UserRulesHetCATS.hs revision 8d97ef4f234681b11bb5924bd4d03adef858d2d2
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) K. L�ttich, C. Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
generate ShATermConvertible instances
module UserRulesHetCATS (hetcatsrules) where
import RuleUtils -- gives some examples
import Pretty
import List
hetcatsrules :: [RuleDef]
hetcatsrules = [ ("ShATermConvertible", shatermfn, "", "", Nothing)
, ("Typeable", typeablefn, "", "", Nothing)
, ("UpPos", updateposfn, "", "", Nothing)]
-- useful helper things
addPrime doc = doc <> char '\''
ppCons b vs = let c = ppCons' b vs in
if null vs then c else parens c
ppCons' b vs = fsep $ text (constructor b) : vs
-- begin of PosItem derivation
updateposfn dat =
if any ((elem posLC) . types) (body dat) then
instanceSkeleton "PosItem" [ (makeGetPosFn, empty) ] dat
else empty
posLC = Con "Range"
makeGetPosFn b =
let (e, vs) = mapAccumL accFun empty (types b)
accFun d t = if isEmpty d && t == posLC
then (text "p", text "p")
else (d, text "_")
in hang (text "getRange" <+> ppCons b vs <+> text "=")
4 $ if isEmpty e then text "nullRange" else e
-- end of PosItem derivation
-- begin of ShATermConvertible derivation
-- Author:
shatermfn dat
= instanceSkeleton "ShATermConvertible"
[ (makeToShATerm, empty) ]
$$ makeFromShATermFn dat
makeToShATerm b
= let ts = types b
vs = varNames ts
in text "toShATerm att0" <+> -- this first Argument is an ATermTable
ppCons b vs <+>
text "=" $$ nest 4
(vcat (zipWith childToShATerm vs [0 :: Int ..]) $$
text "addATerm (ShAAppl" <+>
doubleQuotes (text (constructor b)) <+>
bracketList (varNames' ts) <+> text "[])" <+>
text ("att" ++ show (length ts)) <+>
closeBraces ts)
closeBraces = hcat . map (const $ char '}')
childToShATerm v i = let
attN_v' = parenList [text ("att" ++ show (i+1)), addPrime v]
attO = text ("att" ++ show i)
in text "case" <+> text "toShATerm" <+> attO <+> v
<+> text "of {" <+> attN_v' <+> text "->"
makeFromShATermFn dat =
block [text "fromShATerm att =",
block [fnstart, block cases]]
fnstart = text "case getATerm att of"
cases = map makeFromShATerm (body dat) ++ [def_case]
u = text "u"
def_case = u <+> text "-> fromShATermError" <+>
doubleQuotes (text $ name dat) <+> u
makeFromShATerm b
= let ts = types b
cvs = varNames ts
childFromShATerm v = text "case fromShATerm $ getATermByIndex1"
<+> v <+> text "att of {" <+> addPrime v <+> text "->"
in text "ShAAppl" <+> doubleQuotes (text $ constructor b) <+>
bracketList cvs <+> text "_ ->"
$$ nest 4 (
block (map childFromShATerm cvs ++
[ppCons' b (varNames' ts) <+> closeBraces ts]))
-- end of ATermConvertible derivation
typeablefn :: Data -> Doc
typeablefn dat
= tcname <+> dc <+> text "TyCon" $$
tcname <+> equals <+> text "mkTyCon" <+>
doubleQuotes (text $ name dat) $$
instanceSkeleton "Typeable" [] dat $$ block (
[ text "typeOf" <+> text (if null tvars then "_" else "x")
<+> equals <+> text "mkTyConApp" <+>
tcname <+>
brackets (hcat $ sepWith comma $ map getV' tvars) $$
wheres ])
tvars = vars dat
dc = text "::"
tcname = text $ "_tc_" ++ name dat ++ "Tc"
wheres = where_decls $ map getV tvars
tpe = text (name dat) <+> hcat (sepWith space $ map text tvars)
getV' var
= text "typeOf" <+> parens (text "get" <> text var <+> text "x")
getV var
= text "get" <> text var <+> dc <+> tpe <+> rArrow
<+> text var $$
text "get" <> text var <+> equals <+> text "undefined"
where_decls [] = empty
where_decls ds = text " where" $$ block ds