ParseFile.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Id$
Copyright : (c) Felix Reckers, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
a very limited Haskell-Parser based on DrIFT's Haskell-Parser
module ParseFile where
import DataP
import CommandP
import ParseLib2
type Import = String
-- result: (datas, imports)
parseInputFile :: FilePath -> String -> Either String ([String], [Import])
parseInputFile fp inp = case (ds, is) of
(Left s, Left s2) -> Left (s ++ "\n" ++ s2)
(Left s, Right _) -> Left s
(Right _, Left s) -> Left s
(Right x, Right y) -> case y of
[] -> Right (x, y)
m : _ -> Right (map ((m ++ ".") ++) x, y)
datParser = skipUntilOff $ datadecl +++ newtypedecl
ds = case papply (parse datParser) (0, 0) ((0, 0), inp) of
[(x, _)] -> Right $ map name x
_ -> Left (fp ++ ": wrong parse (data)")
is = case papply (parse allImports) (0, -1) ((0, 0), inp) of
[(x, _)] -> Right x
_ -> Left (fp ++ ": wrong parse (imports)")
allImports :: Parser [Import]
allImports = do
symbol "module"
m <- cap
opt (skipNest (symbol "(") (symbol ")") >> return [])
symbol "where"
many (fmap (const ()) command +++ comment)
is <- many importDecl
return (m : is)
importDecl :: Parser Import
importDecl = do
symbol "import"
q <- opt (symbol "qualified")
i <- cap
a <- opt (symbol "as" >> cap)
h <- opt (symbol "hiding")
hs <- opt $ importList (symbol "(") (symbol ")")
let add s = if null s then "" else ' ' : s
return $ (if null q then "" else q ++ " ")
++ i ++ (if null a then "" else " as " ++ a)
++ add h ++ add hs
importList :: Parser String -> Parser String -> Parser String
importList start finish = let
x = finish
+++ do
l <- importList start finish
s <- x
return (l ++ s)
+++ do
c <- item
s <- x
return (c : s)
in do
s1 <- start
s2 <- x
return (s1 ++ s2)