ideas revision 67d5e49547d78aa56a8f9ba5e64a950b730eba66
Heterogeneous Theory
proof theoretic comorphisms (e.g. CASL->HasCASL, sort gen axs are
only proof theoretically translatable)
in favour of comorphisms: subinstitution Eq= -> FOL= is not a morphism
TCS-paper: based on WADT 2002 paper, all 8 forms of (co)-morphisms
(extend HetCASL summary with that)
Show that any morphism whose image is logically characterizable is
already weakly inducible
The mixed Grothendieck institution is isomorphic to the
comorphism Grothendieck institution, if every morphism is induced
by some comorphism and the corresponding 2-cells are there
(leading to a quotient)
Some result of "full abstractness" here? I.e. given
a (2-)diagram of certain shape, everything
which is different at the signature morphism level in
the Grothendieck institution will be different at the
corridor level for suitably chosen institutions,
comorphisms and 2-cells.
Mixed case: use 2-cells between arbitrary paths, based on
"relations". Does my Fossacs-Result generalize to the
mixed case in this way?
Relation between Grothendieck construction and (co)limits + het. borrwoing
Do the same "universal pushouts" appear?
Localized signatures via logics with symbol functor
that is faithful and injective on objects
Heterogeneous examples
AMAST 96, Fiadeiro: about parallel composition
Reals in CASL (via HasCASL)
Reals in CASL (via CoCASL) (Lutz?)
- refinements between these two
- both are refinement of first-order reals
BIT-Bsp. in CASL-LTL und HasCASL
(with morphism keeping the labeled transistion system)
Saarbr�cker Bsp.e
Bsp. von Franzosen (LeGall...)
COL / observational logic
specify in COL, then project to CASL (= close desgin),
add new sorts, return to COL
Modal logics
Gabbay: 19h inf 700 ad/356-1
a phi 551 a/387-3 a phi 551 a/387-2
tb 3925-1 a mat 038 e/593-1 a mat 038 e/593-2
- Fiadeiro/Maibaum: Temporal reasoning over deontic specifiations,
JLC 1(3) 1991.
- J.J. Meyer, R. Wieringa: Book about Deontic logic, 1993
- Fiadeiro, Maibaum: Sometimes tomorrow is sometime:
Action refinement in a temporal logic of objects, LNAI 827
Modal: how to express K, S4, S5 etc.? (cf. HasCASL: extensionality etc.)
=> sublogics defined by theories (comma signature category)
Knowledge representation 89:
K + comp. of modalities
K + agreement of modalities (R down S = {x | forall y R(x,y)=>S(x,y)}
both decidable, but not their combination
OWL-full, 2nd-order DL = non-well-founded sets
(see Montanari, van Benthem: K + world reachability = non WF elementhood
is the same as K)
FOL + modal logic: interface via propositions
FOL + modal logic: interface via making worlds explicit
=> same for logics for security! (Karsten/Michael)
IndexedModal --> FOL : make worlds explicit, indices -> data values
IndexedModal --> Modal: forget indices (faithful without model expansion?)
can be used for re-using modal provers
Beware: for IPM-->PM borrowing we need proof theoretic conservativity
Software engeneering
- Maibaum: Interconnecting formalisms: supporting
modularity, reuse and incrementality. 3rd FSE, ACM press 1995
- Mainbaum: A mathematical toolbox for the software architect. 11th IWSSD
(International Workshop on SW spec + design), IEEE press, 1995
Reactive systems
Franzosen aus Toulouse / Boeing: hardware/OS/software, with B/Z
Heterogeneous refinements
HasCASL -> Haskell
temporal logic -> CSP
--> possibility to mix specification and implementation
(only parts are implemented)
CSP: see paper by Kwietkowska about CSP + fairness
imperative, functional, non deterministic, temporal and real-time aspects
ask Gunnar Schr�ter! (viewpoint specifications, WADT 2004)
timed automata (Michel) + some modal logic?
(just to have something very different from CASL)
needed: non-artifical example involving differen kinds of arrows
+ which show that universal logic is too complex
(only a universal "coding" logic would make sense!)
Consistency / conservativity
conservativity is right-cancellable; identities/theory isos are cons.
implement check for positiveness of theories
sp then op f:t; phi
is conservative if sp |- exists f:i . phi
Consistency checker: locally + model expansion for the comorphisms
Craig interpolation
Razvan can show it for the Grothendieck institution?!
Mail Razvan, send him papers, invite him!
CR needed for intermediate lemmas (though not necessarily for completeness)
-> check Marriage example
Lemma speculation cannot be automatized and is more than CR (Dieter)
Mary Sheeran, Chalmers, G�teborg:
verfication of Haskell programs that construct hardware circuits
Dillian Girow, Stockholm:
�-calculus for concurrent aspects of Erlang
DFG projects
CASL methodology, 3rd volume, ccc tools (Till, Lutz, Cxl)
CoCASL/Concurrent Haskell (George's events)/SPIN/CspCASL (Till, Shi, Lutz)
Modal-CASL als Anforderungssprache
div. Prozessalgebren (wir stellen den allg. Rahmen)
Management of change (bkb, Hutter, Till, cxl, Achim, Kohlhase?)
HetCASL/Hets (Till)
Ontologien: neuer SFB-Antrag (Fr�hjahr 2005)
Abstract robotics (cxl, paolo)
AWE II / General FM (cxl, bkb)
Text formatting
Datatype with abstract formatting syntax
different "style sheets" for different output formats (ASCII, HTML, LaTeX)
Priorities of line breaks?
How to handle text width in LaTeX?