GenerateRules.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Id$
Description : generate DriFT directives
Copyright : (c) Felix Reckers, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
generate files for DriFT to derive instances (i.e. for ATerms)
module Main (main) where
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import ParseFile
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data Flag = Rule String | Exclude String | Import String | Output String
deriving Show
{- previous header files should be replaced by proper imports and
possibly excluding some data types.
There may be several -r, -x and -i flags.
options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options = [
Option "r" ["rule"] (ReqArg Rule "Rule")
"the rule for the actual DrIFT derivation",
Option "x" ["exclude"] (ReqArg Exclude "Data")
"exclude the specified data-types",
Option "i" ["import"] (ReqArg Import "Module")
"additionally import the given file(s)",
Option "o" ["output-file"] (ReqArg Output "File")
"specifies the output-directory"
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
case (getOpt RequireOrder options args) of
(flags, files, []) -> if null files
then fail "missing input file(s)" else genRules flags files
(_, _, errs) -> fail $ concat errs ++ usageInfo usage options
where usage = "Usage: genRules [OPTION...] file [file ...]"
-- | only place imports and data directives into the output module
genRules :: [Flag] -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
genRules flags files =
do ids <- mapM readParseFile files
let q@(rules, excs, is, outf) = anaFlags flags
(datas, imports) = (( \ (x,y) -> (concat x,concat y)) . unzip) ids
ds = datas \\ excs
rule = intercalate ", " rules
fileHead = -- add -fvia-C -O0 to reduce *.o sizes for macs
"{-# OPTIONS -w #-}" ++
"\n{- |\nModule : " ++ outf ++
"\nDescription : generated " ++ rule ++ " instances" ++
"\nCopyright : (c) DFKI Bremen 2008" ++
"\nLicense : GPLv2 or higher" ++
"\n\nMaintainer :" ++
"\nStability : provisional" ++
"\nPortability : non-portable(overlapping Typeable instances)\n"
"\nAutomatic derivation of instances via DrIFT-rule " ++
rule ++
"\n for the type(s):\n" ++
concatMap ( \ d -> "'" ++ d ++ "'\n") ds ++
"-}\n\n" ++ "{-\n Generated by 'genRules' " ++
"(automatic rule generation for DrIFT). Don't touch!!" ++
"\n dependency files:\n" ++ unlines files ++ "-}"
qualify imp = if any (flip isPrefixOf imp) ["List", "Maybe", "Char"]
then "Data." ++ imp else imp
checkFlags q
if null ds then fail "no data types left" else
writeFile outf $
fileHead ++ "\n\nmodule " ++ toModule outf
++ " () where\n\n"
++ unlines (map ("import " ++)
. Set.toList . Set.fromList $ map qualify imports ++ is)
++ concatMap ( \ r -> '\n' :
concatMap ( \ d -> "{-! for " ++ d
++ " derive : " ++ r ++ " !-}\n")
ds) rules
readParseFile :: FilePath -> IO ([String],[Import])
readParseFile fp =
do inp <- readFile fp
case parseInputFile fp inp of
Left err -> fail $ "parse error at " ++ err
Right x -> return x
anaFlags :: [Flag] -> ([String], [String], [Import], FilePath)
anaFlags [] = ([], [], [], "")
anaFlags (x : xs) = let
(rs, ds, is, o) = anaFlags xs in case x of
Rule r -> (r : rs, ds, is, o)
Exclude d -> (rs, d : ds, is, o)
Import i -> (rs, ds, i : is, o)
Output outFile -> (rs, ds, is, outFile)
checkFlags :: ([String], [String], [Import], FilePath) -> IO ()
checkFlags (rs, ds, is, o) =
if null rs then fail "no rule given."
else let frs = filter wrong rs in if not (null frs)
then fail $ "wrong rule to apply: " ++ head frs
else if wrong o then fail $ "no module output file given. " ++ o
else let fds = filter wrong ds in if not (null fds)
then fail $ "wrong data type to exclude: " ++ head fds
else let fis = filter wrong is in if not (null fis)
then fail $ "wrong module to import: " ++ head fis
else return ()
where wrong s = null s || not (isUpper $ head s)
toModule :: FilePath -> String
toModule = map ( \ c -> if c == '/' then '.' else c) . takeWhile (/= '.')