UserRulesXML.hs revision 8b3a5b62c1553ea72b6b3f9d24f6d6306b5dd273
-- stub module to add your own rules.
module UserRules where
import List (nub)
import StandardRules(Rule,Tag) -- gives some examples
import RuleUtils -- useful to have a look at this too
{- datatype that rules manipulate :-
data Data = D { name :: Name, -- type's name
constraints :: [(Class,Var)],
vars :: [Var], -- Parameters
body :: [Body],
derives :: [Class], -- derived classes
statement :: Statement} -- type of statement
| Directive --|
| TypeName Name --| used by derive (ignore)
deriving (Eq,Show)
data Body = Body { constructor :: Constructor,
labels :: [Name], -- [] for a non-record datatype.
types :: [Type]} deriving (Eq,Show)
data Statement = DataStmt | NewTypeStmt deriving (Eq,Show)
type Name = String
type Var = String
type Class = String
type Constructor = String
type Rule = (Tag, Data->Doc)
-- add your rules to this list
userRules :: [Rule]
userRules = [("Haskell2Xml", xml)]
xml dat =
let cs = body dat
cvs = mknss cs namesupply
instanceheader "Haskell2Xml" dat $$
block (toHTfn cs cvs dat:
( text "fromContents (CElem (Elem constr [] cs):etc)" $$
vcat (zipWith3 readsfn [0..] cvs cs)):
zipWith3 showsfn [0..] cvs cs)
toHTfn cs cvs dat =
let typ = name dat
fvs = vars dat
pats = concat (zipWith mkpat cvs cs)
text "toHType v =" $$
nest 4 (
text "Defined" <+>
fsep [ text "\"" <> text typ <> text "\""
, bracketList (map text fvs)
, bracketList (zipWith toConstr cvs cs)
) $$
if null pats then empty
else nest 2 (text "where") $$
nest 4 (vcat (map (<+> text "= v") pats)) $$
nest 4 (vcat (map (simplest typ (zip cvs cs)) fvs))
namesupply = [text [x,y] | x <- ['a' .. 'z'],
y <- ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']]
mknss [] _ = []
mknss (c:cs) ns =
let (thisns,rest) = splitAt (length (types c)) ns
in thisns: mknss cs rest
mkpat ns c =
if null ns then []
else [mypattern (constructor c) (types c) ns]
toConstr :: [Doc] -> Body -> Doc
toConstr ns c =
let cn = constructor c
ts = types c
fvs = nub (concatMap deepvars ts)
text "Constr" <+>
fsep [ text "\"" <> text cn <> text "\""
, bracketList (map text fvs)
, bracketList (map (\v-> text "toHType" <+> v) ns)
deepvars (Arrow t1 t2) = []
deepvars (Apply t1 t2) = deepvars t1 ++ deepvars t2
deepvars (LApply c ts) = concatMap deepvars ts
deepvars (Var s) = [s]
deepvars (Con s) = []
deepvars (Tuple ts) = concatMap deepvars ts
deepvars (List t) = deepvars t
--first [] fv = error ("cannot locate free type variable "++fv)
--first ((ns,c):cs) fv =
-- let npats = [ (n,pat) | (n,t) <- zip ns (types c)
-- , (True,pat) <- [ find fv t ]
-- ]
-- in
-- if null npats then
-- first cs fv
-- else let (n,pat) = head npats
-- in parens pat <+> text "= toHType" <+> n
-- where
-- find :: String -> Type -> (Bool,Doc)
-- find v (Arrow t1 t2) = (False,error "can't ShowXML for arrow type")
-- find v (Apply t1 t2) = let (tf1,pat1) = find v t1
-- (tf2,pat2) = find v t2
-- in perhaps (tf1 || tf2)
-- (pat1 <+> snd (perhaps tf2 pat2))
-- find v (LApply c ts) = let (_,cpat) = find v c
-- tfpats = map (find v) ts
-- (tfs,pats) = unzip tfpats
-- in perhaps (or tfs)
-- (parens (cpat <+>
-- bracketList (map (snd.uncurry perhaps) tfpats)))
-- find v (Var s) = perhaps (v==s) (text v)
-- find v (Con s) = (False, text "Defined" <+>
-- text "\"" <> text s <> text "\"")
-- find v (Tuple ts) = let tfpats = map (find v) ts
-- (tfs,pats) = unzip tfpats
-- in perhaps (or tfs)
-- (parens (text "Tuple" <+>
-- bracketList (map (snd.uncurry perhaps) tfpats)))
-- find v (List t) = let (tf,pat) = find v t
-- in perhaps tf (parens (text "List" <+> pat))
-- perhaps tf doc = if tf then (True,doc) else (False,text "_")
simplest typ cs fv =
let npats = [ (depth,(n,pat)) | (ns,c) <- cs
, (n,t) <- zip ns (types c)
, (depth, pat) <- [ find fv t ]
(_,(n,pat)) = foldl closest (Nothing,error "free tyvar not found") npats
parens pat <+> text "= toHType" <+> n
find :: String -> Type -> (Maybe Int,Doc)
find v (Arrow t1 t2) = (Nothing,error "can't derive Haskell2XML for arrow type")
find v (Apply t1 t2) = let (d1,pat1) = find v t1
(d2,pat2) = find v t2
in perhaps (combine [d1,d2])
(pat1 <+> snd (perhaps d2 pat2))
find v (LApply c ts)
| c == (Con typ) = (Nothing, text "_")
| otherwise = let (_,cpat) = find v c
dpats = map (find v) ts
(ds,pats) = unzip dpats
in perhaps (combine ds)
(cpat <+>
bracketList (map (snd.uncurry perhaps) dpats) <+>
text "_")
find v (Var s) = perhaps (if v==s then Just 0 else Nothing) (text v)
find v (Con s) = (Nothing, text "Defined" <+>
text "\"" <> text s <> text "\"")
find v (Tuple ts) = let dpats = map (find v) ts
(ds,pats) = unzip dpats
in perhaps (combine ds)
(text "Tuple" <+>
bracketList (map (snd.uncurry perhaps) dpats))
find v (List t) = let (d,pat) = find v t
in perhaps (inc d) (text "List" <+> parens pat)
perhaps Nothing doc = (Nothing, text "_")
perhaps jn doc = (jn,doc)
combine ds = let js = [ n | (Just n) <- ds ]
in if null js then Nothing else inc (Just (minimum js))
inc Nothing = Nothing
inc (Just n) = Just (n+1)
closest :: (Maybe Int,a) -> (Maybe Int,a) -> (Maybe Int,a)
closest (Nothing,_) b@(Just _,_) = b
closest a@(Just n,_) b@(Just m,_) | n< m = a
| m<=n = b
closest a b = a
showsfn n ns cn =
let cons = constructor cn
typ = types cn
sc = parens (text "showConstr" <+> text (show n) <+>
parens (text "toHType" <+> text "v"))
cfn [] = text "[]"
cfn [x] = parens (text "toContents" <+> x)
cfn xs = parens (text "concat" <+> bracketList (map (text "toContents" <+>) xs))
text "toContents" <+>
text "v@" <> mypattern cons typ ns <+> text "=" $$
nest 4 (text "[mkElemC" <+> sc <+> cfn ns <> text "]")
-- text "fromContents (CElem (Elem constr [] cs):etc)" $$
readsfn n ns cn =
let cons = text (constructor cn)
typ = types cn
num = length ns - 1
str d = text "\"" <> d <> text "\""
trails = take num (map text [ ['c','s',y,z] | y <- ['0'..'9']
, z <- ['0'..'9'] ])
cfn x = parens (text "fromContents" <+> x)
(init,[last]) = splitAt num ns
something = parens (
text "\\" <> parenList [last, text "_"] <> text "->" <+>
parens (cons <+> hsep ns <> text "," <+> text "etc") )
mkLambda (n,cv) z = parens (
text "\\" <> parenList [n,cv] <> text "->" <+>
fsep [z, cfn cv] )
nest 4 (
text "|" <+> str cons <+> text "`isPrefixOf` constr =" $$
nest 4 (
if null ns then parenList [cons, text "etc"]
else fsep [ foldr mkLambda something (zip init trails)
, cfn (text "cs")]
instanceheader cls dat =
let fv = vars dat
tycon = name dat
ctx = map (\v-> text cls <+> text v)
parenSpace = parens . hcat . sepWith space
hsep [ text "instance"
, opt fv (\v -> parenList (ctx v) <+> text "=>")
, text cls
, opt1 (texts (tycon: fv)) parenSpace id
, text "where"
mypattern :: Constructor -> [a] -> [Doc] -> Doc
mypattern c l ns =
if null l then text c
else parens (hsep (text c : take (length l) ns))