UserRulesHetCATS.hs revision b4a40230b2fea08c7596e8ce15d445be26300fd9
module UserRulesHetCATS (hetcatsrules) where
import RuleUtils -- gives some examples
import Pretty
import List
import Char
hetcatsrules :: [RuleDef]
hetcatsrules = [("ShATermConvertible",shatermfn, "", "", Nothing),
("UpPos",updateposfn, "", "", Nothing)]
-- useful helper things
namesupply = [text [x,y] | x <- ['a' .. 'z'],
y <- ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']]
mknss [] _ = []
mknss (c:cs) ns =
let (thisns,rest) = splitAt (length (types c)) ns
in thisns: mknss cs rest
mkpattern :: Constructor -> [a] -> [Doc] -> Doc
mkpattern c l ns =
if null l then text c
else parens (hsep (text c : take (length l) ns))
addPrime doc = doc <> char '\''
ppCons cv c = mkpattern (constructor c) (types c) cv
-- begin of PosItem derivation
-- Author:
updateposfn dat =
if oneHas_p || oneHas_pl then
instanceSkeleton "PosItem"
[ ((makeUpPosFn "up_pos" pos oneHas_p) , empty)
, ((makeUpPosFn "up_pos_l" pos_l oneHas_pl), empty)
, ((makeGetPosFn "get_pos" pos oneHas_p) , empty)
, ((makeGetPosFn "get_pos_l" pos_l oneHas_pl), empty)
oneHas tp = any ((elem tp) . types) (body dat)
oneHas_p = oneHas pos
oneHas_pl = oneHas pos_l
pos = Con "Pos"
pos_l = List (Con "Pos")
makeUpPosFn fname tp hasPos body =
if hasPos then
cvs = head (mknss [body] namesupply)
cvs' = map (appFn tp (text "fn1")) (zip cvs (types body))
{- hasTP = trace (show cvs' ++ " : ("
++ show hasTP' ++ ","
++ show (types body) ++ ")") $ hasTP' -}
hasTP = any (== tp) $ types body
in hang (text fname <+>
(if hasTP then
text "fn1"
text "_"
) <+> ppCons cvs body <+> text "=")
(ppCons cvs' body)
where appFn appt fn (var,t) =
if t == appt then
parens (fn <+> var)
makeGetPosFn fname tp hasPos body =
if hasPos then
cvs = head (mknss [body] namesupply)
(vs,cvs') = mapAccumL (var_or_ tp) [] (zip cvs (types body))
in hang (text fname <+> ppCons cvs' body <+> text "=")
(case vs of
[] -> text "Nothing"
[v] -> text "Just" <+> v
otherwise ->
error ("*** something strange occured:" ++ fname)
where var_or_ appt accum (var,t) =
if t == appt then
(accum,text "_")
-- end of PosItem derivation
-- begin of ATermConvertible derivation
-- Author:
shatermfn dat
= instanceSkeleton "ATermConvertible"
[ (makeToShATerm (name dat), empty)
{- , (makeFromATerm (name dat),defaultFromATerm (name dat))-}
$$ (makeFromShATermFn dat)
$$ (makeFromToATermErrors dat)
makeToShATerm name body
= let cvs = head (mknss [body] namesupply)
in text "toShATerm att0" <+> -- this first Argument is an ATermTable
ppCons cvs body <+>
text "=" $$ nest 4
( case childToShATerm "att" cvs (types body) of
childs ->
( vcat (childs)) $$
text "addATerm (ShAAppl" <+>
doubleQuotes (text (constructor body)) <+>
(if null cvs then text "[] [])"
else (char '[' <+>
hcat (punctuate comma (map addPrime cvs)) <+>
text "] [])")) <+>
text ("att"++(show (length cvs))) <+>
(if null cvs then empty
else hcat $ replicate (length childs) (char '}')))
childToShATerm s vs ts =
let (_,vs') = List.mapAccumL childToATerm' (0,ts) vs in vs'
where childToATerm' (i,t:ts) v =
text "case" <+> text ("toShATerm") <+> attO <+> v
<+> text "of { " <+> attN_v' <+> text "->")
where attN_v' = hcat [text "(",text (s++(show (i+1))),
text ",", addPrime v, text ")"]
attO = text (s++(show i))
{- str = case t of
Con "String" -> "Str"
otherwise -> ""-}
makeFromShATermFn dat =
block (text "fromShATerm att =":
[block (fnstart:(block cases):[whereblock])])
fnstart = text "case" <+> text "aterm" <+> text "of"
cases = map makeFromShATerm (body dat)++[def_case]
def_case = hsep $ texts ["u", "->", "fromShATermError",
('\"':name dat++"\""), "u"]
whereblock =
text "where" $$
block [text "aterm = getATerm att" ]
choose_att = text (if is_upper_d_const then "att'" else "att")
is_upper_d_const = and (map isUpper_ (name dat))
where isUpper_ x = x == '_' || isUpper x
makeFromToATermErrors dat =
block ((text "fromATerm _ =" <+> errorFn "fromATerm"):
[text "toATerm _ =" <+> errorFn "toATerm"])
errorFn fn_name = text "error \"function "
<> (esc_quotes fn_name)
<> text " not derived (implemented) for data type "
<> (esc_quotes $ name dat)
<> text "\""
esc_quotes str = text "\\\"" <> text str <> text "\\\""
makeFromShATerm body
= let cvs = head (mknss [body] namesupply)
in text "(ShAAppl" <+> doubleQuotes (text (constructor body)) <+>
text "[" <+>
hcat (intersperse (text ",") cvs) <+>
text "] _)" <+>
text "->" $$ nest 4 (
block ((kids cvs)++
[ppCons (map addPrime cvs) body <+>
if null cvs then empty
else (hcat $ replicate (length cvs) (char '}'))]))
where kids cvs = let (_,ks) = (List.mapAccumL
(childFromShATerm (text "att"))
(types body)
in ks
{-defaultFromATerm name = empty-}
{- = hsep $ texts ["fromATerm", "u", "=", "fromATermError", (doublequote name), "u"] -}
childFromShATerm atn (t:ts) v
= ( ts
, (text "case fromShATerm" <+>
parens (text "getATermByIndex1" <+> v <+> atn) <+>
text "of { " <+> (addPrime v) <+> text "->")
-- end of ATermConvertible derivation