todo revision 4b90c3b8ee582daeead21ce272f11c952ef1631e
Plan and priority list for CoFI tool activities
most things have been moved to the new bug tracking system
for ProofManagement-GUI
provide structured (based on spec-names) selection/deselection facility
of axioms and theorems
trace if liniarity of sentences along development is given
Ignore axiom selection for interactive provers
* display node name (instead of number) in uDrawGraph widow title
* add conversion of equivalent sorts into special arrow
* needs modification of Taxnomy Graph
Translation between Achim's ontology data structure and CASL (in Hets)
visualization of "taxonomy" of CASL signatures
(subsorts = inheritance, unary preds = concepts, binary preds = relations)
last two ... partially done
Recognize guarded fragment of CASL:
G ::= forall x . At(x) => G where At is a conjunction of atoms
| exists x . At(x) /\ G