hets-drift.cabal revision f22318edc68ad82a9fa72d6f81bb8661ed962693
name: hets-drift
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE.txt
author: Klaus Luettich, Christian Maeder
maintainer: Christian Maeder <Christian Maeder@dfki.de>
description: DrIFT is a type sensitive preprocessor for Haskell.
It extracts type declarations and directives from
modules. The directives cause instances to be generated for
parsed type declarations. This version can create Typeable,
ShATermConvertible and GetRange instances
synopsis: DrIFT with hets-specific rules.
category: Generics, Parsing, Data
stability: provisional
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >= 1.4
tested-with: GHC ==6.8.3, GHC ==6.10.4
extra-source-files: LIZENZ.txt
executable: DrIFT
main-is: DrIFT.hs
build-depends: base, pretty