InlineAxioms.hs revision 3f69b6948966979163bdfe8331c38833d5d90ecd
2509N/A{- |
1178N/AModule : $Header$
1178N/ACopyright : (c) T.Mossakowski, C.Maeder, K.Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
1178N/ALicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
1178N/AMaintainer :
1178N/AStability : provisional
1178N/APortability : portable
1178N/APreprocessor for sentences or signatures
1178N/A written in some logic, usually used for
1178N/A transforming file.inline.hs into file.hs. The sentences / signature are
1178N/A replaced with corresponding abstract syntax trees in Haskell. This
1178N/A frees the programmer from writing AS tree expressions.
1178N/A The syntax for inline sentences is
2362N/A inlineAxioms <logic-name> <basic-spec>
2362N/A and the syntax for inlining signatures is
1178N/A inlineSign <logic-name> <basic-spec>
1178N/A where <logic-name> must be a logic in the logic graph, and <basic-spec> a
1178N/A basic specification in that logic. Only the sentences are extracted from
1178N/A the basic specification, but the used identifiers must be declared.
1178N/A * for sentences:
1178N/A Identifiers are left as Haskell variables, which means that they must
1178N/A be bound by the enclosing expression. E.g.
1178N/AgenerateAxioms :: Sign f e -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
1178N/AgenerateAxioms sig =
1178N/A concat [inlineAxioms CASL
1178N/A " sorts s < s'; op inj : s->s' \
1178N/A \ forall x,y:s . inj(x)=inj(y) => x=y
1178N/A %(ga_embedding_injectivity)% "
1178N/A | (s,s') <- Rel.toList (sortRel sig)]
1178N/A where x = mkSimpleId "x"
1178N/A y = mkSimpleId "y"
1178N/A inj = mkId [mkSimpleId "_inj"]
1178N/A * for signatures the resulting expression is a record update of
1178N/A CASL.Sign.emptySign with an appropiate argument and
1178N/A all Maps/Sets/Rels turned into lists, which are transformed back
1178N/A by *.fromList.
0N/Amodule Main where
0N/Aimport Language.Haskell.Pretty as HP
1178N/Aimport Language.Haskell.Syntax
1178N/Aimport Language.Haskell.Parser
1178N/Aimport qualified Data.Map as Map
1178N/Aimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
0N/Aimport qualified Data.Set as Set
1178N/Aimport Common.GlobalAnnotations
1178N/Aimport Common.AnnoState
0N/Aimport Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
1178N/Aimport Common.Id (Id(Id),Token(Token))
1178N/Aimport Common.Result
1178N/Aimport Common.AS_Annotation (SenAttr)
1178N/Aimport System.Environment
0N/Aimport Data.Char(ord)
1178N/Aimport Data.List(nub, isPrefixOf, intersperse)
1178N/A-- avoid the whole Logic (and uni) overhead
1178N/Aimport CASL.AS_Basic_CASL(FORMULA)
1178N/Aimport CASL.Parse_AS_Basic(basicSpec)
1178N/Aimport CASL.Sign(emptySign,Sign(..),OpType(..),PredType(..))
1178N/Aimport CASL.StaticAna(basicCASLAnalysis)
1178N/Aimport Modal.AS_Modal(M_FORMULA)
1178N/Aimport Modal.Parse_AS(modal_reserved_words)
0N/Aimport Modal.ModalSign(emptyModalSign,ModalSign)
1178N/Aimport Modal.StatAna(basicModalAnalysis)
1178N/A-- | selects the requested output
1178N/Adata ResType = InAxioms | InSign
1178N/AparseResType :: String -> ResType
1178N/AparseResType s = case s of
1178N/A "inlineAxioms" -> InAxioms
"inlineSign" -> InSign
_ -> error $ "inlineAxioms: unknown result type: "++s
class ToString x where
toString :: x -> String
toString _ = error "inlineAxioms: toString not implemented"
showSign :: (ToString e) => Sign f e -> String
showSign sig =
"(emptySign "++extendedInfoS++"){"++
concat (intersperse "," [sortSetS,sortRelS,opMapS,
sortSetS = "sortSet = Set.fromList "++
toString (Set.toList $ sortSet sig)
sortRelS = "sortRel = Rel.fromList "++
toString (Rel.toList $ sortRel sig)
opMapS = "opMap = Map.fromList "++
toString (Map.toList $ opMap sig)
assocOpsS = "assocOps = Map.fromList "++
toString (Map.toList $ assocOps sig)
predMapS = "predMap = Map.fromList "++
toString (Map.toList $ predMap sig)
extendedInfoS = toString (extendedInfo sig)
instance (ToString x) => ToString (Set.Set x) where
toString s = "Set.fromList "++toString (Set.toList s)
instance (ToString x,ToString y) => ToString (x,y) where
toString (x,y) = '(':toString x++',':toString y++")"
instance ToString OpType where
toString (OpType k args res) =
"OpType "++show k++' ': toString args ++" ("++toString res++")"
instance ToString PredType where
toString (PredType args) = "PredType "++ toString args
instance ToString Id where
toString (Id ts is _) = "Id "++toString ts++' ':toString is++" nullRange"
instance ToString Token where
toString (Token s _) = "Token "++show s++" nullRange"
instance (ToString e) => ToString (Sign f e) where
toString = showSign
instance ToString ModalSign where
toString _ = error "inlineAxioms: toString not implemented for ModalSign"
instance (ToString x) => ToString [x] where
toString l = '[': concat (intersperse "," $ map toString l) ++"]"
instance (Show a, ToString a, Show b) => ToString (SenAttr a b) where
toString = show
instance (ToString x) => ToString (FORMULA x)
instance ToString () where
toString _ = "()"
instance ToString M_FORMULA
parseAndAnalyse :: (Show sens, Show sign, ToString sens, ToString sign)
=> AParser () basic_spec -> sign
-> ((basic_spec, sign, GlobalAnnos)
-> Result (basic_spec, sign, sens))
-> ResType
-> String -> String
parseAndAnalyse pars empt ana resType str =
case runParser pars (emptyAnnos ()) "inlineAxioms" str of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right ast -> let Result ds m = ana (ast, empt, emptyGlobalAnnos) in
case m of
Just (_, s1, sens) ->
case resType of
InAxioms -> toString sens
InSign -> toString s1
{-in trace ("Sign: \n"++show s1 ++ "\n\n" ++
rr++"\n\n") rr-}
_ -> error ("Error during static analysis of inlineAxioms\n" ++
unlines (map show ds))
caslAna, modalAna :: ResType -> String -> String
caslAna = parseAndAnalyse (basicSpec []) (emptySign ()) basicCASLAnalysis
modalAna = parseAndAnalyse (basicSpec modal_reserved_words)
(emptySign emptyModalSign) basicModalAnalysis
-- currently only logic CASL and Modal are used
lookupLogic_in_LG :: ResType -> String -> String -> String -> String
lookupLogic_in_LG rt err s = if s == "CASL" then caslAna rt
else if s == "Modal" then modalAna rt
else error (err ++ "unsupported logic " ++ s)
-- hack: delete position info of form "[inlineAxioms ...]", replace with "[]"
deletePos :: String -> String
deletePos "" = ""
deletePos cs@(c : s) = case deletePrefixes ["[inlineAxioms", "[(line "] cs of
Just r -> "nullRange" ++ deletePos r
_ -> c : deletePos s
deletePrefixes [] _ = Nothing
deletePrefixes (x:xs) str = if isPrefixOf x str then
let r = dropWhile (/= ']') $ drop (length x) str in
if null r then error "missing bracket" else Just $ tail r
else deletePrefixes xs str
-- parse Haskell expression and insert list comprehensions for x_i variables
-- We rely on show for Ids giving just strings, such that these are
-- recognized as Haskell ids
listComp :: ResType -> String -> HsExp
listComp rt s = case rt of
InAxioms -> lcHsExp 0 expr
InSign -> expr
modStr = "module M where\nf="++deletePos s
expr = case parseModule modStr of
ParseOk (HsModule _ _ _ _ [HsPatBind _ _ (HsUnGuardedRhs expr1) _])
-> expr1
err -> error ("inlineAxioms: " ++ show err)
-- parse inline for Haskell decls and exps
piHsFieldUpdate :: HsFieldUpdate -> HsFieldUpdate
piHsFieldUpdate (HsFieldUpdate qn expr) = HsFieldUpdate qn (piHsExp expr)
piHsStmt :: HsStmt -> HsStmt
piHsStmt (HsGenerator loc pat expr) = HsGenerator loc pat (piHsExp expr)
piHsStmt (HsQualifier expr) = HsQualifier (piHsExp expr)
piHsStmt (HsLetStmt decls) = HsLetStmt (map piHsDecl decls)
piHsGuardedAlt :: HsGuardedAlt -> HsGuardedAlt
piHsGuardedAlt (HsGuardedAlt loc expr1 expr2) =
HsGuardedAlt loc (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2)
piHsGuardedAlts :: HsGuardedAlts -> HsGuardedAlts
piHsGuardedAlts (HsUnGuardedAlt expr) = HsUnGuardedAlt (piHsExp expr)
piHsGuardedAlts (HsGuardedAlts alts) = HsGuardedAlts (map piHsGuardedAlt alts)
piHsAlt :: HsAlt -> HsAlt
piHsAlt (HsAlt loc pat alts decls) =
HsAlt loc pat (piHsGuardedAlts alts) (map piHsDecl decls)
piHsExp :: HsExp -> HsExp
piHsExp (HsInfixApp expr1 qOp expr3) =
HsInfixApp (piHsExp expr1) qOp (piHsExp expr3)
piHsExp (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent typeStr)))
(HsCon (UnQual (HsIdent logStr))))
(HsLit (HsString str))) =
listComp (parseResType typeStr) $
lookupLogic_in_LG (parseResType typeStr)
"inlineAxioms: " logStr str
piHsExp (HsApp expr1 expr2) =
HsApp (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2)
piHsExp (HsNegApp expr) =
HsNegApp (piHsExp expr)
piHsExp (HsLambda loc pats expr) =
HsLambda loc pats (piHsExp expr)
piHsExp (HsLet decls expr) =
HsLet (map piHsDecl decls) (piHsExp expr)
piHsExp (HsIf expr1 expr2 expr3) =
HsIf (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2) (piHsExp expr3)
piHsExp (HsCase expr alts) = HsCase (piHsExp expr) (map piHsAlt alts)
piHsExp (HsDo stmts) = HsDo (map piHsStmt stmts)
piHsExp (HsTuple exprs) = HsTuple (map piHsExp exprs)
piHsExp (HsList exprs) = HsList (map piHsExp exprs)
piHsExp (HsParen expr) = HsParen (piHsExp expr)
piHsExp (HsLeftSection expr1 qOp) = HsLeftSection (piHsExp expr1) qOp
piHsExp (HsRightSection qOp expr2) = HsRightSection qOp (piHsExp expr2)
piHsExp (HsRecConstr qn fields) = HsRecConstr qn (map piHsFieldUpdate fields)
piHsExp (HsRecUpdate expr fields) =
HsRecUpdate (piHsExp expr) (map piHsFieldUpdate fields)
piHsExp (HsEnumFrom expr) = HsEnumFrom (piHsExp expr)
piHsExp (HsEnumFromTo expr1 expr2) =
HsEnumFromTo (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2)
piHsExp (HsEnumFromThen expr1 expr2) =
HsEnumFromThen (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2)
piHsExp (HsEnumFromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3) =
HsEnumFromThenTo (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2) (piHsExp expr3)
piHsExp (HsListComp expr stmts) =
HsListComp (piHsExp expr) (map piHsStmt stmts)
piHsExp (HsExpTypeSig loc expr qt) = HsExpTypeSig loc (piHsExp expr) qt
piHsExp expr = expr
piHsGuardedRhs :: HsGuardedRhs ->HsGuardedRhs
piHsGuardedRhs (HsGuardedRhs loc expr1 expr2) =
HsGuardedRhs loc (piHsExp expr1) (piHsExp expr2)
piHsRhs :: HsRhs -> HsRhs
piHsRhs (HsUnGuardedRhs expr) = HsUnGuardedRhs (piHsExp expr)
piHsRhs (HsGuardedRhss rhss) = HsGuardedRhss (map piHsGuardedRhs rhss)
piHsMatch :: HsMatch -> HsMatch
piHsMatch (HsMatch loc qn pats rhs decls) =
HsMatch loc qn pats (piHsRhs rhs) (map piHsDecl decls)
piHsDecl :: HsDecl -> HsDecl
piHsDecl (HsFunBind ms) = HsFunBind (map piHsMatch ms)
piHsDecl (HsPatBind loc pat rhs decls) =
HsPatBind loc pat (piHsRhs rhs) (map piHsDecl decls)
piHsDecl decl = decl
parseInline :: HsModule -> HsModule
parseInline (HsModule loc modu expr imp decls) =
HsModule loc modu expr imp (map piHsDecl decls)
-- transformation of x_i to list comprehension x_i<-x
lcHsFieldUpdate :: HsFieldUpdate -> HsFieldUpdate
lcHsFieldUpdate (HsFieldUpdate qn expr) = HsFieldUpdate qn (lcHsExp 0 expr)
lcHsStmt :: HsStmt -> HsStmt
lcHsStmt (HsGenerator loc pat expr) = HsGenerator loc pat (lcHsExp 0 expr)
lcHsStmt (HsQualifier expr) = HsQualifier (lcHsExp 0 expr)
lcHsStmt (HsLetStmt decls) = HsLetStmt (map lcHsDecl decls)
lcHsGuardedAlt :: HsGuardedAlt -> HsGuardedAlt
lcHsGuardedAlt (HsGuardedAlt loc expr1 expr2) =
HsGuardedAlt loc (lcHsExp 0 expr1) (lcHsExp 0 expr2)
lcHsGuardedAlts :: HsGuardedAlts -> HsGuardedAlts
lcHsGuardedAlts (HsUnGuardedAlt expr) = HsUnGuardedAlt (lcHsExp 0 expr)
lcHsGuardedAlts (HsGuardedAlts alts) = HsGuardedAlts (map lcHsGuardedAlt alts)
lcHsAlt :: HsAlt -> HsAlt
lcHsAlt (HsAlt loc pat alts decls) =
HsAlt loc pat (lcHsGuardedAlts alts) (map lcHsDecl decls)
-- look for a variable of form x_i or x_..._i and return it as a string,
-- if present. Also return the number of underscores
indexVar :: HsExp -> [(String,Int)]
indexVar (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent v))) =
case reverse v of
i:'_':_ -> [(v,ord(i)-ord('h'))]
_ -> []
-- special treatment of CASL Var_decls, since these should not count
-- as enumerated lists
indexVar (HsVar _) = error "inlineAxioms: qualified var"
indexVar (HsApp (HsCon (UnQual (HsIdent "Var_decl"))) (HsList exprs)) =
concat (map indexVar exprs)
indexVar (HsApp expr1 expr2) =
indexVar expr1++indexVar expr2
indexVar (HsTuple exprs) = concat (map indexVar exprs)
indexVar (HsParen expr) = indexVar expr
indexVar (HsList exprs) =
[(v,n-1) | e <- exprs, (v,n) <- indexVar e, n>1]
indexVar _ = []
lcHsExp :: Int -> HsExp -> HsExp
lcHsExp n (HsInfixApp expr1 qOp expr3) =
HsInfixApp (lcHsExp n expr1) qOp (lcHsExp n expr3)
lcHsExp n (HsApp expr1 expr2) =
HsApp (lcHsExp n expr1) (lcHsExp n expr2)
lcHsExp n (HsNegApp expr) =
HsNegApp (lcHsExp n expr)
lcHsExp n (HsLambda loc pats expr) =
HsLambda loc pats (lcHsExp n expr)
lcHsExp n (HsLet decls expr) =
HsLet (map lcHsDecl decls) (lcHsExp n expr)
lcHsExp n (HsIf expr1 expr2 expr3) =
HsIf (lcHsExp n expr1) (lcHsExp n expr2) (lcHsExp n expr3)
lcHsExp n (HsCase expr alts) = HsCase (lcHsExp n expr) (map lcHsAlt alts)
lcHsExp _ (HsDo stmts) = HsDo (map lcHsStmt stmts)
lcHsExp n (HsTuple exprs) = HsTuple (map (lcHsExp n) exprs)
lcHsExp n (HsList exprs)
| null exprs = HsList []
| n > 0 = HsList $ map (lcHsExp (n-1)) exprs
| otherwise = let expr = head exprs in
case nub $ indexVar expr of
[] -> HsList (map (lcHsExp 0) exprs)
[(v,k)] -> HsListComp (lcHsExp (max (k-1) 0) expr) [HsGenerator
(SrcLoc "" 0 0)
(HsPVar $ HsIdent $ v)
(HsVar $ UnQual $ HsIdent $ v0 $ v)
vs@((_,k):_) ->
let vs' = map fst vs
in HsListComp (lcHsExp (max (k-1) 0) expr) [HsGenerator
(SrcLoc "" 0 0)
(HsPTuple (map (HsPVar . HsIdent) vs'))
(mkZip (map (HsVar . UnQual . HsIdent . v0) vs'))
-- The list variable v0 is just v without index
where v0 v = reverse $ drop 2 $ reverse v
mkZip l =
foldl HsApp (HsVar $ Qual (Module "Data.List")
(HsIdent ("zip"++ext)))
where ext = if len == 2 then "" else show len
len = length l
lcHsExp n (HsParen expr) = HsParen (lcHsExp n expr)
lcHsExp n (HsLeftSection expr1 qOp) = HsLeftSection (lcHsExp n expr1) qOp
lcHsExp n (HsRightSection qOp expr2) = HsRightSection qOp (lcHsExp n expr2)
lcHsExp _ (HsRecConstr qn fields) = HsRecConstr qn (map lcHsFieldUpdate fields)
lcHsExp n (HsRecUpdate expr fields) =
HsRecUpdate (lcHsExp n expr) (map lcHsFieldUpdate fields)
lcHsExp n (HsEnumFrom expr) = HsEnumFrom (lcHsExp n expr)
lcHsExp n (HsEnumFromTo expr1 expr2) =
HsEnumFromTo (lcHsExp n expr1) (lcHsExp n expr2)
lcHsExp n (HsEnumFromThen expr1 expr2) =
HsEnumFromThen (lcHsExp n expr1) (lcHsExp n expr2)
lcHsExp n (HsEnumFromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3) =
HsEnumFromThenTo (lcHsExp n expr1) (lcHsExp n expr2) (lcHsExp n expr3)
lcHsExp n (HsListComp expr stmts) =
HsListComp (lcHsExp n expr) (map lcHsStmt stmts)
lcHsExp n (HsExpTypeSig loc expr qt) = HsExpTypeSig loc (lcHsExp n expr) qt
lcHsExp _ expr = expr
lcHsGuardedRhs :: HsGuardedRhs ->HsGuardedRhs
lcHsGuardedRhs (HsGuardedRhs loc expr1 expr2) =
HsGuardedRhs loc (lcHsExp 0 expr1) (lcHsExp 0 expr2)
lcHsRhs :: HsRhs -> HsRhs
lcHsRhs (HsUnGuardedRhs expr) = HsUnGuardedRhs (lcHsExp 0 expr)
lcHsRhs (HsGuardedRhss rhss) = HsGuardedRhss (map lcHsGuardedRhs rhss)
lcHsMatch :: HsMatch -> HsMatch
lcHsMatch (HsMatch loc qn pats rhs decls) =
HsMatch loc qn pats (lcHsRhs rhs) decls
lcHsDecl :: HsDecl -> HsDecl
lcHsDecl (HsFunBind ms) = HsFunBind (map lcHsMatch ms)
lcHsDecl (HsPatBind loc pat rhs decls) =
HsPatBind loc pat (lcHsRhs rhs) (map lcHsDecl decls)
lcHsDecl decl = decl
-- main functions
processFile :: String -> String -> IO ()
processFile prog file = do
src <- readFile file
let hsModRes = parseModuleWithMode (ParseMode file) src
firstLineSrc = takeWhile (/='\n') src
firstLine = if isPrefixOf "{-# OPTIONS " firstLineSrc
then firstLineSrc ++"\n"
else ""
case hsModRes of
ParseOk hsMod -> putStrLn $
firstLine ++
"{- |\nModule : " ++ file ++
"\nDescription : with inlined axioms" ++
"\nCopyright : (c) Uni and DFKI Bremen 2005-2007" ++
"\nLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt" ++
"\n\nMaintainer :" ++
"\nStability : provisional" ++
"\nPortability : portable\n" ++
"\nModule with inlined inlineAxioms-strings generated by " ++
prog ++ ".\n" ++
" Don't touch! Original source follows as comment.\n-}\n\n{- \n"
++ src ++ "\n-}\n\n"
++ HP.prettyPrint (parseInline hsMod)
ParseFailed loc err -> fail $
err ++ " in '" ++ file ++ "' line " ++ show (srcLine loc)
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
prog <- getProgName
case args of
[file] -> processFile prog file
_ -> fail $ "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " file"