GenerateRules.hs revision 2363f62e2f4f9e42bd99d5276f237093a7801f2d
module Main where
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Data.Maybe
import System
import Parsec
import Common.Utils
import ParseFile
data Flag = Rule String | Exclude String | Header String | Output_Directory String
deriving Show
options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options = [
Option ['r'] ["rule"] (ReqArg Rule "RULE")
"rules are the actual DrIFT derivations",
Option ['x'] ["exclude"] (ReqArg Exclude "data[:data]")
"excludes the specified data-types",
Option ['h'] ["header"] (ReqArg Header "FILE[:FILE]")
"uses the header-file(s) for generation",
Option ['o'] ["output-directory"] (ReqArg Output_Directory "DIR")
"specifies the output-directory"
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
case (getOpt RequireOrder options args) of
(m,n,[]) -> case n of
[] -> ioError $ userError ("no filename specified\n"
++ usageInfo header options)
[f] -> genRules m f
_ -> ioError $ userError ("too much filenames specified\n"
++ usageInfo header options)
(_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
where header = "Usage: genRules [OPTION...] file"
genRules :: [Flag] -> FilePath -> IO ()
genRules flags file = do inp <- readFile file
(name,ds,imports) <- case (parse inputFile "" inp) of
Left err -> do { putStr "parse error at";print err;return ([],[],[]) }
Right x -> return x
ds' <- exclude flags ds
fps <- getPaths flags
(rule,dir) <- getRuleAndDir flags
headers <- mapM readFile fps
writeFile (dir ++ "/" ++ fileWP ++ ".der.hs") $
fileHead ++ "\n\nmodule " ++ dir ++ "." ++ fileWP
++ " where\n\nimport " ++ name
++ "\nimport Common.ATerm.Lib\n" ++
concat (map (\x->"import " ++ x ++ "\nimport "++dir++ (cutModuleName x)++"\n") imports)
++ "\n" ++ concat headers ++ "\n" ++ rules rule ds'
fileHead = "{- Generated by 'genRules' (automatic rule generation for DrIFT). Don't touch!! -}"
fileWP = cutSuffix $ basename file
cutModuleName :: FilePath -> FilePath
cutModuleName xs'@('.':xs) = xs'
cutModuleName (x:xs) = cutModuleName xs
rules :: String -> [String] -> String
rules rule [] = []
rules rule (d:ds) = "{-! for " ++ d ++ " derive : " ++ rule ++ " !-}\n" ++ rules rule ds
exclude :: [Flag] -> [String] -> IO [String]
exclude [] ds = return ds
exclude ((Exclude s):fs) ds = case (parse (sepBy1 identifier (char ':')) "" s) of
Left err -> do{ putStr "can't parse exclude datatypes"; print err; return [] }
Right excs -> return [ d | d <- ds,not (elem d excs) ]
exclude (_:fs) ds = exclude fs ds
getPaths :: [Flag] -> IO [FilePath]
getPaths [] = return []
getPaths ((Header s):fs) = case (parse (sepBy1 path (char ':')) "" s) of
Left err -> do{ putStr "couldn't parse header-files";print err;return [] }
Right x -> return x
getPaths (_:fs) = getPaths fs
path :: Parser FilePath
path = many1 (noneOf ":*+?<>")
dirName :: Parser String
dirName = many1 (noneOf "/*+?<>")
getRuleAndDir :: [Flag] -> IO (String,String)
getRuleAndDir flags = return (getRule flags,getDir flags)
getRule ((Rule s):_) = s
getRule (_:xs) = getRule xs
getDir ((Output_Directory s):_) = s
getDir (_:xs) = getDir xs
cutSuffix :: String -> String
cutSuffix f = cutS "" f
cutS s ('.':_) = s
cutS s (x:xs) = cutS (s++ [x]) xs