InlineAxioms.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) T.Mossakowski, C.Maeder, K.Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Preprocessor for sentences or signatures
written in some logic, usually used for
transforming file.inline.hs into file.hs. The sentences / signature are
replaced with corresponding abstract syntax trees in Haskell. This
frees the programmer from writing AS tree expressions.
The syntax for inline sentences is
inlineAxioms <logic-name> <basic-spec>
and the syntax for inlining signatures is
inlineSign <logic-name> <basic-spec>
where <logic-name> must be a logic in the logic graph, and <basic-spec> a
basic specification in that logic. Only the sentences are extracted from
the basic specification, but the used identifiers must be declared.
* for sentences:
Identifiers are left as Haskell variables, which means that they must
be bound by the enclosing expression. E.g.
generateAxioms :: Sign f e -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
generateAxioms sig =
concat [inlineAxioms CASL
" sorts s < s'; op inj : s->s' \
\ forall x,y:s . inj(x)=inj(y) => x=y
%(ga_embedding_injectivity)% "
| (s,s') <- Rel.toList (sortRel sig)]
where x = mkSimpleId "x"
y = mkSimpleId "y"
inj = mkId [mkSimpleId "_inj"]
* for signatures the resulting expression is a record update of
CASL.Sign.emptySign with an appropiate argument and
all Maps/Sets/Rels turned into lists, which are transformed back
by *.fromList.
module Main where
import Language.Haskell.Pretty as HP
import Language.Haskell.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.Parser
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AnnoState
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Common.Id (Id(Id),Token(Token))
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation (Named)
import System.Environment
import Data.Char(ord)
import Data.List(nub, isPrefixOf, intersperse)
-- avoid the whole Logic (and uni) overhead
import CASL.Parse_AS_Basic(basicSpec)
import CASL.Sign(emptySign,Sign(..),OpType(..),PredType(..))
import CASL.StaticAna(basicCASLAnalysis)
import Modal.AS_Modal(M_FORMULA)
import Modal.Parse_AS(modal_reserved_words)
import Modal.ModalSign(emptyModalSign,ModalSign)
import Modal.StatAna(basicModalAnalysis)
-- | selects the requested output
data ResType = InAxioms | InSign
parseResType :: String -> ResType
parseResType s = case s of
"inlineAxioms" -> InAxioms
"inlineSign" -> InSign
_ -> error $ "inlineAxioms: unknown result type: "++s
class ToString x where
toString :: x -> String
toString _ = error "inlineAxioms: toString not implemented"
showSign :: (ToString e) => Sign f e -> String
showSign sig =
"(emptySign "++extendedInfoS++"){"++
concat (intersperse "," [sortSetS,sortRelS,opMapS,
sortSetS = "sortSet = Set.fromList "++
toString (Set.toList $ sortSet sig)
sortRelS = "sortRel = Rel.fromList "++
toString (Rel.toList $ sortRel sig)
opMapS = "opMap = Map.fromList "++
toString (Map.toList $ opMap sig)
assocOpsS = "assocOps = Map.fromList "++
toString (Map.toList $ assocOps sig)
predMapS = "predMap = Map.fromList "++
toString (Map.toList $ predMap sig)
extendedInfoS = toString (extendedInfo sig)
instance (ToString x) => ToString (Set.Set x) where
toString s = "Set.fromList "++toString (Set.toList s)
instance (ToString x,ToString y) => ToString (x,y) where
toString (x,y) = '(':toString x++',':toString y++")"
instance ToString OpType where
toString (OpType k args res) =
"OpType "++show k++' ': toString args ++" ("++toString res++")"
instance ToString PredType where
toString (PredType args) = "PredType "++ toString args
instance ToString Id where
toString (Id ts is _) = "Id "++toString ts++' ':toString is++" nullRange"
instance ToString Token where
toString (Token s _) = "Token "++show s++" nullRange"
instance (ToString e) => ToString (Sign f e) where
toString = showSign
instance ToString ModalSign where
toString _ = error "inlineAxioms: toString not implemented for ModalSign"
instance (ToString x) => ToString [x] where
toString l = '[': concat (intersperse "," $ map toString l) ++"]"
instance (Show x,ToString x) => ToString (Named x) where
toString = show
instance (ToString x) => ToString (FORMULA x)
instance ToString () where
toString _ = "()"
instance ToString M_FORMULA
parseAndAnalyse :: (Show sens, Show sign, ToString sens, ToString sign)
=> AParser () basic_spec -> sign
-> ((basic_spec, sign, GlobalAnnos)
-> Result (basic_spec, sign, sens))
-> ResType
-> String -> String
parseAndAnalyse pars empt ana resType str =
case runParser pars (emptyAnnos ()) "inlineAxioms" str of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right ast -> let Result ds m = ana (ast, empt, emptyGlobalAnnos) in
case m of
Just (_, s1, sens) ->
case resType of
InAxioms -> toString sens
InSign -> toString s1
{-in trace ("Sign: \n"++show s1 ++ "\n\n" ++
rr++"\n\n") rr-}
_ -> error ("Error during static analysis of inlineAxioms\n" ++
unlines (map show ds))
caslAna, modalAna :: ResType -> String -> String
caslAna = parseAndAnalyse (basicSpec []) (emptySign ()) basicCASLAnalysis
modalAna = parseAndAnalyse (basicSpec modal_reserved_words)
(emptySign emptyModalSign) basicModalAnalysis
-- currently only logic CASL and Modal are used
lookupLogic_in_LG :: ResType -> String -> String -> String -> String
lookupLogic_in_LG rt err s = if s == "CASL" then caslAna rt
else if s == "Modal" then modalAna rt
else error (err ++ "unsupported logic " ++ s)
-- hack: delete position info of form "[inlineAxioms ...]", replace with "[]"
deletePos :: String -> String
deletePos "" = ""
deletePos cs@(c : s) = case deletePrefixes ["[inlineAxioms", "[(line "] cs of
Just r -> "nullRange" ++ deletePos r
_ -> c : deletePos s
deletePrefixes [] _ = Nothing
deletePrefixes (x:xs) str = if isPrefixOf x str then
let r = dropWhile (/= ']') $ drop (length x) str in
if null r then error "missing bracket" else Just $ tail r
else deletePrefixes xs str
-- parse Haskell expression and insert list comprehensions for x_i variables
-- We rely on show for Ids giving just strings, such that these are
-- recognized as Haskell ids
listComp :: ResType -> String -> HsExp
listComp rt s = case rt of
InAxioms -> lcHsExp 0 expr
InSign -> expr
modStr = "module M where\nf="++deletePos s
expr = case parseModule modStr of
ParseOk (HsModule _ _ _ _ [HsPatBind _ _ (HsUnGuardedRhs expr1) _])
-> expr1
err -> error ("inlineAxioms: " ++ show err)
-- parse inline for Haskell decls and exps
piHsFieldUpdate :: HsFieldUpdate -> HsFieldUpdate
piHsFieldUpdate (HsFieldUpdate qn expr) = HsFieldUpdate qn (piHsExp expr)
piHsStmt :: HsStmt -> HsStmt
piHsStmt (HsGenerator loc pat expr) = HsGenerator loc pat (piHsExp expr)
piHsStmt (HsQualifier expr) = HsQualifier (piHsExp expr)
piHsStmt (HsLetStmt decls) = HsLetStmt (map piHsDecl decls)
piHsGuardedAlt :: HsGuardedAlt -> HsGuardedAlt
piHsGuardedAlt (HsGuardedAlt loc expr1 expr2) =
HsGuardedAlt loc (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2)
piHsGuardedAlts :: HsGuardedAlts -> HsGuardedAlts
piHsGuardedAlts (HsUnGuardedAlt expr) = HsUnGuardedAlt (piHsExp expr)
piHsGuardedAlts (HsGuardedAlts alts) = HsGuardedAlts (map piHsGuardedAlt alts)
piHsAlt :: HsAlt -> HsAlt
piHsAlt (HsAlt loc pat alts decls) =
HsAlt loc pat (piHsGuardedAlts alts) (map piHsDecl decls)
piHsExp :: HsExp -> HsExp
piHsExp (HsInfixApp expr1 qOp expr3) =
HsInfixApp (piHsExp expr1) qOp (piHsExp expr3)
piHsExp (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent typeStr)))
(HsCon (UnQual (HsIdent logStr))))
(HsLit (HsString str))) =
listComp (parseResType typeStr) $
lookupLogic_in_LG (parseResType typeStr)
"inlineAxioms: " logStr str
piHsExp (HsApp expr1 expr2) =
HsApp (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2)
piHsExp (HsNegApp expr) =
HsNegApp (piHsExp expr)
piHsExp (HsLambda loc pats expr) =
HsLambda loc pats (piHsExp expr)
piHsExp (HsLet decls expr) =
HsLet (map piHsDecl decls) (piHsExp expr)
piHsExp (HsIf expr1 expr2 expr3) =
HsIf (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2) (piHsExp expr3)
piHsExp (HsCase expr alts) = HsCase (piHsExp expr) (map piHsAlt alts)
piHsExp (HsDo stmts) = HsDo (map piHsStmt stmts)
piHsExp (HsTuple exprs) = HsTuple (map piHsExp exprs)
piHsExp (HsList exprs) = HsList (map piHsExp exprs)
piHsExp (HsParen expr) = HsParen (piHsExp expr)
piHsExp (HsLeftSection expr1 qOp) = HsLeftSection (piHsExp expr1) qOp
piHsExp (HsRightSection qOp expr2) = HsRightSection qOp (piHsExp expr2)
piHsExp (HsRecConstr qn fields) = HsRecConstr qn (map piHsFieldUpdate fields)
piHsExp (HsRecUpdate expr fields) =
HsRecUpdate (piHsExp expr) (map piHsFieldUpdate fields)
piHsExp (HsEnumFrom expr) = HsEnumFrom (piHsExp expr)
piHsExp (HsEnumFromTo expr1 expr2) =
HsEnumFromTo (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2)
piHsExp (HsEnumFromThen expr1 expr2) =
HsEnumFromThen (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2)
piHsExp (HsEnumFromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3) =
HsEnumFromThenTo (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2) (piHsExp expr3)
piHsExp (HsListComp expr stmts) =
HsListComp (piHsExp expr) (map piHsStmt stmts)
piHsExp (HsExpTypeSig loc expr qt) = HsExpTypeSig loc (piHsExp expr) qt
piHsExp expr = expr
piHsGuardedRhs :: HsGuardedRhs ->HsGuardedRhs
piHsGuardedRhs (HsGuardedRhs loc expr1 expr2) =
HsGuardedRhs loc (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2)
piHsRhs :: HsRhs -> HsRhs
piHsRhs (HsUnGuardedRhs expr) = HsUnGuardedRhs (piHsExp expr)
piHsRhs (HsGuardedRhss rhss) = HsGuardedRhss (map piHsGuardedRhs rhss)
piHsMatch :: HsMatch -> HsMatch
piHsMatch (HsMatch loc qn pats rhs decls) =
HsMatch loc qn pats (piHsRhs rhs) (map piHsDecl decls)
piHsDecl :: HsDecl -> HsDecl
piHsDecl (HsFunBind ms) = HsFunBind (map piHsMatch ms)
piHsDecl (HsPatBind loc pat rhs decls) =
HsPatBind loc pat (piHsRhs rhs) (map piHsDecl decls)
piHsDecl decl = decl
parseInline :: HsModule -> HsModule
parseInline (HsModule loc modu expr imp decls) =
HsModule loc modu expr imp (map piHsDecl decls)
-- transformation of x_i to list comprehension x_i<-x
lcHsFieldUpdate :: HsFieldUpdate -> HsFieldUpdate
lcHsFieldUpdate (HsFieldUpdate qn expr) = HsFieldUpdate qn (lcHsExp 0 expr)
lcHsStmt :: HsStmt -> HsStmt
lcHsStmt (HsGenerator loc pat expr) = HsGenerator loc pat (lcHsExp 0 expr)
lcHsStmt (HsQualifier expr) = HsQualifier (lcHsExp 0 expr)
lcHsStmt (HsLetStmt decls) = HsLetStmt (map lcHsDecl decls)
lcHsGuardedAlt :: HsGuardedAlt -> HsGuardedAlt
lcHsGuardedAlt (HsGuardedAlt loc expr1 expr2) =
HsGuardedAlt loc (lcHsExp 0 expr1) (lcHsExp 0 expr2)
lcHsGuardedAlts :: HsGuardedAlts -> HsGuardedAlts
lcHsGuardedAlts (HsUnGuardedAlt expr) = HsUnGuardedAlt (lcHsExp 0 expr)
lcHsGuardedAlts (HsGuardedAlts alts) = HsGuardedAlts (map lcHsGuardedAlt alts)
lcHsAlt :: HsAlt -> HsAlt
lcHsAlt (HsAlt loc pat alts decls) =
HsAlt loc pat (lcHsGuardedAlts alts) (map lcHsDecl decls)
-- look for a variable of form x_i or x_..._i and return it as a string,
-- if present. Also return the number of underscores
indexVar :: HsExp -> [(String,Int)]
indexVar (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent v))) =
case reverse v of
i:'_':_ -> [(v,ord(i)-ord('h'))]
_ -> []
-- special treatment of CASL Var_decls, since these should not count
-- as enumerated lists
indexVar (HsVar _) = error "inlineAxioms: qualified var"
indexVar (HsApp (HsCon (UnQual (HsIdent "Var_decl"))) (HsList exprs)) =
concat (map indexVar exprs)
indexVar (HsApp expr1 expr2) =
indexVar expr1++indexVar expr2
indexVar (HsTuple exprs) = concat (map indexVar exprs)
indexVar (HsParen expr) = indexVar expr
indexVar (HsList exprs) =
[(v,n-1) | e <- exprs, (v,n) <- indexVar e, n>1]
indexVar _ = []
lcHsExp :: Int -> HsExp -> HsExp
lcHsExp n (HsInfixApp expr1 qOp expr3) =
HsInfixApp (lcHsExp n expr1) qOp (lcHsExp n expr3)
lcHsExp n (HsApp expr1 expr2) =
HsApp (lcHsExp n expr1) (lcHsExp n expr2)
lcHsExp n (HsNegApp expr) =
HsNegApp (lcHsExp n expr)
lcHsExp n (HsLambda loc pats expr) =
HsLambda loc pats (lcHsExp n expr)
lcHsExp n (HsLet decls expr) =
HsLet (map lcHsDecl decls) (lcHsExp n expr)
lcHsExp n (HsIf expr1 expr2 expr3) =
HsIf (lcHsExp n expr1) (lcHsExp n expr2) (lcHsExp n expr3)
lcHsExp n (HsCase expr alts) = HsCase (lcHsExp n expr) (map lcHsAlt alts)
lcHsExp _ (HsDo stmts) = HsDo (map lcHsStmt stmts)
lcHsExp n (HsTuple exprs) = HsTuple (map (lcHsExp n) exprs)
lcHsExp n (HsList exprs)
| null exprs = HsList []
| n > 0 = HsList $ map (lcHsExp (n-1)) exprs
| otherwise = let expr = head exprs in
case nub $ indexVar expr of
[] -> HsList (map (lcHsExp 0) exprs)
[(v,k)] -> HsListComp (lcHsExp (max (k-1) 0) expr) [HsGenerator
(SrcLoc "" 0 0)
(HsPVar $ HsIdent $ v)
(HsVar $ UnQual $ HsIdent $ v0 $ v)
vs@((_,k):_) ->
let vs' = map fst vs
in HsListComp (lcHsExp (max (k-1) 0) expr) [HsGenerator
(SrcLoc "" 0 0)
(HsPTuple (map (HsPVar . HsIdent) vs'))
(mkZip (map (HsVar . UnQual . HsIdent . v0) vs'))
-- The list variable v0 is just v without index
where v0 v = reverse $ drop 2 $ reverse v
mkZip l =
foldl HsApp (HsVar $ Qual (Module "Data.List")
(HsIdent ("zip"++ext)))
where ext = if len == 2 then "" else show len
len = length l
lcHsExp n (HsParen expr) = HsParen (lcHsExp n expr)
lcHsExp n (HsLeftSection expr1 qOp) = HsLeftSection (lcHsExp n expr1) qOp
lcHsExp n (HsRightSection qOp expr2) = HsRightSection qOp (lcHsExp n expr2)
lcHsExp _ (HsRecConstr qn fields) = HsRecConstr qn (map lcHsFieldUpdate fields)
lcHsExp n (HsRecUpdate expr fields) =
HsRecUpdate (lcHsExp n expr) (map lcHsFieldUpdate fields)
lcHsExp n (HsEnumFrom expr) = HsEnumFrom (lcHsExp n expr)
lcHsExp n (HsEnumFromTo expr1 expr2) =
HsEnumFromTo (lcHsExp n expr1) (lcHsExp n expr2)
lcHsExp n (HsEnumFromThen expr1 expr2) =
HsEnumFromThen (lcHsExp n expr1) (lcHsExp n expr2)
lcHsExp n (HsEnumFromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3) =
HsEnumFromThenTo (lcHsExp n expr1) (lcHsExp n expr2) (lcHsExp n expr3)
lcHsExp n (HsListComp expr stmts) =
HsListComp (lcHsExp n expr) (map lcHsStmt stmts)
lcHsExp n (HsExpTypeSig loc expr qt) = HsExpTypeSig loc (lcHsExp n expr) qt
lcHsExp _ expr = expr
lcHsGuardedRhs :: HsGuardedRhs ->HsGuardedRhs
lcHsGuardedRhs (HsGuardedRhs loc expr1 expr2) =
HsGuardedRhs loc (lcHsExp 0 expr1) (lcHsExp 0 expr2)
lcHsRhs :: HsRhs -> HsRhs
lcHsRhs (HsUnGuardedRhs expr) = HsUnGuardedRhs (lcHsExp 0 expr)
lcHsRhs (HsGuardedRhss rhss) = HsGuardedRhss (map lcHsGuardedRhs rhss)
lcHsMatch :: HsMatch -> HsMatch
lcHsMatch (HsMatch loc qn pats rhs decls) =
HsMatch loc qn pats (lcHsRhs rhs) decls
lcHsDecl :: HsDecl -> HsDecl
lcHsDecl (HsFunBind ms) = HsFunBind (map lcHsMatch ms)
lcHsDecl (HsPatBind loc pat rhs decls) =
HsPatBind loc pat (lcHsRhs rhs) (map lcHsDecl decls)
lcHsDecl decl = decl
-- main functions
processFile :: String -> String -> IO ()
processFile prog file = do
src <- readFile file
let hsModRes = parseModuleWithMode (ParseMode file) src
firstLineSrc = takeWhile (/='\n') src
firstLine = if isPrefixOf "{-# OPTIONS " firstLineSrc
then firstLineSrc ++"\n"
else ""
case hsModRes of
ParseOk hsMod -> putStr $
firstLine ++
"{- |\nModule : " ++ file ++
"\nDescription : with inlined axioms" ++
"\nCopyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2005" ++
"\nLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt" ++
"\n\nMaintainer :" ++
"\nStability : provisional" ++
"\nPortability : portable\n" ++
"\nModule with inlined inlineAxioms-strings generated by " ++
prog ++
". Don't touch! Original source follows as comment.\n-}\n\n{- \n"
++ src ++ "\n-}\n\n"
++ HP.prettyPrint (parseInline hsMod)
ParseFailed loc err -> fail $
err ++ " in '" ++ file ++ "' line " ++ show (srcLine loc)
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
prog <- getProgName
case args of
[file] -> processFile prog file
_ -> fail $ "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " file"