1 = temppath+r"tmp1.iso"
tmpfile2 = temppath+r"tmp2.iso"
isofile = rootpath+r"HetsLiveCD.iso"
modfile = mainpath+r"hets.mod"
xmlfile = rootpath+r"HetsLiveCD.xml"
datafile = copypath+r"hetsdata.tbz2"
# Invocates 'mv' to move a file from source to dest.
# @param source Source path of the file.
# @param dest Destination path of the file.
# @return Returnvalue of 'mv'.
def moveFile(source, dest):
printStart("Moving file...")
cmd = "mv %s %s" % (source, dest)
ret = os.system(cmd)
printExit("... file moved!", ret)
return ret
# Invocates 'mmaker' to create a MainMod out of the HetsLiveCD.xml.
# @return Returnvalue of 'mmaker'.
def createMainMod():
printStart("Creating main mod...")
cmd = "mmaker -v %s %s" % (xmlfile, modfile)
ret = os.system(cmd)
printExit("... main mod created!", ret)
return ret
# Invocates 'morphmini' to create MiniMods out of each *Mini.xml file.
# @return Returnvalue of 'morphmini'.
def createMiniMods():
printStart("Creating mini mods...")
reg = re.compile(r"^.*Mini\.xml")
ret = 0
for item in os.listdir(rootpath):
file = os.path.join(rootpath, item)
if os.path.isfile(file) or os.path.islink(file):
if not reg.match(item):
printInfo("creating mini mod for '%s'" % (item))
cmd = "morphmini %s %s" % (file, minipath+item.replace("Mini.xml", ".mod"))
ret = os.system(cmd)
if ret != 0:
printExit("... mini mods created!", ret)
return ret
# Invocates 'isomorph' to delete given content from a MorpixIso file.
# @param source Source path of the iso file.
# @param dest Destination path of the iso file.
# @param delete Name of the content that should be deleted. If 'all' all
# content is deleted
# @return A Tupel containing the returnvalue of 'isomorph', the new
# source path of the iso file and the new destination path for
# the next action.
def delContent(source, dest, delete):
printStart("Deleting old content...")
printInfo("\t... deleting %s" % delete)
if delete == "all":
cmd = "isomorph --del-all %s %s" % (source, dest)
cmd = "isomorph --del-all %s %s %s" % (delete, source, dest)
ret = os.system(cmd)
printExit("... old content deleted!", ret)
source, dest = dest, source
return ret, source, dest
# Invocates 'isomorph' to add the MainMod to a MorpixIso file.
# @param source Source path of the iso file.
# @param dest Destination path of the iso file.
# @return A Tupel containing the returnvalue of 'isomorph', the new
# source path of the iso file and the new destination path for
# the next action.
def addMainMod(source, dest):
printStart("Insert main mod...")
cmd = "isomorph --add main %s %s %s" % (modfile, source, dest)
ret = os.system(cmd)
printExit("... main mod inserted!", ret)
source, dest = dest, source
return ret, source, dest
# Invocates 'isomorph' to add the MiniMods to a MorpixIso file.
# @param source Source path of the iso file.
# @param dest Destination path of the iso file.
# @return A Tupel containing the returnvalue of 'isomorph', the new
# source path of the iso file and the new destination path for
# the next action.
def addMiniMods(source, dest):
printStart("Insert mini mods...")
ret = 0
for item in os.listdir(minipath):
file = os.path.join(minipath, item)
cmd = "isomorph --add mini %s %s %s" % (file, source, dest)
printInfo("insert mini mod '%s'..." % (file))
ret = os.system(cmd)
source, dest = dest, source
if ret != 0:
printExit("... mini mods inserted!", ret)
return ret, source, dest
# Invocates 'isomorph' to add a given file to a given destination path on the
# LiveCD to a MorpixIso file.
# @param file Source path file that should be added.
# @param path Destination path where the file should be added.
# @param source Source path of the iso file.
# @param dest Destination path of the iso file.
# @return A Tupel containing the returnvalue of 'isomorph', the new
# source path of the iso file and the new destination path for
# the next action.
def addFile2Copy(file, path, source, dest):
printStart("Insert file '%s' to '%s'..." % (file, path))
cmd = "isomorph --add copy %s %s %s %s" % (file, path, source, dest)
ret = os.system(cmd)
printExit("... file added!", ret)
source, dest = dest, source
return ret, source, dest
# Invocates addFile2Copy for each file in the copy directory.
# @param path Path to look for files that should be added.
# @param root Base path where the files should be added.
# @param source Source path of the iso file.
# @param dest Destination path of the iso file.
# @return A Tupel containing the returnvalue of addFile2Copy, the new
# source path of the iso file and the new destination path for
# the next action.
def addFiles2Copy(path, root, source, dest):
ret = 0
for item in os.listdir(path):
file = os.path.join(path, item)
newpath = os.path.join(root, item)
if os.path.isfile(file) or os.path.islink(file):
ret, source, dest = addFile2Copy(file, root, source, dest)
elif os.path.isdir(file):
ret, source, dest = addFiles2Copy(file, newpath , source, dest)
if ret != 0:
return ret, source, dest
# Invocates 'isomorph' to add content of the exec directory to a MorpixIso
# file.
# @param source Source path of the iso file.
# @param dest Destination path of the iso file.
# @return A Tupel containing the returnvalue of 'isomorph', the new
# source path of the iso file and the new destination path for
# the next action.
def addExec(source, dest):
printStart("Insert exec files...")
cmd = "isomorph --add exec %s %s %s" % (execpath+"*", source, dest)
ret = os.system(cmd)
printExit("... exec files inserted!", ret)
source, dest = dest, source
return ret, source, dest
# Invocates 'rm' to remove all content from the given directory.
# @param dir Directory that should be cleaned.
# @return Returnvalue of 'rm'.
def cleanDir(dir):
printStart("Deleting files from '%s'..." % (dir))
cmd = "rm -f %s" % (dir+"*")
ret = os.system(cmd)
printExit("... files from '%s' deleted!" % (dir), ret)
return ret
# Invocates cleanDir all directories that should be cleaned.
# @param all If True temp, main and mini directories are clened else just temp.
# @return Returnvalue of cleanDir.
def cleanup(all=False):
if not all:
return cleanDir(temppath)
for dir in (temppath, mainpath, minipath):
if cleanDir(dir) != 0:
return -1
return 0
# Prints a usage message to the console.
def usage():
print "Usage:"
print " %s Option" % os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1]
print ""
print "Options:"
print " [copy|exec|main|mini|clean|mkmain|mkmini|mkiso|all|deltmp|delall]"
print ""
print "Description:"
print " copy copies files from './copy' to iso."
print " exec copies files from './exec' to iso."
print " main copies main module './main/hets.mod' to iso."
print " mini copies all mini modules from './mini/' to iso."
print " clean deletes exec, main, copy, mini from iso."
print " mkmain creates the mainmod out of './HetsLiveCD.xml'."
print " mkmini creates minimods for all './*Mini.xml'."
print " mkiso makes a clean and adds exec, main, copy, mini to iso."
print " all makes a clean, creates main and mini mods and adds exec, main, copy,"
print " mini to iso."
print " deltmp deletes content of './temp'."
print " delall deletes content of './mini', './main' and './temp'."
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Check argument count
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "Wrong parameter count."
# Check if command is in available command list
if not sys.argv[1] in ("copy","exec","main","mini","clean","mkmain","mkmini","mkiso","all","deltmp","delall"):
print "Unknown command."
# Setting source and destination iso files
source = tmpfile1
dest = tmpfile2
# If command is a command that manipulates iso files, the HetsLiveCD.iso is moved to source
if not sys.argv[1] in ("mkmain","mkmini","deltmp","delall"):
if moveFile(isofile, source) != 0:
# copy
if sys.argv[1] == "copy":
ret, source, dest = delContent(source, dest, "copy")
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addFiles2Copy(copypath, "/", source, dest)
if ret != 0:
# exec
elif sys.argv[1] == "exec":
ret, source, dest = delContent(source, dest, "exec")
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addExec(source, dest)
if ret != 0:
# main
elif sys.argv[1] == "main":
ret, source, dest = delContent(source, dest, "main")
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addMainMod(source, dest)
if ret != 0:
# mini
elif sys.argv[1] == "mini":
ret, source, dest = delContent(source, dest, "mini")
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addMiniMods(source, dest)
if ret != 0:
# clean
elif sys.argv[1] == "clean":
ret, source, dest = delContent(source, dest, "all")
if ret != 0:
# mkmain
elif sys.argv[1] == "mkmain":
if createMainMod() != 0:
# mkmini
elif sys.argv[1] == "mkmini":
if createMiniMods() != 0:
# mkiso
elif sys.argv[1] == "mkiso":
ret, source, dest = delContent(source, dest, "all")
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addExec(source, dest)
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addFiles2Copy(copypath, "/", source, dest)
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addMiniMods(source, dest)
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addMainMod(source, dest)
if ret != 0:
# all
elif sys.argv[1] == "all":
if createMainMod() != 0:
if createMiniMods() != 0:
ret, source, dest = delContent(source, dest, "all")
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addExec(source, dest)
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addFiles2Copy(copypath, "/", source, dest)
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addMiniMods(source, dest)
if ret != 0:
ret, source, dest = addMainMod(source, dest)
if ret != 0:
# deltmp
elif sys.argv[1] == "deltmp":
if cleanup(False) != 0:
# delall
elif sys.argv[1] == "delall":
if cleanup(True) != 0:
if not sys.argv[1] in ("mkmain","mkmini","deltmp","delall"):
if moveFile(source, isofile) != 0:
if cleanup(False) != 0: