DrIFT.hs revision f22318edc68ad82a9fa72d6f81bb8661ed962693
-- Based on DrIFT 1.0 by Noel Winstanley
-- hacked for Haskell 98 by Malcolm Wallace, University of York, Feb 1999.
-- modified by various people, now maintained by John Meacham
-- adapted version for hets by Christian Maeder
module Main(main) where
import ChaseImports
import UserRulesHetCATS
import RuleUtils (commentLine,texts)
import DataP
import CommandP
import ParseLib2
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Data.List (partition)
import System.Environment
import qualified System.Exit as System
import qualified System.IO as IO
import RuleUtils(Rule,Tag)
usage :: String
usage = "Usage: DrIFT file\n"
main :: IO ()
main = do
argv <- getArgs
case argv of
[n] -> derive n
_ -> do
IO.hPutStr IO.stderr
$ "single input file must be specified.\n" ++ usage
derive :: FilePath -> IO ()
derive fname = do
fbody <- readFile fname
-- don't add a comment to let other pragmas shine through
putStrLn $ "{-# LINE 1 \"" ++ fname ++ "\" #-}"
let modname = case papply (parse (symbol "module" >> cap))
(0, -1) ((0, 0), fbody) of
[(m, _)] -> m
_ -> error "module name not recognized"
let (docs, _, todo) = process modname . parser $ fbody
moreDocs <- fmap ((\(x, _, _) -> x) . process modname)
(chaseImports fbody todo)
putStr fbody
putStrLn "{- ? Generated by DrIFT : Look, but Don't Touch. ? -}"
putStr . render . vsep $ docs ++ sepDoc : moreDocs
rules :: [(Tag, Data -> Doc)]
rules = map (\(a, b, _, _, _) -> (a, b)) hetcatsrules
vsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
vsep = vcat . map ($$ (text ""))
sepDoc :: Doc
sepDoc = commentLine . text $ " Imported from other files :-"
-- Main Pass - Takes parsed data and rules and combines to create instances...
-- Returns all parsed data, ande commands calling for files to be imported if
-- datatypes aren't located in this module.
process :: String -> ToDo -> ([Doc],[Data],ToDo)
process modname i =
(concatMap g dats ++ concatMap h moreDats, parsedData, fimports)
g (tags, d) = [find t rules d | t <- tags ++ directives]
h (tags, d) = [find t rules d | t <- tags]
directives = concatMap fst globals
(dats, commands) = partition (isData . snd) i
(globals, fors) = partition (\(_,d) -> d == Directive) commands
(moreDats, fimports) = resolve modname parsedData fors ([],[])
parsedData = map snd dats
find :: Tag -> [Rule] -> (Data -> Doc)
find t r = case filter ((== t) . fst) r of
[] -> const (commentLine warning)
x : _ -> snd x
warning = hsep . texts $ ["Warning : Rule",t,"not found."]