todo revision 1385f265ec2342a83391bcd9537377a5442dc02f
Plan and priority list for CoFI tool activities
most things have been moved to the new bug tracking system
trace if liniarity of sentences along development is given
Bitte auch aus folgenden Files die todo-Listen nach Trac verschieben:
Comorphisms/CASL2SPASS.hs:{- todo
Comorphisms/KnownProvers.hs:{- todo:
Comorphisms/Modal2CASL.inline.hs: todo:
OWL_DL/Logic_OWL_DL.hs:{- todo:
OWL_DL/Print.hs: todo:
OWL_DL/ReadWrite.der.hs:{- todo:
OWL_DL/ReadWrite.hs:{- todo:
OWL_DL/StructureAna.hs: -- TODO: check if gEmbed (Logic.Grothendieck) and G_morphism
GUI/ProofManagement.hs: todo:
GUI/ProofManagement.hs: -- TODO: do something with the resulting G_theory before returning it?
GUI/hets_cgi.hs: todo:
SPASS/DFGParser.hs:quantification s = do (ts',t') <- parens (do ts <- squares (commaSep1 term) -- todo: var binding should allow only simple terms
SPASS/PrintTPTP.hs:{- todo:
SPASS/Logic_SPASS.hs: is_subsig SoftFOL = const $ const True -- TODO!!
Taxonomy/MMiSSOntology.hs: todo: add a new edge type for equivalence which should be visited only once
Common/LaTeX_funs.hs: TODO:
Common/LaTeX_funs.hs: -- TODO: Build a nice correction map
Common/Utils.hs: Todo:
Logic/Prover.hs:{- todo: