DrIFT.hs revision b4a40230b2fea08c7596e8ce15d445be26300fd9
-- Based on DrIFT 1.0 by Noel Winstanley
-- hacked for Haskell 98 by Malcolm Wallace, University of York, Feb 1999.
-- modified by various people, now maintained by John Meacham
module Main(main) where
import ChaseImports
import UserRules
-- import StandardRules
import RuleUtils (commentLine,texts)
import PreludData(preludeData)
import DataP
import Pretty
import List (partition,isSuffixOf,sort, groupBy, sortBy)
import qualified System
import IO hiding(try)
import GetOpt
import Monad(unless)
import RuleUtils(Rule,Tag)
import Version
import GenUtil
data Op = OpList | OpDerive | OpVersion
data Env = Env {
envVerbose :: Bool,
envOutput :: (Maybe String),
envOperation :: Op,
envNoline :: Bool,
envArgs :: [(String,String)],
envResultsOnly :: Bool,
envGlobalRules :: [Tag],
envIgnoreDirectives :: Bool
env = Env {
envVerbose = False,
envOutput = Nothing,
envOperation = OpDerive,
envNoline = False,
envArgs = [],
envResultsOnly = False,
envIgnoreDirectives = False,
envGlobalRules = []
getOutput e = maybe (return stdout) (\fn -> openFile fn WriteMode) (envOutput e)
options :: [OptDescr (Env -> Env)]
options =
[ Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg (\e->e{envVerbose = True})) "chatty output on stderr"
, Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg (\e->e{envOperation = OpVersion})) "show version number"
, Option ['l'] ["list"] (NoArg (\e->e{envOperation = OpList})) "list available derivations"
, Option ['L'] ["noline"] (NoArg (\e->e{envNoline = True})) "omit line pragmas from output"
, Option ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg (\x e->e{envOutput = (Just x)}) "FILE") "output FILE"
, Option ['s'] ["set"] (ReqArg setArg "name:value") "set argument to value"
, Option ['r'] ["resultsonly"] (NoArg (\e->e{envResultsOnly = True})) "output only results, do not include source file"
, Option ['g'] ["global"] (ReqArg addGlobalRule "rule") "addition rules to apply globally"
, Option ['i'] ["ignore"] (NoArg (\e->e{envIgnoreDirectives = True})) "ignore directives in file. useful with -g"
setArg x e = e {envArgs = (n, tail rest):(envArgs e)} where
(n,rest) = span (/= ':') x
addGlobalRule x e = e {envGlobalRules = x:(envGlobalRules e)}
categorize :: Ord c => [(c,a)] -> [(c,[a])]
categorize xs = map f $ groupBy fstEq $ sortBy fstOrd xs where
f ys = (fst (head ys),snds ys)
fstEq (a,_) (b,_) = a == b
fstOrd (a,_) (b,_) = compare a b
doList = do
let rn = categorize [(c,(n,h)) | (n,_,c,h,_) <- userRules] -- ++ standardRules
putStrLn $ unlines $ buildTableLL $ concat [ (c ++ ":","") : (map (\(a,b) -> (" " ++ a, b)) $ sort xs)| (c,xs)<- rn]
header = "Usage: DrIFT [OPTION...] file"
main = do
argv <- System.getArgs
(env,n) <- case (getOpt Permute options argv) of
(as,n,[]) -> return (foldr ($) env as ,n)
(_,_,errs) -> putErrDie (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options)
case env of
Env { envOperation = OpList } -> doList
Env { envOperation = OpVersion} -> putStr ("Version " ++ fullName ++ "\n")
_ -> case n of
[n] -> derive env n
_ -> putErrDie ("single input file must be specified.\n" ++ usageInfo header options)
derive env fname = do
file <- readFile fname
handle <- getOutput env
hPutStr handle $ "{- Generated by " ++ package ++ " (Automatic class derivations for Haskell) -}\n"
unless (envNoline env) $ hPutStr handle $ "{-# LINE 1 \"" ++ fname ++ "\" #-}\n"
(body,_) = userCode file
b = ".lhs" `isSuffixOf` fname --isLiterate body
(docs,dats,todo) = process . addGlobals env . parser . fromLit b $ body
moreDocs <- fmap ((\(x,_,_) -> x) . process) (chaseImports body todo)
result = toLit b . (\r -> codeSeperator ++ '\n':r) .
render . vsep $ (docs ++ sepDoc:moreDocs)
unless (envResultsOnly env) $ hPutStr handle body
hPutStr handle result
addGlobals env tds = (envGlobalRules env,Directive):concatMap f tds where
f x | not (envIgnoreDirectives env) = [x]
f (_,Directive) = []
f (_,TypeName _) = []
f (_,d) = [([],d)]
rules = map (\(a,b,_,_,_) -> (a,b)) $ userRules -- ++ standardRules
-- codeRender doc = fullRender PageMode 80 1 doc "" -- now obsolete
vsep = vcat . map ($$ (text ""))
sepDoc = commentLine . text $ " Imported from other files :-"
backup :: FilePath -> FilePath
backup f = (reverse . dropWhile (/= '.') . reverse ) f ++ "bak"
newfile :: FilePath -> FilePath
newfile f = (reverse . dropWhile (/= '.') . reverse ) f ++ "DrIFT"
-- Main Pass - Takes parsed data and rules and combines to create instances...
-- Returns all parsed data, ande commands calling for files to be imported if
-- datatypes aren't located in this module.
process :: ToDo -> ([Doc],[Data],ToDo)
process i = (concatMap g dats ++ concatMap h moreDats,parsedData,imports)
g (tags,d) = [(find t rules) d | t <- (tags ++ directives)]
h (tags,d) = [(find t rules) d | t <- tags]
directives = concatMap fst globals
(dats,commands) = partition (isData . snd) i
(globals,fors) = partition (\(_,d) -> d == Directive) commands
(moreDats,imports) = resolve parsedData fors ([],[])
parsedData = map snd dats ++ preludeData
find :: Tag -> [Rule] -> (Data -> Doc)
find t r = case filter ((==t) . fst) $ r of
[] -> const (commentLine warning)
(x:xs) -> snd x
warning = hsep . texts $ ["Warning : Rule",t,"not found."]