Instance.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
module DtdToHaskell.Instance
( mkInstance
) where
import Data.List (intersperse)
import DtdToHaskell.TypeDef
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
{- | Convert typedef to appropriate instance declaration, either @XmlContent@,
@XmlAttributes@, or @XmlAttrType@. -}
mkInstance :: TypeDef -> Doc
-- no constructors - represents an element with empty content but attributes.
mkInstance (DataDef _ n fs []) =
let (_, frattr, topat, toattr) = attrpats fs
frretval = if null fs then ppHName n else frattr
topatval = if null fs then ppHName n else topat
text "instance HTypeable" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 ( text "toHType _ = Defined \"" <> ppXName n <> text "\" [] []" )
text "instance XmlContent" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 (
text "toContents" <+> topatval <+> text "=" $$
nest 4 (text "[CElem (Elem \"" <> ppXName n <> text "\""
<+> toattr <+> text "[]) ()]")
text "parseContents = do" $$
nest 4 (text ("{ (Elem _ " ++ (if null fs then "_" else
"as") ++ " []) <- element [\"")
<> ppXName n <> text "\"]" $$
text "; return" <+> frretval $$
text "} `adjustErr` (\"in <" <> ppXName n
<> text ">, \"++)"
mkInstanceAttrs Same n fs
-- single constructor, "real" (non-auxiliary) type
mkInstance (DataDef False n fs [(n0, sts)]) =
let vs = nameSupply sts
(frpat, frattr, topat, toattr) = attrpats fs
text "instance HTypeable" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 ( text "toHType _ = Defined \"" <> ppXName n <> text "\" [] []" )
text "instance XmlContent" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 (
text "toContents" <+> parens (mkCpat n0 topat vs) <+> text "=" $$
nest 4 (text "[CElem (Elem \"" <> ppXName n <> text "\""
<+> toattr <+> parens (mkToElem sts vs)
<> text ") ()]")
text "parseContents = do" $$
nest 4 (text "{ e@(Elem _" <+> frpat <+> text "_) <- element [\""
<> ppXName n <> text "\"]"
$$ text "; interior e $"
<+> mkParseConstr frattr (n0, sts)
$$ text "} `adjustErr` (\"in <" <> ppXName n
<> text ">, \"++)")
mkInstanceAttrs Extended n fs
{- single constructor, auxiliary type (i.e. no corresponding element tag)
cannot be attributes here? -}
mkInstance (DataDef True n [] [(n0, sts)]) =
let vs = nameSupply sts
text "instance HTypeable" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 ( text "toHType _ = Defined \"" <> ppXName n <> text "\" [] []" )
text "instance XmlContent" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 ( text "toContents" <+> parens (mkCpat n0 empty vs)
<+> text "="
$$ nest 4 (parens (mkToElem sts vs))
text "parseContents =" <+> mkParseConstr empty (n0, sts)
-- multiple constructors (real)
mkInstance (DataDef False n fs cs) =
let _ = nameSupply cs
(frpat, frattr, topat, toattr) = attrpats fs
_ = not (null fs)
text "instance HTypeable" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 ( text "toHType _ = Defined \"" <> ppXName n <> text "\" [] []" )
text "instance XmlContent" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 ( vcat (map (mkToMult n topat toattr) cs)
$$ text "parseContents = do "
$$ nest 4 (text "{ e@(Elem _" <+> frpat <+> text "_) <- element [\""
<> ppXName n <> text "\"]"
$$ text "; interior e $ oneOf"
$$ nest 4 ( text "[" <+> mkParseConstr frattr (head cs)
$$ vcat (map (\ c -> text "," <+> mkParseConstr frattr c)
(tail cs))
$$ text "] `adjustErr` (\"in <" <> ppXName n
<> text ">, \"++)"
$$ text "}"
mkInstanceAttrs Extended n fs
-- multiple constructors (auxiliary)
mkInstance (DataDef True n fs cs) =
let _ = nameSupply cs
(_, frattr, _, _) = attrpats fs
mixattrs = not (null fs)
text "instance HTypeable" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 ( text "toHType _ = Defined \"" <> ppXName n <> text "\" [] []" )
text "instance XmlContent" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 ( vcat (map (mkToAux mixattrs) cs)
$$ text "parseContents = oneOf"
$$ nest 4 ( text "[" <+> mkParseConstr frattr (head cs)
$$ vcat (map (\ c -> text "," <+> mkParseConstr frattr c)
(tail cs))
$$ text "] `adjustErr` (\"in <" <> ppXName n
<> text ">, \"++)"
mkInstanceAttrs Extended n fs
-- enumeration of attribute values
mkInstance (EnumDef n es) =
text "instance XmlAttrType" <+> ppHName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 ( text "fromAttrToTyp n (n',v)" $$
nest 4 (text "| n==n' = translate (attr2str v)" $$
text "| otherwise = Nothing") $$
nest 2 (text "where" <+> mkTranslate es)
vcat (map mkToAttr es)
data SameName = Same | Extended
mkInstanceAttrs :: SameName -> Name -> AttrFields -> Doc
mkInstanceAttrs _ _ [] = empty
mkInstanceAttrs s n fs =
let ppName = case s of { Same -> ppHName; Extended -> ppAName; }
text "instance XmlAttributes" <+> ppName n <+> text "where" $$
nest 4 ( text "fromAttrs as =" $$
nest 4 ( ppName n $$
nest 2 (vcat ((text "{" <+> mkFrFld n (head fs)) :
map (\ x -> comma <+> mkFrFld n x) (tail fs)) $$
text "}"))
text "toAttrs v = catMaybes " $$
nest 4 (vcat ((text "[" <+> mkToFld (head fs)) :
map (\ x -> comma <+> mkToFld x) (tail fs)) $$
text "]")
-- respectively (frpat,frattr,topat,toattr)
attrpats :: AttrFields -> (Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc)
attrpats fs =
if null fs then (text "[]", empty, empty, text "[]")
else (text "as", parens (text "fromAttrs as"), text "as", parens (text "toAttrs as"))
{- mkFrElem :: Name -> [StructType] -> [Doc] -> Doc -> Doc
mkFrElem n sts vs inner =
foldr (frElem n) inner (zip3 sts vs cvs)
cvs = let ns = nameSupply2 vs
in zip ns (text "c0": init ns)
frElem _ (st,v,(cvi,cvo)) inner =
parens (text "\\" <> parens (v<>comma<>cvi) <> text "->" $$
nest 2 inner) $$
parens (
case st of
(Maybe String) -> text "fromText" <+> cvo
(Maybe _) -> text "fromElem" <+> cvo
(List String) -> text "many fromText" <+> cvo
(List _) -> text "many fromElem" <+> cvo
(List1 s) -> text "definite fromElem"
<+> text "\"" <> text (show s)<> text "+\""
<+> text "\"" <> ppXName n <> text "\""
<+> cvo
(Tuple ss) -> text "definite fromElem"
<+> text "\"(" <> hcat (intersperse (text ",")
(map ( ss))
<> text ")\""
<+> text "\"" <> ppXName n <> text "\""
<+> cvo
(OneOf _) -> text "definite fromElem"
<+> text "\"OneOf\""
<+> text "\"" <> ppXName n <> text "\""
<+> cvo
(String) -> text "definite fromText" <+> text "\"text\" \"" <>
ppXName n <> text "\"" <+> cvo
(Any) -> text "definite fromElem" <+> text "\"ANY\" \"" <>
ppXName n <> text "\"" <+> cvo
(Defined m) -> text "definite fromElem" <+>
text "\"<" <> ppXName m <> text ">\" \"" <>
ppXName m <> text "\"" <+> cvo
(Defaultable _ _) -> text "nyi_fromElem_Defaultable" <+> cvo
) -}
mkParseContents :: Name -> [StructType] -> [Doc] -> Doc -> Doc
mkParseContents n sts vs inner =
foldr (frElem n) inner (zip3 sts vs cvs)
cvs = let ns = nameSupply2 vs
in zip ns (text "c0": init ns)
frElem n (st,v,(cvi,cvo)) inner =
parens (text "\\" <> parens (v<>comma<>cvi) <> text "->" $$
nest 2 inner) $$
parens (
mkParseConstr :: Doc -> (Name, [StructType]) -> Doc
mkParseConstr frattr (c, sts) =
fsep (text "return" <+> parens (ppHName c <+> frattr)
: map mkParseContents sts)
mkParseContents :: StructType -> Doc
mkParseContents st =
let ap = text "`apply`" in
case st of
(Maybe String) -> ap <+> text "optional text"
(Maybe _) -> ap <+> text "optional parseContents"
(List String) -> ap <+> text "many text"
(List _) -> ap <+> text "many parseContents"
(List1 _) -> ap <+> text "parseContents"
(Tuple _) -> ap <+> text "parseContents"
(OneOf _) -> ap <+> text "parseContents"
(String) -> ap <+> text "(text `onFail` return \"\")"
(Any) -> ap <+> text "parseContents"
(Defined _) -> ap <+> text "parseContents"
(Defaultable _ _) -> ap <+> text "nyi_fromElem_Defaultable"
mkToElem :: [StructType] -> [Doc] -> Doc
mkToElem [] [] = text "[]"
mkToElem sts vs =
fsep (intersperse (text "++") (zipWith toElem sts vs))
toElem st v =
case st of
(Maybe String) -> text "maybe [] toText" <+> v
(Maybe _) -> text "maybe [] toContents" <+> v
(List String) -> text "concatMap toText" <+> v
(List _) -> text "concatMap toContents" <+> v
(List1 _) -> text "toContents" <+> v
(Tuple _) -> text "toContents" <+> v
(OneOf _) -> text "toContents" <+> v
(String) -> text "toText" <+> v
(Any) -> text "toContents" <+> v
(Defined _) -> text "toContents" <+> v
(Defaultable _ _) -> text "nyi_toElem_Defaultable" <+> v
{- mkRpat :: [Doc] -> Doc
mkRpat [v] = v
mkRpat vs = (parens . hcat . intersperse comma) vs -}
mkCpat :: Name -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
mkCpat n i vs = ppHName n <+> i <+> fsep vs
nameSupply :: [b] -> [Doc]
nameSupply ss = take (length ss) (map char ['a' .. 'z']
++ map text [ [a, n] | n <- ['0' .. '9']
, a <- ['a' .. 'z'] ])
-- nameSupply2 ss = take (length ss) [ text ('c':v:[]) | v <- ['a'..]]
mkTranslate :: [Name] -> Doc
mkTranslate es =
vcat (map trans es) $$
text "translate _ = Nothing"
trans n = text "translate \"" <> ppXName n <> text "\" =" <+>
text "Just" <+> ppHName n
mkToAttr :: Name -> Doc
mkToAttr n = text "toAttrFrTyp n" <+> ppHName n <+> text "=" <+>
text "Just (n, str2attr" <+> doubleQuotes (ppXName n) <> text ")"
mkFrFld :: Name -> (Name, StructType) -> Doc
mkFrFld tag (n, st) =
ppHName n <+> text "=" <+>
( case st of
(Defaultable String s) -> text "defaultA fromAttrToStr" <+>
doubleQuotes (text s)
(Defaultable _ s) -> text "defaultA fromAttrToTyp" <+> text s
(Maybe String) -> text "possibleA fromAttrToStr"
(Maybe _) -> text "possibleA fromAttrToTyp"
String -> text "definiteA fromAttrToStr" <+>
doubleQuotes (ppXName tag)
_ -> text "definiteA fromAttrToTyp" <+>
doubleQuotes (ppXName tag)
) <+> doubleQuotes (ppXName n) <+> text "as"
mkToFld :: (Name, StructType) -> Doc
mkToFld (n, st) =
( case st of
(Defaultable String _) -> text "defaultToAttr toAttrFrStr"
(Defaultable _ _) -> text "defaultToAttr toAttrFrTyp"
(Maybe String) -> text "maybeToAttr toAttrFrStr"
(Maybe _) -> text "maybeToAttr toAttrFrTyp"
String -> text "toAttrFrStr"
_ -> text "toAttrFrTyp"
) <+> doubleQuotes (ppXName n) <+> parens (ppHName n <+> text "v")
{- mkFrAux :: Bool -> Doc -> [(Name,[StructType])] -> Doc
mkFrAux keeprest attrs cs = foldr frAux inner cs
inner = text "(Nothing, c0)"
rest = if keeprest then text "rest" else text "_"
frAux (n,sts) innr =
let vs = nameSupply sts in
nest 4 (text "case" <+> blah sts vs <+> text "of" $$
succpat sts vs <+> text "-> (Just" <+>
parens (mkCpat n attrs vs) <> text ", rest)"
failpat sts <+> text "->" $$ nest 4 innr
blah [st] [_] =
blahblahblah st (text "c0")
blah sts vs =
let ns = nameSupply2 vs
cvs = zip ns (text "c0": init ns)
blahblah (st,v,(cvi,cvo)) innr =
parens (text "\\" <> parens (v<>comma<>cvi) <> text "->" $$
nest 2 innr) $$
blahblahblah st cvo
foldr blahblah (mkRpat (vs++[last ns])) (zip3 sts vs cvs)
blahblahblah st cvo = parens (
case st of
(Maybe String) -> text "fromText" <+> cvo
(Maybe _) -> text "fromElem" <+> cvo
(List String) -> text "many fromText" <+> cvo
(List _) -> text "many fromElem" <+> cvo
(List1 _) -> text "fromElem" <+> cvo
(Tuple _) -> text "fromElem" <+> cvo -- ??
(OneOf _) -> text "fromElem" <+> cvo
(String) -> text "fromText" <+> cvo
(Any) -> text "fromElem" <+> cvo
(Defined _) -> text "fromElem" <+> cvo
failpat sts =
let fp st =
case st of
(Maybe _) -> text "Nothing"
(List _) -> text "[]"
(List1 _) -> text "_"
(Tuple _) -> text "_"
(OneOf _) -> text "_"
(String) -> text "_"
(Any) -> text "_"
(Defined _) -> text "_"
in parens (hcat (intersperse comma (map fp sts++[text "_"])))
succpat sts vs =
let sp st v =
case st of
(Maybe _) -> v
(List _) -> v
(List1 _) -> text "Just" <+> v
(Tuple _) -> text "Just" <+> v
(OneOf _) -> text "Just" <+> v
(String) -> text "Just" <+> v
(Any) -> text "Just" <+> v
(Defined _) -> text "Just" <+> v
in parens (hcat (intersperse comma (zipWith sp sts vs++[rest]))) -}
mkToAux :: Bool -> (Name, [StructType]) -> Doc
mkToAux mixattrs (n, sts) =
let vs = nameSupply sts
attrs = if mixattrs then text "as" else empty
text "toContents" <+> parens (mkCpat n attrs vs) <+> text "=" <+>
mkToElem sts vs
mkToMult :: Name -> Doc -> Doc -> (Name, [StructType]) -> Doc
mkToMult tag attrpat attrexp (n, sts) =
let vs = nameSupply sts
text "toContents" <+> parens (mkCpat n attrpat vs) <+> text "="
$$ nest 4 (text "[CElem (Elem \"" <> ppXName tag <> text "\"" <+> attrexp
<+> parens (mkToElem sts vs) <+> text ") ()]")