UserRulesHetCATS.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Id$
Copyright : (c) K. Luettich, C. Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
generate ShATermConvertible instances
module UserRulesHetCATS (hetcatsrules) where
import RuleUtils -- gives some examples
import DataP
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
hetcatsrules :: [RuleDef]
hetcatsrules =
[ ("ShATermConvertible", shatermfn False, "", "", Nothing)
, ("ShATermLG", shatermfn True, "", "", Nothing)
, ("XmlContent", userRuleXmlNew, "Representation"
, "encode terms as XML (HaXml>=1.14)", Nothing)
, ("Binary", binaryfn False, "", "", Nothing)
, ("BinaryLG", binaryfn True, "", "", Nothing)
, ("Typeable", typeablefn, "", "", Nothing)
, ("XmlPickler", xmlpicklerfn, "", "", Nothing)
, ("GetRange", getrangefn, "", "", Nothing)]
-- useful helper things
addPrime :: Doc -> Doc
addPrime = (<> char '\'')
ppCons' :: Body -> [Doc] -> Doc
ppCons' b = fsep . (text (constructor b) :)
xmlpicklerfn :: Data -> Doc
xmlpicklerfn _ = empty
-- XmlContent
userRuleXmlNew :: Data -> Doc
userRuleXmlNew dat =
let cs = body dat -- constructors
cvs = mknss cs namesupply -- variables
instanceheader "HTypeable" dat $$
block [toHTfn cs cvs dat] $$
instanceheader "XmlContent" dat $$
block (
case cs of
[c] -> text "parseContents = do"
$$ nest 4 (text "{ inElementWith (flip isPrefixOf)"
<+> text (show (constructor c)) <+> text "$"
$$ parseFn True (head cvs) c
$$ text "}"
_ -> text "parseContents = do"
$$ nest 4 (text "{ e@(Elem t _ _) <- elementWith (flip isPrefixOf)"
<+> text (show (preorder cs (map constructor cs)))
$$ text "; case t of"
$$ nest 2 (text "_"
$$ nest 2 (vcat (preorder cs
(zipWith (parseFn False)
cvs cs))))
$$ text "}"
: zipWith3 showsfn [0 ..] cvs cs)
toHTfn :: [Body] -> [[Doc]] -> Data -> Doc
toHTfn cs cvs dat =
let typ = name dat
fvs = vars dat
pats = concat (zipWith mkpat cvs cs)
text "toHType v =" $$
nest 4 (
text "Defined" <+>
fsep [ text "\"" <> text typ <> text "\""
, bracketList (map text fvs)
, bracketList (zipWith toConstr cvs cs)
) $$
if null pats then empty
else nest 2 (text "where") $$
nest 4 (vcat (map (<+> text "= v") pats)) $$
nest 4 (vcat (map (simplest typ (zip cvs cs)) fvs))
namesupply :: [Doc]
namesupply =
[text [x, y] | x <- ['a' .. 'z'], y <- ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']]
mknss :: [Body] -> [a] -> [[a]]
mknss [] _ = []
mknss (c : cs) ns =
let (thisns, rest) = splitAt (length (types c)) ns
in thisns : mknss cs rest
mkpat :: [Doc] -> Body -> [Doc]
mkpat ns c =
if null ns then []
else [mypattern (constructor c) (types c) ns]
toConstr :: [Doc] -> Body -> Doc
toConstr ns c =
let cn = constructor c
ts = types c
fvs = nub (concatMap deepvars ts)
text "Constr" <+>
fsep [ text "\"" <> text cn <> text "\""
, bracketList (map text fvs)
, bracketList (map (text "toHType" <+>) ns)
deepvars (Arrow _ _) = []
-- deepvars (Apply t1 t2) = deepvars t1 ++ deepvars t2
deepvars (LApply _ ts) = concatMap deepvars ts
deepvars (Var s) = [s]
deepvars (Con _) = []
deepvars (Tuple ts) = concatMap deepvars ts
deepvars (List t) = deepvars t
simplest :: String -> [([Doc], Body)] -> String -> Doc
simplest typ cs fv =
let npats = [ (depth, (n, pat)) | (ns, c) <- cs
, (n, t) <- zip ns (types c)
, (depth, pat) <- [ findT fv t ]
(_, (r, rpat)) =
foldl closest (Nothing, error "free tyvar not found") npats
parens rpat <+> text "= toHType" <+> r
findT :: String -> Type -> (Maybe Int, Doc)
findT v ty = case ty of
Arrow _ _ ->
(Nothing, error "can't derive Haskell2Xml/HTypeable for arrow type")
LApply c ts
| c == Con typ -> (Nothing, text "_")
| otherwise -> let
(_, cpat) = findT v c
dpats = map (findT v) ts
(ds, _) = unzip dpats
in perhaps (combine ds)
$ cpat <+> bracketList (map (snd . uncurry perhaps) dpats)
<+> text "_"
Var s -> perhaps (if v == s then Just 0 else Nothing) (text v)
Con s -> (Nothing, text "Defined" <+> text "\"" <> text s <> text "\"")
Tuple ts -> let
dpats = map (findT v) ts
(ds, _) = unzip dpats
in perhaps (combine ds)
$ text "Tuple" <+> bracketList (map (snd . uncurry perhaps) dpats)
List t -> let (d, pat) = findT v t
in perhaps (inc d) (text "List" <+> parens pat)
perhaps jn doc = (jn, maybe (text "_") (const doc) jn)
combine ds = let js = catMaybes ds in
if null js then Nothing else inc (Just (minimum js))
inc = fmap (+ 1)
closest :: (Maybe Int, a) -> (Maybe Int, a) -> (Maybe Int, a)
closest a b = case (a, b) of
((Nothing, _), (Just _, _)) -> b
((Just n, _), (Just m, _)) | m >= n -> b
_ -> a
-- showsfn (n = index) (ns = variables) (cn = constructor body)
showsfn :: Int -> [Doc] -> Body -> Doc
showsfn n ns cn =
let cons = constructor cn
typ = types cn
sc = parens (text "showConstr" <+> text (show n) <+>
parens (text "toHType" <+> text "v"))
cfn [] = text "[]"
cfn [x] = parens (text "toContents" <+> x)
cfn xs = parens
(text "concat" <+> bracketList (map (text "toContents" <+>) xs))
text "toContents" <+>
text "v@" <> mypattern cons typ ns <+> text "=" $$
nest 4 (text "[mkElemC" <+> sc <+> cfn ns <> text "]")
preorder :: [Body] -> [b] -> [b]
preorder cs =
map snd . sortBy (\ (b, _) (a, _) -> compare a b)
. zip (map constructor cs)
-- parseFn (ns = variables) (cn = constructor body)
parseFn :: Bool -> t -> Body -> Doc
parseFn single _ cn =
let cons = constructor cn
arity = length (types cn)
intro = if single then empty
else text "|" <+> text (show cons)
<+> text "`isPrefixOf` t -> interior e $"
case arity of
0 -> intro <+> nest 8 (text "return" <+> text cons)
1 -> intro <+> nest 8 (text "fmap" <+> text cons <+> text "parseContents")
_ -> intro $$ nest 8 (text "return" <+> text cons
<+> fsep (replicate arity
(text "`apply` parseContents")))
instanceheader :: String -> Data -> Doc
instanceheader cls dat =
let fv = vars dat
tycon = name dat
ctx = map (\ v -> text cls <+> text v)
parenSpace = parens . hcat . sepWith space
hsep [ text "instance"
, opt fv (\ v -> parenList (ctx v) <+> text "=>")
, text cls
, opt1 (texts (tycon : fv)) parenSpace id
, text "where"
mypattern :: Constructor -> [a] -> [Doc] -> Doc
mypattern c l ns =
if null l then text c else parens (hsep (text c : take (length l) ns))
-- begin of GetRange derivation
getrangefn :: Data -> Doc
getrangefn dat =
instanceSkeleton "GetRange" [] dat
$$ (if any (elem posLC . types) (body dat) then
text " getRange x = case x of"
$$ block (map makeGetPosFn $ body dat)
else text " getRange = const nullRange")
$$ text " rangeSpan x = case x of"
$$ block (map makeSpanFn $ body dat)
posLC :: Type
posLC = Con "Range"
makeGetPosFn :: Body -> Doc
makeGetPosFn b =
let (r, vs) = mapAccumL accFun True (types b)
p = text "p"
accFun f t =
if f && t == posLC then (False, p) else (f, text "_")
in ppCons' b vs <+> rArrow <+> if r then text "nullRange" else p
makeSpanFn :: Body -> Doc
makeSpanFn b =
let vs = varNames $ types b
in ppCons' b vs <+> rArrow
<+> if null vs then text "[]" else
text "joinRanges" <+> bracketList (map (text "rangeSpan" <+>) vs)
-- end of GetRange derivation
binaryfn :: Bool -> Data -> Doc
binaryfn forLG dat =
let dn = strippedName dat
cs = body dat
moreCs = length cs > 1
u = text "u"
in instanceSkeleton (if forLG then "BinaryLG" else "Binary")
[] dat
$$ text (" put" ++ (if forLG then "LG" else "") ++ " xv = case xv of")
$$ block (zipWith (makePutBinary forLG moreCs) cs [0 .. ])
$$ text (" get" ++ (if forLG then "LG lg" else "") ++ " = "
++ if moreCs then "getWord8 >>= \\ tag -> case tag of" else "do")
$$ block (zipWith (makeGetBinary forLG moreCs) cs [0 .. ] ++
[u <+> rArrow <+> text "fromBinaryError"
<+> doubleQuotes (text dn) <+> u | moreCs])
makePutBinary :: Bool -> Bool -> Body -> Int -> Doc
makePutBinary forLG moreCs b i =
let vs = varNames $ types b
putComp v = text ("put" ++ if forLG then "LG" else "") <+> v
hl | moreCs = text $ "putWord8 " ++ show i
| null vs = text "return ()"
| otherwise = empty
in ppCons' b vs <+> rArrow <+> (if null vs then hl else text "do")
$$ if null vs then empty else nest 2 . vcat $ hl : map putComp vs
makeGetBinary :: Bool -> Bool -> Body -> Int -> Doc
makeGetBinary forLG moreCs b i =
let vs = varNames $ types b
getComp v =
v <+> lArrow <+> text ("get" ++ if forLG then "LG lg" else "")
rl = text ("return" ++ if null vs then "" else " $") <+> ppCons' b vs
in (if moreCs then text (show i) <+> rArrow else empty)
<+> (if null vs then rl else if moreCs then text "do" else empty)
$$ if null vs then empty else nest 2 . vcat $ map getComp vs ++ [rl]
-- begin of ShATermConvertible derivation
shatermfn :: Bool -> Data -> Doc
shatermfn forLG dat =
let dn = strippedName dat
cs = body dat
u = text "u"
in instanceSkeleton (if forLG then "ShATermLG" else "ShATermConvertible")
[] dat
$$ text (" toShATerm" ++ (if forLG then "LG" else "Aux")
++ " att0 xv = case xv of")
$$ block (map (makeToShATerm forLG) cs)
$$ text (" fromShATerm" ++ (if forLG then "LG lg" else "Aux")
++ " ix att0 = case getShATerm ix att0 of")
$$ block (map (makeFromShATerm forLG) cs ++
[u <+> rArrow <+> text "fromShATermError"
<+> doubleQuotes (text dn) <+> u])
att :: Int -> Doc
att i = text $ "att" ++ show (i :: Int)
closeBraces :: [b] -> Doc
closeBraces = hcat . map (const $ char '}')
pair :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
pair f s = parens $ f <> comma <+> s
makeToShATerm :: Bool -> Body -> Doc
makeToShATerm forLG b =
let ts = types b
tooLong = length (constructor b) > 15
vs = varNames ts
rl = text "return $ addATerm (ShAAppl" <+>
doubleQuotes (text (constructor b)) <+>
bracketList (varNames' ts) <+> text "[])" <+>
att (length ts)
in ppCons' b vs <+> rArrow <+>
(if null vs then if tooLong then empty else rl else text "do")
$$ if null vs then if tooLong then nest 2 rl else empty
else nest 2 . vcat $ zipWith (childToShATerm forLG) vs [0 :: Int ..]
++ [rl]
childToShATerm :: Bool -> Doc -> Int -> Doc
childToShATerm forLG v i = pair (att $ i + 1) (addPrime v) <+> lArrow
<+> text ("toShATerm" ++ if forLG then "LG'" else "'") <+> att i <+> v
makeFromShATerm :: Bool -> Body -> Doc
makeFromShATerm forLG b =
let ts = types b
vs = varNames ts
childFromShATerm v i =
text ("case fromShATerm" ++ if forLG then "LG' lg" else "'")
<+> v <+> att i <+> text "of"
$$ text "{" <+> pair (att $ i + 1) (addPrime v) <+> rArrow
rl = pair (att $ length ts) (ppCons' b $ varNames' ts)
<+> closeBraces ts
in text "ShAAppl" <+> doubleQuotes (text $ constructor b) <+>
bracketList vs <+> text "_" <+> rArrow
<+> (if null vs then rl else empty)
$$ if null vs then empty else
nest 2 . vcat $ zipWith childFromShATerm vs [0 :: Int ..] ++ [rl]
-- end of ATermConvertible derivation
typeablefn :: Data -> Doc
typeablefn dat =
let vs = vars dat
dn = strippedName dat
ntext str = str ++ if null vs then "" else show $ length vs
in text ("deriving instance " ++ ntext "Typeable" ++ " " ++ dn)