StaticAnalysis.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
module StaticAnalysis where
import Logic
import Grothendieck
import Structured
import Data.Dynamic
staticAnalysis :: SPEC -> Maybe (Env, G_theory)
staticAnalysis sp = staticAna1 initial_theory sp
initial_theory = get_initial sp
get_initial sp = case sp of
Basic_spec (G_basic_spec logic _) ->
G_theory logic (empty_theory logic)
Intra_Translation sp _ -> get_initial sp
Inter_Translation sp _ -> get_initial sp
Extension sp _ -> get_initial sp
staticAna1 :: G_theory -> SPEC -> Maybe (Env, G_theory)
staticAna1 th@(G_theory id (sig, ax)) sp =
case sp of
Basic_spec (G_basic_spec _ b) ->
do b' <- coerce b
(sig1, ax1) <- basic_analysis id sig b'
let th' = G_theory id (sig1, ax1 ++ ax)
return (Basic_env th', th')
Intra_Translation sp (G_symbol_mapping_list _ symap) ->
do (env, G_theory id1 (sig1, ax1)) <- staticAna1 th sp
symap' <- coerce symap
mor <- stat_symbol_mapping id1 symap' sig1
tr_ax <- mapM (map_sentence id1 mor) ax1
let th' = G_theory id1 (cod id1 mor, tr_ax)
let env' = Intra_Translation_env th' env (G_morphism id1 mor)
return (env', th')
Inter_Translation sp (G_LTR tr) ->
do (env, G_theory id1 (sig1, ax1)) <- staticAna1 th sp
let id_tar = target tr
sig2 <- coerce sig1
ax2 <- coerce ax1
let tr_sig = tr_sign tr sig2
tr_ax <- mapM (tr_sen tr sig2) ax2
let th' = G_theory id_tar (tr_sig, tr_ax)
let env' = Inter_Translation_env th' env (G_LTR tr)
return (env', th')
Extension sp1 sp2 ->
do (env1, th1) <- staticAna1 th sp1
(env2, th2) <- staticAna1 th1 sp2
return (Extension_env th2 env1 env2, th2)