Logic.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $EmptyHeader$
Description : <optional short description entry>
Copyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations>
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer : <email>
Stability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen
Portability : portable | non-portable (<reason>)
<optional description>
module Logic (module Logic, module Dynamic) where
import Dynamic
import Parsec
-- the identity of a language
class (Show id, Typeable id) => Language id where
language_name :: id -> String
language_name i = show i
-- categories, needed for signatures and signature morphisms
class (Language id, Eq sign, Show sign, Eq morphism) =>
Category id sign morphism | id -> sign, id -> morphism where
identity :: id -> sign -> morphism
o :: id -> morphism -> morphism -> Maybe morphism
dom, cod :: id -> morphism -> sign
-- abstract syntax, parsing and printing
class (Language id, Show basic_spec, Eq basic_spec, Typeable basic_spec,
Show symbol_mapping, Eq symbol_mapping, Typeable symbol_mapping,
Show sentence, Eq sentence) =>
Syntax id sign sentence basic_spec symbol_mapping
| id -> sign, id -> basic_spec, id -> symbol_mapping, id -> sentence where
parse_basic_spec :: id -> CharParser st basic_spec
parse_symbol_mapping :: id -> CharParser st symbol_mapping
parse_sentence :: id -> sign -> String -> sentence
-- module Logic continued
-- a theory consists of a signature and a set of sentences
type Theory sign sentence = (sign,[sentence])
-- static analysis
class (Syntax id sign sentence basic_spec symbol_mapping,
Typeable sign, Typeable morphism, Typeable sentence) =>
StaticAnalysis id sign morphism sentence basic_spec symbol_mapping
| id -> morphism where
basic_analysis ::
id -> sign -> basic_spec -> Maybe (Theory sign sentence)
-- the input signature contains imported stuff
stat_symbol_mapping ::
id -> symbol_mapping -> sign -> Maybe morphism
-- Proofs
data Proof_status = Open | Disproved | Proved deriving Show
-- logic (entailment system)
class (Category id sign morphism,
StaticAnalysis id sign morphism sentence basic_spec symbol_mapping) =>
Logic id sign morphism sentence basic_spec symbol_mapping
where empty_signature :: id -> sign
empty_theory :: id -> Theory sign sentence
empty_theory i = (empty_signature i,[])
map_sentence :: id -> morphism -> sentence -> Maybe sentence
inv_map_sentence :: id -> morphism -> sentence -> Maybe sentence
prover :: id -> Theory sign sentence -- theory that shall be assumed
-> sentence -- the proof goal
-> IO Proof_status
-- logic translations
data (Logic id1 s1 m1 sen1 b1 sy1, Logic id2 s2 m2 sen2 b2 sy2) =>
Logic_translation id1 s1 m1 sen1 b1 sy1 id2 s2 m2 sen2 b2 sy2 =
Logic_translation { source :: id1,
target :: id2,
tr_sign :: s1 -> s2,
tr_mor :: m1 -> m2,
tr_sen :: s1 -> sen1 -> Maybe sen2,
inv_tr_sen :: s1 -> sen2 -> Maybe sen1 }