RuleUtils.hs revision 8b3a5b62c1553ea72b6b3f9d24f6d6306b5dd273
-- utilities for writing new rules.
module RuleUtils (module Pretty,module RuleUtils, module DataP)where
import Pretty
import DataP (Statement(..),Data(..),Type(..),Name(..),Var(..),Class(..),
-- New Pretty Printers ---------------
texts :: [String] -> [Doc]
texts = map text
block, blockList,parenList,bracketList :: [Doc] -> Doc
block = nest 4 . vcat
blockList = braces . fcat . sepWith semi
parenList = parens . fcat . sepWith comma
bracketList = brackets . fcat . sepWith comma
-- for bulding m1 >> m2 >> m3, f . g . h, etc
sepWith :: a -> [a] -> [a]
sepWith _ [] = []
sepWith a [x] = [x]
sepWith a (x:xs) = x:a: sepWith a xs
--optional combinator, applys fn if arg is non-[]
opt :: [a] -> ([a] -> Doc) -> Doc
opt [] f = empty
opt a f = f a
--equivalent of `opt' for singleton lists
opt1 :: [a] -> ([a] -> Doc) -> (a -> Doc) -> Doc
opt1 [] _ _ = empty
opt1 [x] _ g = g x
opt1 a f g = f a
-- new simple docs
commentLine x = text "--" <+> x -- useful for warnings / error messages
commentBlock x = text "{-" <> x <> text "-}"
--- Utility Functions -------------------------------------------------------
-- Instances
-- instance header, handling class constraints etc.
simpleInstance :: Class -> Data -> Doc
simpleInstance s d = hsep [text "instance"
, opt constr (\x -> parenList x <+> text "=>")
, text s
, opt1 (texts (name d : vars d)) parenSpace id]
constr = map (\(c,v) -> text c <+> text v) (constraints d) ++
map (\x -> text s <+> text x) (vars d)
parenSpace = parens . hcat . sepWith space
-- instanceSkeleton handles most instance declarations, where instance
-- functions are not related to one another. A member function is generated
-- using a (IFunction,Doc) pair. The IFunction is applied to each body of the
-- type, creating a block of pattern - matching cases. Default cases can be
-- given using the Doc in the pair. If a default case is not required, set
-- Doc to 'empty'
type IFunction = Body -> Doc -- instance function
instanceSkeleton :: Class -> [(IFunction,Doc)] -> Data -> Doc
instanceSkeleton s ii d = (simpleInstance s d <+> text "where")
$$ block functions
functions = concatMap f ii
f (i,dflt) = map i (body d) ++ [dflt]
-- little variable name generator, generates (length l) unique names aa - aZ
varNames :: [a] -> [Doc]
varNames l = take (length l) names
where names = [text [x,y] | x <- ['a' .. 'z'],
y <- ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']]
-- variant generating aa' - aZ'
varNames' :: [a] -> [Doc]
varNames' = map (<> (char '\'')) . varNames
-- pattern matching a constructor and args
pattern :: Constructor -> [a] -> Doc
pattern c l = parens $ fsep (text c : varNames l)
pattern' :: Constructor -> [a] -> Doc
pattern' c l = parens $ fsep (text c : varNames' l)
-- test that a datatype has at least one record constructor
hasRecord :: Data -> Bool
hasRecord d = statement d == DataStmt && any (not . null . labels) (body d)